Help me get rid of 12 cards lol

By Waddlez, in Star Wars: Destiny

I have this Poe, Rebel Soldier, Hired Gun list I am trying to make. I think it can be really fun. I am struggling getting down to 30 cards. I would love to get rid of data pad and comlink but I see them needing to be there for resources. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The idea is to get as many red support vehicles, red weapons, and between poe and rebel soldier you can change all those die to ranged damage and resolve them with Its a trap. I mean I could go double rebel soldier, but lose a few health and all the utility and awesome cards that comes with yellow. Plus Millenium falcon and hyperspace jump with poe is so much fun. Any help would be appreciated.

Ditch the black market, I think between the hired gun and data pad you've got plenty of resource generation.

Aim can also go, it's too easy to counter for its resource cost imo.

Pick what you want to do and stick just with that. So if you going the resource to support route, only pick cards that achieve that goal. So as good a card as field medic is, drop it in favor of cards that keep every turn driving hard at your goal.

With Poe you have 14 non character dice. That's fairly low so I would focus on dropping events.

I'd lose the surgical strike. At the moment, I remain unconvinced as to it's effectiveness/necessity.

get rid of Cunning,2x Black market,2x Aim,2x FirePower,2x Let the wookiee win, scramble and surgical strike

You can get rid of 12 by giving them to me! I am a have not in this game at present!