Leadership rules question

By diegocichello, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi! Yesterday in a tournament I got one question that no one was able to solve right there.

I was playing with Luke/Ackbar. I activated my Luke and got 2 Blank Dice Results.

My question was, if I use Leadership to ready my Luke again, and than activate him again, should I reroll all dices attached to Luke, even those 2 blank dices that I never used that was still in my pool?

If not, can I spend an action to use the blank dice so it can go back to my card?

This is very awkward in my understanding of this game. Because in the extended rules it says every time you activate a hero, you must roll all dices attached to him and his upgrades, but it don't specify if dices in the pool are counted or not.


Diego Cichello

This topic has come up a few times (mostly about Bala-Tik) and there is even an official answer from Lukas:

"Whenever you activate a character, you roll any of its dice that are on that character. Dice in the pool remain in the pool and are unaffected. Before activating a character like Bala-Tik again, you could spend his dice in your pool so that he could roll more of them.

May the force be with you,


Hope that helps. :)

Yeah the game uses the terms Roll and Re-Roll distinctly. You Roll dice from the characters to the die pool. You Re-Roll dice within your die pool. Blank dice cannot be resolved so a blank die will only go from the die pool to it's associated card during the upkeep phase or through a card effect.


And you can't reaove blank dice unless a card specifically allows you to do so.