
By heychadwick, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi All,

So...I'm slow to get into the game and behind the curve. I figure I need to check out some podcasts to get caught up to speed. What podcasts are out there? When I look, I pretty much see 2:

The Chance Cube

The Knights of Ren

Are there any others? What's the difference between these two?

Also, I look and see many of these episodes is from before the game even came out. Should I bother listening to those? Or is there a better starting point?


The Smuggler's Den is Tiny Grimes' podcast for Destiny. It's a very good listen. He also does a video version of his podcast on YouTube.

Edited by Spector1331

Thanks! What is the distinction flavor wise between them? If you had to describe each of these, how would you? Just trying to figure out where to start.

The Knights of Ren and Smuggler's Den I would say are pretty competitive play based, but will help you find a lot of different decklists and card that you might want to try. Both are relatively free flowing and pack a good chunk of content into each episode. The Jedi Trials is done by the guys from the Stay on Target X-wing podcast and from what I know is pretty similar to that.

My faves are Jedi Trials and Knights of Ren, for sure.

Smuggler's Den & Knights of Ren are the best IMO. The Jedi Trials is good too but they only have 5 episodes at the moment. The guys from Vader's Finest have done a few on the game too, but they're merely going through the cards rather than talking about tournaments and the meta.

Hi All,

So...I'm slow to get into the game and behind the curve. I figure I need to check out some podcasts to get caught up to speed. What podcasts are out there? When I look, I pretty much see 2:

The Chance Cube

The Knights of Ren

Are there any others? What's the difference between these two?

Also, I look and see many of these episodes is from before the game even came out. Should I bother listening to those? Or is there a better starting point?


It all depends on what you are looking for. If you want strategy and a competative look at the game, Knights of Ren and Smugglers Den are great.

We love the guys at Jedi Trials too. Again, they are only a couple episodes in, but great discussion about their experiences with the game and good card analysis.

We (The Chance Cube) are more about who's playing the game than specific strategy about the game. While we give our thoughts on meta and tournaments, for sure, we are more casual players talking about the game, mindful of listeners who are new to CCGs, family focused, and bringing in our love for Star Wars and how it themes the game. If you want to start listening to us, I would suggest starting at episode 10 (and skip 14, that one was a bad idea).

I don't think you can go wrong whatever you choose, I'd say listen to a couple episodes of each and, if you can't dedicate to all four, then pick your favorites after that.