Rules Question for Comlink & holdoutblaster

By Sidsicky, in Star Wars: Destiny

"You may take one additional action after you play this card" & "after you play this card you may re roll ........".

Do these card abilities happen only when you play the card from your hand or every round when you activate the card?

"You may take one additional action after you play this card" & "after you play this card you may re roll ........".

Do these card abilities happen only when you play the card from your hand or every round when you activate the card?

Only when you play the card.

"You may take one additional action after you play this card" & "after you play this card you may re roll ........".

Do these card abilities happen only when you play the card from your hand or every round when you activate the card?

It's amazing what happens if you look at what you've typed.