Go For The Kill

By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Con it be used on a ranged modifier dice?

No. It resolves a die, and modifier dice can't be resolved alone.

Are people liking this card? Seems kinda meh but I see how it could be a useful kill card in the right situation.

Are people liking this card? Seems kinda meh but I see how it could be a useful kill card in the right situation.

Still not sold on the card because I think its usefulness is to situational, but I saw a game being won by this card. It might change when we'll get a villain character with a 3 damage side.

I've used it, people in my area run a lot is shields, its been useful.

I do have a question. If I have 3 , 2 ranged dice, can I use go for the kill on one die as I resolve all 3. Or do I use it on 1 die this turn, then resolve my othe dice next turn?

I've used it, people in my area run a lot is shields, its been useful.

I do have a question. If I have 3 , 2 ranged dice, can I use go for the kill on one die as I resolve all 3. Or do I use it on 1 die this turn, then resolve my othe dice next turn?

Playing the card is your action and it says to resolve 1 die, so you'll need a second action to resolve the other dice... But since the other dice will go against the shields, it would be pointless to play the card Go For the Kill if you're planning to destroy the shields with your other range results anyway, unless you're shooting at a second target.

I've used it, people in my area run a lot is shields, its been useful.

I do have a question. If I have 3 , 2 ranged dice, can I use go for the kill on one die as I resolve all 3. Or do I use it on 1 die this turn, then resolve my othe dice next turn?

The card says one die so you only get to resolve one die with it.

Yeah that's what we all thought just wanted to be sure. I suppose multiple dice would make it too powerful

Not an easy task but use it with vehicles, ATST in paticular. That's harsh damage to take right to the face.

Think the other thing to look at too is using this card with infamous. Ability to resolve ranged damage then resolve dice is good.

It's also fits can deal damage in an unknown way, and it might not be seen. IE 3 shields with one damage left is now one damage not four. Will see more use in mono yellow.