eHan vs eLeia

By Wiredin, in Star Wars: Destiny

having issue with my current deck build, I like how it plays but I can't figure out if I prefer it with Leia or Han getting double dice... I feel Leia as some of my event cards favor having more red dice in play. Opinions?

Command / Rogue
Sets: Awakenings
Starship Graveyard, Jakku (Awakenings #174)
2x Leia Organa, Born Leader (Awakenings #28)
1x Han Solo, Scoundrel (Awakenings #46)
1x Diplomatic Immunity (Awakenings #50)
2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Awakenings #51)
2x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Awakenings #54)
1x IQA-11 Blaster Rifle (Awakenings #55)
1x Promotion (Awakenings #56)
1x Datapad (Awakenings #62)
2x Holdout Blaster (Awakenings #63)
1x Cunning (Awakenings #65)
1x Jetpack (Awakenings #66)
2x Thermal Detonator (Awakenings #67)
1x Second Chance (Awakenings #137)
1x Launch Bay (Awakenings #31)
2x Black One (Awakenings #32)
1x Outpost (Awakenings #53)
2x Hit and Run (Awakenings #106)
2x It's a Trap! (Awakenings #107)
1x Hyperspace Jump (Awakenings #129)
1x Shoot First (Awakenings #133)
1x Aim (Awakenings #151)
2x All In (Awakenings #152)
1x Electroshock (Awakenings #159)
1x Reversal (Awakenings #160

i think using eLeia, is better because you'll be able to use her ability twice. Your maintain focus is for Han to be a heavy hitter. you may want a second; second chance, for when things get heated.

I prefer eHan/Leia myself, but my deck it quite different than yours. You don't really want to use Leia's ability much if you can help it, better to resolve her dice. Her dice have 3 different damage sides, but they are less damage per side. Han is burstier, and for an aggro deck the burst is good, imo.

Here's what I was running:

Total Cards: (30)
Character: (30/30)
2x Han Solo (Awakenings)
1x Leia Organa (Awakenings)
1x Starship Graveyard (Awakenings)
Event: (16)
1x Disarm (Awakenings)
2x Electroshock (Awakenings)
2x Field Medic (Awakenings)
2x Hit and Run (Awakenings)
2x Leadership (Awakenings)
2x Negotiate (Awakenings)
2x Scramble (Awakenings)
1x Shoot First (Awakenings)
2x Unpredictable (Awakenings)
Support: (2)
2x Infamous (Awakenings)
Upgrade: (12)
2x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)
2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)
2x Holdout Blaster (Awakenings)
1x IQA-11 Blaster Rifle (Awakenings)
2x Jetpack (Awakenings)
1x Promotion (Awakenings)
2x Second Chance (Awakenings)
I placed 2nd in a 23 player tournament the other week with it (3 other players went 4-1 as well).
Edited by agentc13

In that deck? eLeia. You're not running that much Ambush (Particularly, no Infamous), and you're running two It's a Trap. You're really not taking that much advantage of Han's ability, so you might as well get more value out of Leia.

In a different deck shape, I've found Leia often runs smoother, but running eHan makes them more likely to target him, and therefore more likely to get use out of his ability. With eLeia they'll often focus on her, Han will build up his 3 shields, and then you don't want to play your Ambush cards.

This is kinda why I am not a big fan of eHan. Sure he's pretty good now but all it will take is some cheap shield strippers to be released and Han is dead meat. Also to a lesser extent he shares a weakness with vader in only 2 sides are damage. Sure they hit hard but you are banking on a 33% chance per die to hit versus 50%. I'd personally take 3 damage sides over 2 any day and work on making that damage worth it with static upgrades. Strike first! Strike hard! No mercy sir!

That all being said, control will dominate this game just like any other ccg. If you can manipulate/remove dice faster or better than your opponent you will win. What their dice say is irrelevant if you make it a non factor. I think your characters are fine as is but maybe construct your deck with the option of putting more control pieces in. Hell I'd personally ditch Han and go Finn, been toying with a leia/finn build to counteract jango/veers. Surprisingly it's not too bad and has an extra gun option.

Edited by LordFajubi

Lacking a 2nd Hand Dice, I'm trying the following eLeia/Han deck - a bit upgrade heavy I think, but not had too many opportunities to try it as some of the cards have been traded for an still in the post.





Imperial Armoury


Event: (18)
1x Block
1x Defensive Positions (Awakenings)
1x Take Cover (Awakenings)
1x Dug In (Awakenings)
1x Let the Wookie Win (Awakenings)
1x Tactical Mastery (Awakenings)
2x Logistics (Awakenings)
1x Electroshock (Awakenings)
1x Field Medic (Awakenings)
1x Hit and Run (Awakenings)
2x Negotiate (Awakenings)
2x Scramble (Awakenings)
1x Shoot First (Awakenings)
2x Unpredictable (Awakenings)
Support: (5)
1x Infamous (Awakenings)
2x Play the Odds (Awakenings)
1x Supporting Fire (Awakenings)
1x Millenium Falcon (Awakenings)
Upgrade: (9)
1x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)
2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)
2x Holdout Blaster (Awakenings)
2x Thermal Detenator (Awakenings)
1x Jetpack (Awakenings)
1x Hunker Down (Awakenings)