where can i buy

By naitsirk, in Star Wars: Destiny

Ey guys, i just take the two starters and can't find boosters. Is there any site that i can buy some "awakenings" ?

thanks and regards!

Welcome to the community, friendo. Glad to have you.

...but like, there's no product. The market is pretty tapped out.

Mostly, if people knew where to buy them, they'd tell a couple of friends and the place would sell out immediately because the demand far exceeds the supply. I myself would love to buy from any of my wonderful FLGSs but like...I can't. The limited amount of product they keep getting sells out instantly. I've managed to scrape up 2 boxes, both out of Canada. Also, the Canadian site I ordered from received their stuff and I just happened to be checking like, every 2 hours...they were sold out of their 30+ boxes in a 6 hour window or so. So...yeah.

Good luck. If you aren't able to get your product soon, keep checking back. There'll be more eventually, and it's a really good game that's worth the extra effort.

At this point, see if you can get your hands on groups of commons/uncommons in large lots and then try to target rares that you'd like to lay with until more product comes out.