Selling personal cards discussion

By Grunkin, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'd like to further discuss the issue FFG and some forum members have with other forum members posting that they are selling there own personal card collection.

I'm also probably beating a dead horse as this has been discussed here.

In the terms at the bottom of this page it says:

" You will not use the account for commercial purposes, except as expressly provided herein and/or with express written consent from FFG:

The key word here is "commercial". Lets define the word commercial. " making or intended to make a profit" and " concerned with or engaged in commerce " Now lets define commerce "T he activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale".

It seems that commercial or commerce related posts on this forum are taboo.

I don't think one member letting the community of like minded persons know that they are selling their cards can be considered commercial or commerce or an attempt at financial gain. In my mind it is an attempt to give the first right of refusal for something desirable that the community might have an interest in. In other words they are trying to keep it in the family.

Now lets say that a forum member posts a link to a non FFG dice game or some outer space dice or some other widget that they are selling to make a profit. This I would consider commercial and not appropriate to this forum.

​In addition, if a forum member had a track record of weekly posting booster display boxes for sale. This might be considered an attempt to make a financial gain. Again probably not appropriate to the forum.

But what is wrong with creating a post along lines of "Personal Cards for sale" and the post states "Please contact me via private message if you are interested in purchasing my personal card collection consisting off..."

Private messages between two forum members talking about buying and selling cards don't appear to break the forum terms. Particularly if they are NOT unsolicited or bulk in nature.


You're jumping through hoops to justify what the admins have specifically told us is a no-no. Not really sure it merited its own thread.

Yes they have blocked what appears to be outside third party products.

I guess I don't understand what is wrong with selling destiny cards to destiny players.

Why is this such a taboo topic? Do people take offense that someone wants out of the game?

I think people take offence at new accounts where the first or second posts are about selling their collections - that account has been created specifically to allow them to post about said sale on the forums.

FFG doesn't want their website to be perceived as a place for third parties (ie, you or me) to enact financial transactions.

There may be deeper reasons behind that than I am personally aware of, but it certainly seems like a non-issue when there are many other sources for these conversations/transactions to take place.

It's also not unique to Destiny, it's across all FFG forums.

At the absolute minimum, "FFG said no," should be enough, when we're literally on their home turf.

I guess I don't understand what is wrong with selling destiny cards to destiny players.

Why is this such a taboo topic? Do people take offense that someone wants out of the game?

  • Selling off a collection isn't exactly good advertising for FFG
  • FFG do not have coverage for transactions that go wrong
  • You don't pay anything towards their costs
  • There are legal implications
  • it is against the rules

Facebook and eBay both exist and are excellent places to sell cards. Why does anyone feel the need to do it here?

Edited by Stu35

It seem like they do this over on the Starwars the Card Game site.