Firefly Inara Bow (Boltcaster)

By Microft, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


i working on a character for the next game like Inara from Firefly. I looking for a weapon for the char. Inara use in Firefly a unique Bow (Boltcaster).


Is there in Star Wars a similar weapon or a weapon that can be easy changed in it?

Thanks & best regards


You could a bow caster all gangsta an call it done....

A Wookie Bowcaster? A very powerful weapon, especially with the Bowcaster Accelerator & Bowcaster Re-Cocker Attachments.

I have already thought about it, but I thought the Wookie bowcaster would be too strong for it, but he would fit extremely

Edited by Microft

So don't let it use those attachments.

Wasn't a lot of attention given to bows in the Corellia book? That's another option for a reskin.

There are 2 "energy bows" in the game, the kyuzo (i'm certain i spelled it wrong) one is in forged in battle, the other is in a FaD book, I think it is savage spirits and *believe* it was used by the night sisters and sports their name ad a prefix (less sure what the prefix is)

Bowcaster too good for you eh? I suggest a slugthrower or talking the gm in to allowing custom a scaled down bowcaster (less damage for less cumbersome maybe).

Really a compound bow would do. I don't remember that weapon being used a whole deal.

Otherwise theres a energy bow in the seeker book, ranged heavy, 8 damage pierce 4 if you want a competative if fairly basic weapon. Medium range, no hardpoints.

There are the physical arrow bows in Suns of Fortune, Savage Spirits, and Nexus of Power. All of those have Cumbersome 3. The Kyuzo Bow in Forged in Battle also has Cumbersome 3, but also Knockdown and Pierce 5. The Nightsister Energy Bow in Savage Spirits is Unwieldy 4 I think. They can be powerful weapons, especially with a few attachments. The energy bows are on the expensive side.

I think the Colonist - Performer would be the closest match, though Smuggler - Charmer could also work or compliment. A little cherry picking into Heavy can provide good support for use of a bow, especially a Cumbersome bow if you don't want to go to Brawn 3. Politico and/or Entrepreneur can be a good source of expansion for the character.

I've got a female Bothan thief in my group. she always wanted to have something distinctive and sleek for a weapon, like an elegant bow.

The problem with bows in the books is that they fit heavies more (presumes high brawn/ranged heavy). I always found it to be a bit strange - at least if you consider a bow in a fantasy rpg world it's more of a weapon for a ranger/rogue than a warrior. also in a hi-tech world a bow could possibly be made to be used by a less stonger character and does not necessarily need to be cumbersome...

so I just went ahead and came up with a "Bothan hunting bow" which would be used with ranged (light) skill (or possibly even coordination would be more suitable?) and would not be cumbersome (e.g. could be folded). it would obviously have lower damage/critical rating, but this would be compensated by ability to make custom arrows to blow things up, use with a rope, poison, tracking devices...

still working on the details for the next session, but you can get the idea

can't even tell you how my Bothan PC is going to be very happy about it

Edited by thesaviour

Following up on my previous message - please see attached my first draf. Appreciate this is not CRB-compliant but I think it should work to the extent it is not going to be OP. would appreciate your views!

Edited by thesaviour

So it does a fixed amount of damage but the explosive head does 7, or is the +2 supposed to be read a "Brawn +2" as is normally the case? If the former, then just say Damage 7. If the latter, then that's just silly.

As for using Athletics or Coordination, I think that's a terrible idea. Ranged attacks use one of the ranged combat skills. Your ability to climb/swim/run/jump/balance/contort should not be the basis for your ability in archery.

You are absolutely right - I've got the damage stats fro explosive arrows all wrong. It should be Dam 6 Crit 3 as per SoF.

However, I tend to disagree on the reference to coordination/athletics. this is considered not just a weapon but also a tool. what skill would you use to use a rope with a grapling hook? Or to throw a hand-made stiky bomb or a trackign device? This is also meant to be used by a character with good agility/coordination, but is not interested in maxing ranged combatg skills. there are plenty sharp-shooters and tanks around anyway. the PC wants to be useful in its own unique way.

I guess I can balance this by putting down the base Damage numbers down as compared to Corellian bow. Say Dam 4 Crt 4 for basic arrows and Dam 5 crit 3 for explosive. so the base damage would be lower.

otherwise, if you stick with the bows in the books, only a character with high brawn and ranged heavy can make good use of them. makes little sense to me as per the previous post.

Throwing stuff goes under Ranged (Light).

As for your argument, I see it as a special snowflake case. If the character wats to be good with a weapon, then learn the skill for the weapon. If you don't, then your aren't. It's not rocket science.

point taken - will reconsider this.

I'll just leave the corrected version here which is more CRB compliant just in case.

Edited by thesaviour
2 hours ago, thesaviour said:

I'll just leave the corrected version here which is more CRB compliant just in case.

the messenger.jpg

You spelled poisonous wrong

Not sure what book it is, but at one point I had a player using a crossbow. let me load up the character generator (popular one floating around on here) and ill find source book for it

3 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You spelled poisonous wrong

thanks for picking this up

the messenger.jpg

On 2/4/2017 at 4:06 PM, thesaviour said:

I've got a female Bothan thief in my group. she always wanted to have something distinctive and sleek for a weapon, like an elegant bow.

The problem with bows in the books is that they fit heavies more (presumes high brawn/ranged heavy). I always found it to be a bit strange - at least if you consider a bow in a fantasy rpg world it's more of a weapon for a ranger/rogue than a warrior. also in a hi-tech world a bow could possibly be made to be used by a less stonger character and does not necessarily need to be cumbersome...

so I just went ahead and came up with a "Bothan hunting bow" which would be used with ranged (light) skill (or possibly even coordination would be more suitable?) and would not be cumbersome (e.g. could be folded). it would obviously have lower damage/critical rating, but this would be compensated by ability to make custom arrows to blow things up, use with a rope, poison, tracking devices...

still working on the details for the next session, but you can get the idea

can't even tell you how my Bothan PC is going to be very happy about it

The reason is simple, Ranged (Light) and Ranged (Heavy) do not actually have anything to do with the actual weight of the weapon, It is how many hands are required to use it. Universally, Ranged (Light) weapons are one handed and Ranged (Heavy) are 2 handed. Light weapons also typically cap at medium or short range.

There is the H7 Pistol grip which can go on any rifle or Carbine and change the skill from Ranged (Heavy) to Ranged (Light) at the expense of 1 HP and reducing the max range by 1. So that is an option for you to talk to your GM about.

I believe the Devs have suggested that if you want to get into archery in your campaign then you might be better off with creating a new skill, they just didn't want to start making custom skills for such a niche weapon that will never show up in most games.

Traditional bows definitely require a lot of strength to use if you want something powerful, but modern compound bows are quite scarily powerful without needing so much strength. So some kind of ancient wooden bow would definitely need to be Cumbersome 3 or 4 (depending on the damage rating) but anything using modern materials can ignore that.
