So sad to hear that Games Workshop and Fantasy Flight part ways. However, Warhammer is too big to just stop. Surely there must be talk in the wind of another company picking up the licence and starting a new RPG game line.
New warhammer 40K RPGs?
It would be really nice it someone else took over but I wouldn't keep my breath. But we still got all our old books so its not like they will go away any time soon.
No official word yet.
Honestly I think GW will keep it under their own for a while until the HH series starts winding down in terms of literature.
After that authors should be allowed to start writing about other stuff again and we should see some more diverse novels which would give GW a reason to let the rpg out again.
As to me i wish GW would lease it out to mainstream rpg systems like d20, and personally i hate the d20 system. I don';t like the d20 mechanic, i don't like rolling one single dice, i prefer 2d6, 2d10, etc. I really do not like the d20 system on any level but it is popular and a lot of people like it so releasing the 40k universe to d20 would get more people playing it.
Apparently that isn't a priority to GW, or they'd do it.
As long as we don't try and get the failed WFRP3E dice system.
Still won't play Star Wars because of the business side of that.
If you want to to talk about a real 40k rpg I'd like to see even tho know gw would never allow it, here goes..
I'd kinda like see a game that would in a way bwe a cross between 40k and Men in black.
The theme would be there is a very tiny number of people in the imperium who are actually sane and rational by today's standards. They are an ultra super duper beyond black omega ^666 level security that are absolutely heretics in the imperium and are absolutely vital to keeping it alive.
They know that the imperium is horible, insane, fanatical and generally self destructive to itself and everything else. They also know that for now it is the only way humanity can siurvive. So they, despite knowing the truth, do what they can to keep it from self destructing.
They p[event the occasional war that will only harm mankind while allowing numerous xenos species to be exterminated because they know that humanity must be made into raving, ignorant xeno0phobes to survive,. They knew that most humans must be kept in fear and ignorance to keep them from falling to chaos or alien influence. They know psykers are the future of humanity but must be persecuted and oppressed to prevent various evil powers from using them to destroy humanity. They know that humanity and species like the tau and eldar have much in common and should work together against the common enemnies they share but at the same time humanity as a whole must be kept in a state of rabid xenophobia, so they keep the balance and try to maintain a wall between humanity and certain other species it needs to work with at times.
Occasionally while stomping out traces of reason and rational they also try to lay seeds of it in the hope someday they can be allowed to bloom and create humans who can know the truth and not fall to chaos.
So they would have the more horrible and miserable jobs in the imperium, they would be sane people living in an age where frothing rabid fanatical insanity is a survival trait for the human race. They would be reasonable people in an age where reason much be crushed. They would likely know themselves as The Damned because of the position they occupy.
This would be a very small organization, even most of the inquisition would not know of it because they'd scream "HERETICS!!!" and dedicate themselves to destroying the organization most vital to humanities survival. There may be a very few members of the big I in it, carefully selected by hand. There may be a couple HLOTs aware of them, and some of the upper echelons of the AM may be in the service of this mysterious organization.
They might often operate as Inquisitors or other high level agents, and each maintains a network of useful people who mostly don't know the truth of whom they serve.
This organization would have to be above the inquiisition or at least hidden from it and the HLOT to a large degree, they are the ultimate "organization that does not exist". They'd make the inquisition look like narcissistic publicity whores.
And they would truly suffer, having to uphold the imperium while mostly hating it as a terrible and evil necessity and longing for t6hew day it can be overturned and replaced with something better.
Thyey may have hidden planets where psykers are trained to be able to live as people that chaos cannot corrupt, but to still be people, not tools, agents, weapons, etc. Likewise they may try to cultib=vate societies that can live wiothoiut ignorance and hate as their only protection. Agaun, theis is beyong black level security.
So yeah, that might be an interesting idea for a rpg in the 40k universe. The tiny number of people who keep that mass of ignorance, fanatics, hate and feat known as the imperium aliove because for now it's all that keeps humanity alive and makes a better future at least possible someday. Talk about being truly The Damned....
To be frank, that sounds like an absolutely dull and boring experience as well as being meta as all hell since the characters would pretty much have player knowledge at all times. It sounds to me like a masturbatory concept aimed at satisfying the base urge to be "those guys that know the truth". Its contradictory to the feel of 40k and would be horrifically taxing on a GM to actually run.
But hey, that's my take, I just have an aversion to unique snowflake mary sue concepts as the basis for an RPG experience.
Professor, what you're describing just doesn't exist within the universe. I mean besides the Cabal, but we don't know much about them. Their plans are more convoluted then the Eldar's.
The truth was buried under 10k years of fear and paranoia.
But I agree with SCKoNi that it sounds too self satisfactory as well.
Honestly, I think the imperium just could not exist for 10,000 years the way it's presented. It's just too insane and stupidly fanatic. I can't help thinking there must be some tiny corps of sane, intelligent people working like hell to keep it from falling apart and collapsing under the weight of it's own fanaticism and insanity. Sort of like an illuminti for example.
No official word yet.
Honestly I think GW will keep it under their own for a while until the HH series starts winding down in terms of literature.
After that authors should be allowed to start writing about other stuff again and we should see some more diverse novels which would give GW a reason to let the rpg out again.
Or we'll get a Horus Heresy rpg before that. I wouldn't complain to much, but maybe that's where the trend will go?
Or we'll get a Horus Heresy rpg before that. I wouldn't complain to much, but maybe that's where the trend will go?
I doubt it honestly.
Honestly, I think the imperium just could not exist for 10,000 years the way it's presented. It's just too insane and stupidly fanatic. I can't help thinking there must be some tiny corps of sane, intelligent people working like hell to keep it from falling apart and collapsing under the weight of it's own fanaticism and insanity. Sort of like an illuminti for example.
What you think is regardless of the facts we know about the Imperium.
It exists because it exists and the Inquisition works to keep it going. Are you calling them incompetent or something?
It's not like every Inquisitor is exterminatus' a planet for a single mutant.
There are plenty of examples of them acting quite sane in rooting out here, because it's the throne given job.
Another idea for a new 40k rpg might be one where the players play decadent nobles on imperial worlds. We hear a lot about the decadence and opulence of the lords of the spire on hive worlds and so on but an actual rpg set there could be interesting for gamers who like intrigue and politics.
Also, a setting where you roleplay something like necromunda gangers could be interesting too. an actual ganger rpg might be interesting. Who knows, we might see a positive side of gangers, like m,aybe defending their turf from things like chaos infiltrators, genestealers, etc. If they don't the inquisition will, so they might be sure to keep such menaces under control.
2 hours ago, Professor Tanhauser said:Another idea for a new 40k rpg might be one where the players play decadent nobles on imperial worlds. We hear a lot about the decadence and opulence of the lords of the spire on hive worlds and so on but an actual rpg set there could be interesting for gamers who like intrigue and politics.
You can do that in Dark Heresy.
Edit: Actually Rogue Trader might serve the idea as well.
2 hours ago, Professor Tanhauser said:Also, a setting where you roleplay something like necromunda gangers could be interesting too. an actual ganger rpg might be interesting. Who knows, we might see a positive side of gangers, like m,aybe defending their turf from things like chaos infiltrators, genestealers, etc. If they don't the inquisition will, so they might be sure to keep such menaces under control.
You can do that in Only War.
Edited by ThenDoctor