Need some translation on these rules.

By Cobaltofdoom, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

So I really like the idea of small craft combat and I think in any game we get involved with we're going to keep it more of a narrative flow rather grid mapping this. But holy crap. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. Koronus p.113

Squadron Shooting: MaSSed Fire
Squadrons fire in a different manner than lone ships,
representing their ability to fill space with shots. This ability
is called Massed Fire. When a squadron performs Massed Fire,
select any number of either macrobatteries or lances; the two
may not be combined for this purpose. Then select a single
one of those Components.
Roll to hit with that Component as normal. Every
additional Component after the first grants an additional +10
to hit and +1 to the Strength of the Component for that shot
only (effectively increasing the number of maximum shots by
one). The damage, range and Crit Rating are all determined
by the Component for which the attack roll is being made—
however, all Weapon Components being used must be in
range of the target. In addition, as only a single attack roll is
being made only one Critical Hit can be scored.
Squadrons can combine macrobatteries or lances into
multiple groups for purposes of Massed Fire–for example,
a squadron with eight macrobatteries could fire make one
Massed Fire with all eight weapons, two with four each, or
any other combination.
This is intended to speed up combat involving squadrons
of NPC starships, as well as give smaller ships an ability to
work together to take out larger vessels

It is an odd little rule - not sure how many people actually use it but it could be handy for a ref who is trying to counter the boosted skill chances of pcs v lacklustre NPCs.

Effectively you can link together ships until they cannot miss with these rules - seems pretty powerful but is more for fleet battles than the normal skirmishes.

Not sure I'd let PCs use it - they have enough bonuses as it is unless you force them to use crew rating for ship BS rolls.

Be aware there's a high chance of one shotting people using this rule even with Mathammer...

So I really like the idea of small craft combat and I think in any game we get involved with we're going to keep it more of a narrative flow rather grid mapping this. But holy crap. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. Koronus p.113

It's not about small craft, it's about capital ship squadrons.

This makes SO much more sense now re reading it.

I always knew there were methods for Void Ships to be made into squadrons. I mean the rules as they are make it basically impossible for

a dozen Raiders to take down a single Grand Cruiser and that doesn't really make any sense.

Cool. It definitely would be something I would use for NPCs attacking a large PC ship.
