Noobish question...Just making sure I'm resolving dice right

By Scythean, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just got into this game earlier this week and have been playing everyday.

And I customized my deck to a sort of beginnings of a Jango/Veers deck.

I can't remember all the details of all of what input into the deck but mad sure it would lean towards having lots of firepower.

So here is my question let's say for example I have Jango with ranged damage 2, +1 , Veers with range damage 1, first order Trooper with range damage 2, +2 and a first order TIE fighter doing range damage 3 . Pretty good damage spread right....It similar to what I had in a game today.

Now all those dice are showing the same range damage with their bonus modifier ranged damage dice... Now am I allowed to resolve all of those dice at the same time dealing a massive eleven damage to a target? Or do I have to resolve them by each character or support vehicle?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Dice should be resolved by their type, so all ranged dice can be resolved at once.

Additionally, the dice can be split amongst multiple targets if you like, though the modified dice (+1 and +2 ranged in your example) need to be added to a base Ranged die in order to take effect.

Thank you , I'm glad I'm resolving my dice correctly in the game..

Dice should be resolved by their type, so all ranged dice can be resolved at once.

Additionally, the dice can be split amongst multiple targets if you like, though the modified dice (+1 and +2 ranged in your example) need to be added to a base Ranged die in order to take effect.

To be more clear: a single die must allocate all of its damage to a single target. However, different non-modifier dice can damage different targets. If a die is modified, all of that damage combined must go to a single target.