Malefic Curses...reprint?

By yosemite, in Wiz-War

Hi, all! Sold my base game awhile back and didn't own the expansions. Toying with picking up the base game again. Anyone know if Malefic Curses will be reprinted? Inside info appreciated.

According to the Upcoming page of the company, it's "awaiting reprint". Thus, theoretically, it'll be reprinted, or at least there's the intention.

Cool! Thanks!

And ten months on ... still awaiting reprint?

I dont think a reprint will come.
According to BGG :

" According to Jolly (if you read some posts from a decade ago), FFG bought the rights from Chessex a couple years before the license was up. (it was a decade license according to Jolly as well)

That means, if accurate, FFG's license started in 2008. It is now 2018... "

And dont forget FFG is now part of Asmodee, so i dont know if Wiz-War is in their plans at the moment.

I'm wanting a copy of this, com'on FFG either re-print it or take it off the awaiting print list.

I see it still lists the base game and this expansion as out of stock.

Are they never going to reprint it?

I'd like to get this expansion.

Well we have been waiting since 2016! I want that Necromancer!

I just want a copy of the game. Not even the expansions. Just the base game. it costs me like 120 dollars to get a copy on ebay

Would love to see this too!

Getting another print run of all of this stuff would be lovely as even most of the 8th edition wiz war stuff is very rare!