Question about Jetpack

By Snugglebug, in Star Wars: Destiny

When you use the special on Jetpack, do you need need to remove that melee die to claim the shield?

Please also let me know where the awnser is in the rules with a refference.

Thanks in advance,



Edited by _Grey_

Yes, you can claim a shield even if you don't remove a melee dice. I'm not sure if this is covered in the rules reference, but English grammar helps you out -- the "and" here is a conjunction, indicating that the two clauses are independent of each other. You get to do both things, and if you can't do one then you can still do the other. If it was worded "Remove a dice showing melee damage *to* gain one shield" it would be a causal statement, and you would need to remove the dice in order to gain the shield.

If the removal of the dice was mandatory it would use "then".

In order to resolve an effect that is preceded by the word “then,” the previous effects on the card must have fully resolved (i.e., the game state changes to reflect the intent of the effect in its entirety). If the part of an ability that precedes the word “then” does not successfully resolve in full, the part of the ability that follows the word “then” does not attempt to resolve.

As this uses the AND you try and do as much as you can of both effects.

Also the word 'May' is not in there. So you gain the shield AND remove a die showing X. It never states who's die is must be, just that it gets removed. If there is no die showing X, then you can't remove it obviously.

I'm lost, so as long as melee damage is showing. You have to remove one to gain The Shield but if it's not showing then you don't?

You must do as much of an effect as you can, parts of an effect are only optional if they say may. So in the case of jetpack special you gain a shield even if you have a reason not too and must remove a melee dice from dice pools if there is one showing.


Thank you guys so much. I am dutch, so my deep english grammar isn't the best :P

Sadly, being a native speaker doesn't make it any easier. :unsure: