Awakenings Set availability.

By VytautasP, in Star Wars: Destiny

Anyone who has ever done business in China knows this is a horrid time of year to get anything done over there. They take their New Years a lot more seriously than we take Christmas. The whole country shuts down for the month. FFG is very good about not saying anything until they have something to say. When everyone gets back to work and FFG can work with their manufacture on this issue and a plan is in place I am sure they will let us know then. Pointing out reality is not fanboyism and is just foolish to call someone that. We'll most likely have word about this issue in a few weeks. Sadly the word won't be another shipment any time soon. We'll most likely get the Rogue One before more Awakenings unless they had something on a boat already, and if they did, we'd probably would have heard about it by now.

Okay three questions:

Are these dice being produced in China? I thought in Germany?

There was a thread with an interview of Christian T. Peterson, by the Team Covenant guys and in that interview, Christian made it sound like there was a German company who had made a DC or Justice League card/dice game a year or so back. It was those big chunky dice, with the laser printed images (or however they do it) that gave Christian and FFG the "ah ha!" moment of this is how they would do Destiny. I also thought there was mention in that interview that it was those manufactures (in Germany of the dice) that they were having to work with to up scale production. "Oh you guys are making thousands of dice? Good. I need a million dice."

Will there be one more print run BEFORE Spirit of Rebellion?

The rumors (people who are talking to their FLGS owners, who in turn are talking to their distributors, who in turn are taking to FFG/Asmodee) seem to be that maybe we will not see any more Awakening until AFTER Spirit of Rebellion releases? While my personal FLGS owners have not confirmed or denied this, I have heard of enough other FLGS owners who think this is the case. The Miniature Market thread, my personal apologies to our community here about opening that can of worms, had a couple of responses from MM itself, who seemed to give an impression that there would be at least ONE more printing/wave to be released before SoR. Anyone have any other insight?

Have we hit close to a saturation level with Awakenings?

While I have some friends who are just getting into this and would love to pick up some booster packs somewhere, E-Bay prices are trending downward, suggesting that, most people (maybe?) have all they want/need. What do you all think? Has the supply at least some CLOSE to meeting the INITIAL demand?

On 24/01/2017 at 10:40 PM, Mep said:

FFG is very good about not saying anything until they have something to say.

Really? How many times have we seen products listed for release in a certain quarter, only for that to slip, some times by many months? That's at least where my frustration comes from - it feels almost inevitable that products will be delayed, out of stock, or hard to find, for many of the top lines. I'd love it to be different!

I actually wonder if thats that's why we no longer see the Thursday newsfeed of what is being released and when, perhaps they're trying not make promises they can't make reality?

It would make their silence on this issue make sense.