Awakenings Set availability.

By VytautasP, in Star Wars: Destiny

So we need an official answer from FFG on how long this set will run. Will we be able to get it and for how long.

I'm from Europe my local shop only got like 10 starters and 4 booster boxes. I got two starters and maybe 20 boosters that's all. We aren't getting more for a month now. and there are a lot of people who are interested and want to play and also by from local shop not from online. I reordered two booster boxes. Wasn't in any distress as the internet was full of availability and print run problems. Now my local shop said that they won't get any more stuff of Destiny Awakening as their retailer closed all products if destiny. So it means that i won't get any boosters and i don't know how to make decks when you don't have products.

Other CCG and TCG game models run their full sets for full time as they are out till the next set appears and it depends if it's major or minor set. In example MTG major sets are in run and availability for 6 months and minor for about 3. Destiny was available only for month?

I would like to get the answer if i will be able to get this set for all the time till the new set arrives or is awakening only limited 1 month run and what was released is all. The answer will let me set if i will invest more money and time into this game (i do like it). Also it will influence my opinion on FFG company.

And you think that FFG will especially answer you when they did ignore about 50 other threads with the same topic?

Don't know if it will change anything as they also don't tell their sub-distributors (like Heidelberger in germany) anything sbout reprint of awakening! ;)

Edited by Veritas85

I'm sure FFG doesn't even know yet.

With the complex dice manufacturing, it's ideal to produce in bulk. But I'm not sure FFG has identified what the market will bear, so they may not know how much bulk to produce. With the complex dice, I have to assume the profit margin isn't that great, so they have to really push the bulk production.

I still hol to the idea that there will be a mid-year reprint after SoR drops. I anticipate that SoR may have the same release limitation issue that Awakenings has had.

Not another one of these threads. Look guys, FFG knows we want our plastic crack and FFG knows we will give them all our monies if they only make more, which is what they are doing. Just R-E-L-A-X and if you can't do that, go into rehab or something.

Well i would like to encourage more people to play, make demo days of this games. Also some sort of drafts and tournament style days in local shop but without production it isn't gonna happen. The shop informed that they wont get any more awakening booster boxes because retailers removed it from their ordering lists. There are like 2 or 4 people who have two starter sets and couple of boosters overs come with only 1 starter set so basically we all play only with starter so that all would still have some interest in game.

So the comment or statement from FFG about this game and its future with availability of sets and their rotation would be welcome. So i would know if I'm interested in investing in this game my money and time and also finding new members to it.

Now with retailers removing awakening from ordering list means that this set was only limited edition of some sort.

Not another one of these threads. Look guys, FFG knows we want our plastic crack and FFG knows we will give them all our monies if they only make more, which is what they are doing. Just R-E-L-A-X and if you can't do that, go into rehab or something.

Your fanboyish devotion is admirable, but whether you want to read them or not, people expressing their frustration with the lack of product is entirely reasonable.

Edited by Stu35

It's not fanboyish to point out this has been covered before in numerous other threads. Those frustrations are best expressed in one of those other threads rather than creating a new one.

Nice to see someone from Europe speak up. Can't say I have seen much of that, yes there are plenty of Us related threads about this topic Mr. fanboy ^^

Nevertheless I agree with the OP.

I manage to get 15 boosters. Can't even make a deck with that. Not that it matter much because I don't even have a starter, So I have an online pdf of the rules and home made tokens. Doesn't get more amateur than that :)

And now people are saying there won't be any more of that set. Great so perhaps on the next set I get 15 boosters again and I have a half decent deck :)

This is starting to seem like a bad game to get into unless your are from the US where there are loads of supply...

Hopefully that's wrong and ffg or tuning on the production. Either way noone know so gotta relax and wait but at the same time not buying more of this game, until they say something more about product availability.

I have to admit, I made a bunch of full decks that I am selling cheap on evil bay just to get some players able to play the game. I am one of the fortunate people who has a LGS that has gotten huge shipments of cases and, even though they continue to sell out, has boosters more often than not.

Hope everyone has the chance to enjoy the game!

I have to admit, I made a bunch of full decks that I am selling cheap on evil bay just to get some players able to play the game. I am one of the fortunate people who has a LGS that has gotten huge shipments of cases and, even though they continue to sell out, has boosters more often than not.

Hope everyone has the chance to enjoy the game!

I am both jealous and intrigued.


Edited by Phrome

I have to admit, I made a bunch of full decks that I am selling cheap on evil bay just to get some players able to play the game. I am one of the fortunate people who has a LGS that has gotten huge shipments of cases and, even though they continue to sell out, has boosters more often than not.

Hope everyone has the chance to enjoy the game!

Seriously? They still have stock in regularly?

I found a store that still has booster boxes so I'll be cracking one open later this week. Based in Sydney and unfortunately they don't currently ship internationally.

Edited by Doodlebug

It's not fanboyish to point out this has been covered before in numerous other threads. Those frustrations are best expressed in one of those other threads rather than creating a new one.

Sorry but I disagree - the more voices and the more threads the better.

Edited by ellhaynes

It's not fanboyish to point out this has been covered before in numerous other threads. Those frustrations are best expressed in one of those other threads rather than creating a new one.

Sorry but I disagree - the more voices and the more threads the better.

If FFG didn't already understand the problem I'd agree with you. As it stands the message has been received and further threads are doing nothing to improve the situation.

Edited by Starbane

Nice to see someone from Europe speak up. Can't say I have seen much of that, yes there are plenty of Us related threads about this topic Mr. fanboy ^^

Nevertheless I agree with the OP.

I manage to get 15 boosters. Can't even make a deck with that. Not that it matter much because I don't even have a starter, So I have an online pdf of the rules and home made tokens. Doesn't get more amateur than that :)

And now people are saying there won't be any more of that set. Great so perhaps on the next set I get 15 boosters again and I have a half decent deck :)

This is starting to seem like a bad game to get into unless your are from the US where there are loads of supply...

Hopefully that's wrong and ffg or tuning on the production. Either way noone know so gotta relax and wait but at the same time not buying more of this game, until they say something more about product availability.

supply is no better here in the us

Nice to see someone from Europe speak up. Can't say I have seen much of that, yes there are plenty of Us related threads about this topic Mr. fanboy ^^

Nevertheless I agree with the OP.

I manage to get 15 boosters. Can't even make a deck with that. Not that it matter much because I don't even have a starter, So I have an online pdf of the rules and home made tokens. Doesn't get more amateur than that :)

And now people are saying there won't be any more of that set. Great so perhaps on the next set I get 15 boosters again and I have a half decent deck :)

This is starting to seem like a bad game to get into unless your are from the US where there are loads of supply...

Hopefully that's wrong and ffg or tuning on the production. Either way noone know so gotta relax and wait but at the same time not buying more of this game, until they say something more about product availability.

A store in Tilburg the Netherlands still has starters if you feel the need to compete :) and if you are going wouldn't mind to meet up there.

11 hours ago, Starbane said:

Do you think FFG doesn't know there is a shortage? Do you think FFG doesn't know there are a lot of unhappy consumers? If you answered yes to either of those questions then I suggest you listen to the Sunday January 22nd episode of KOR and you'll find out you're wrong.

If FFG didn't already understand the problem I'd agree with you. As it stands the message has been received and further threads are doing nothing to improve the situation.

I really don't want to get int an argument on here with anyone about this. I completely agree that FFG are completely aware of the supply issue, and are probably very upset with themselves that they haven't been able to match the demand for the game in the first few motnths. I've never met anyone in business in our hobby who wouldn't want to keep the customers happy.

My frustration is over the complete lack of official announcement on all of this. These forums are full of posts related to supply/ delay issues for Destiny, Imperial Assault, X Wing, and other products. Does it matter in the big scheme of things? No, it's just hobby.

But is it discourteous to the customer? Absolutely. FFG would earn quite a bit of kudos if they simply put out an update on the supply issue; or even replied to emails they've been sent on it. But there's just silence.

It reminds me too much of the attitude of GW towards its customers for so many years, and look at the mess they've ended up in.

A simple message, or a reply to one of the many forum posts, would be much appreciated by many (and might mean we all stop getting upset about it!)

I only have a supply issue because the same two people are winning all our tournaments due to having the cards. (Yes, I know eBay and Amazon are things.)

47 minutes ago, ellhaynes said:

I really don't want to get int an argument on here with anyone about this. I completely agree that FFG are completely aware of the supply issue, and are probably very upset with themselves that they haven't been able to match the demand for the game in the first few motnths. I've never met anyone in business in our hobby who wouldn't want to keep the customers happy.

My frustration is over the complete lack of official announcement on all of this. These forums are full of posts related to supply/ delay issues for Destiny, Imperial Assault, X Wing, and other products. Does it matter in the big scheme of things? No, it's just hobby.

But is it discourteous to the customer? Absolutely. FFG would earn quite a bit of kudos if they simply put out an update on the supply issue; or even replied to emails they've been sent on it. But there's just silence.

It reminds me too much of the attitude of GW towards its customers for so many years, and look at the mess they've ended up in.

A simple message, or a reply to one of the many forum posts, would be much appreciated by many (and might mean we all stop getting upset about it!)

In the KOR episode they interview one of the designers. He addresses the issue but doesn't give an update. I'm certainly not an FFG employee so I'm not in the know, but my life experience in business is telling me that FFG is behaving like they don't have answers they consider solid enough to give to the public. They are acting like they are still trying to firm up how much they can get and when they can get it here. These details are more difficult to come by and take more time to confirm than most people realize. Do you think it would serve them better now to make statements that end up being false or get their ducks in a row and present the consumers with good information they can most likely deliver upon.

I understand people are frustrated and want answers. It's in everyone's best interests if FFG provides the most accurate answers possible.

Edited by Starbane

Double post

Edited by Starbane

Appreciate the polite response. Disinformation would definitely be bad right now, but a simple "we're working on it" on both this forum and the others where people are/ were complaining about supply would be welcomed.


6 minutes ago, ellhaynes said:

Appreciate the polite response. Disinformation would definitely be bad right now, but a simple "we're working on it" on both this forum and the others where people are/ were complaining about supply would be welcomed.


You're welcome.

Its a tough situation for everyone. In the KOR episode the designer says they pay attention to these forums, but makes it sound like it's policy to not engage the public here. I believe when FFG decides to talk about the situation it won't be on these forums.

I would also wonder how much FFG can reveal with/without Disney approval.