My WotC minis collection (which I use for the RPG)

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hi All,

As I've said in a few other posts, my wife (the woman of my dreams) is pregnant with our first child so I'm going to be hanging up the GM mantle for a while come July and one of my players is taking over as GM. But the game is still going to be in my house, among other reasons so I won't have to transport my RPG paraphernalia (books, maps, minis), I've got a decent set up for teleconferencing in our one out of town player, etc. so in anticipation of the hand off of GMing responsibilities I've been making of list of all the WotC star wars minis I have, and to make things semi convenient for the new GM I've gone out and found photos of all of them (mostly from where I bought the vast majority of my minis) and I have appended the file names with "I_have_#" to let him know how many I have. I've also divided them into to categories/sub-libraries for example "lightsabers", "aliens without lightsabers or power armor", "droids without lightsabers" (because yes I have the jedi hunter droid which wields a pair of lightsabers, and I would have categorized grievous as a droid because he looks like a droid, except that he's got 1 or more lightsabers depending on the mini)

so I thought I'd would post the a link to my photobucket "library" for my star wars wotc minis (there are about 485 or so different images) which is considerably less than I thought I'd have by I do have 12 or so mins of certain types (e.g. a squadron of x wings), so I probably have around 700 minis (I haven't tallied them) including duplicates. Well here's the link to the library

it might be more convenient to look at them in slideshow mode

BTW I'm not sure I listed every mini I have, and I am not sure I got the counts perfect.

And what good are minis without maps? I've got a lot of Maps of Mastery maps (including the omnibus from 2015 plus others produced in a kickstarter or two since then),and I download all the maps on the "holocron" (wotc minis fansite before it went down).

Now here's an unusual comment, I have played ZERO (as in none) instances of the wotc minis game, I've only used the minis for SAGA and d20 RCR Star Wars and now the FFG Star Wars RPG. Wait that 's not true, I used a jedi weapon master as a sword mage with a "green flame blade" (a green lightsaber) in a D&D 4e campaign I briefly played in several years back.

Cad Bane was my most expensive mini, the second most expensive was mandalore the ultimate... actually the second most expensive was probably a custom, I sith trooper with the head of Korath Horn with a bunch of extra doodads and the rifle cut down to a carbine, so the cost of 2 minis, plus $20 to the guy (you may know him on these boards as trampgraphics) I had customize it. I've had him customize a few other minis generally for $15 to $20 plus shipping (He lives in Buffalo where I met him while I was getting my PhD at UB and we went to the same church), I now work at a government lab in Albuquerque NM which is how I pay for my gaming addiction, err I mean "hobby". I really miss the days when my gaming was constrained by money instead of time. But soon, with the new addition to my family I expect my gaming will be constrained by both money and time. (e.g. I just bought a 2017 Honda CRV EX-L without navigation,because I needed a family friendly vehicle, I was driving a 2015 smart car before and I needed something with a back seat for baby, the point is I've got a lot of new bills, so there will be less money for star wars, but I hope to still be able to buy all the books on release day, I've started bringing a lunch to work instead of buying one in the cafeteria to save money, and lose weight). Oh well.

Anyway I hope you like looking at my minis collection, I expect that it won't be growing much for the foreseeable future.