First deck. Please critique.

By Ninja Asassyn, in Star Wars: Destiny

Kylo Ren 10pts

Nightsister 8pts

Jabba the Hutt 11pts

Starship Graveyard


2x Sith Holocron

2x Jetpack

2x Datapad


2x Lightsaber

2x Holdout Blaster

2x Gaffi Stick

Flame Thrower


Hunker Down

2x Immobilize

2x Force Training

Mind Probe

Force Throw

2x Crime Lord


2x Ace In The Hole

2x Abandon All Hope



Power Of The Dark Side

My Kind Of Scum

Underworld Connections

What are you trying to achieve with the deck?

It seems a bit of a hodgepodge of upgrades and other cards with no real aim.

Crimelord? Then double Jabba, or some way to stop him being targetted - which is why vader is a popular choice.

I just used the best cards I had in my opinion.

This is the only deck I could make as far as being close to 30 pts. Outside of swapping Nightsister for stormiest

As far as a goal it's to win. Idk what I'm doing

I just used the best cards I had in my opinion.

If this is the best you have then this is the best you have.

I would look at about 12-14 dice cards, 2-4 supports and 14-16 events. You have far too many upgrades, characters will die and reduce the slots you have to use, and then you'll find you only make so much money each turn to spend on upgrades.

Yellow has some nice events, Disarm, Scramble and Electroshock are great go to cards. Events are the cards that make your characters live longer and frustrate your opponents actions, or make your own action far better.

I would also add that if you are unsure as to what you are doing Jabba isn't that easy a character to play, he doesn't have any damage faces on his dice. Just pick 2-3 characters and work on dealing damage.

I think the character choices are fine but like Amanal says you have way too many upgrades. I wouldn't take more than half my deck as cards with dice (either upgrade or support), try and choose other cards that will let you manipulate the dice you and your opponent do have.

I have 2 scramble 2 disarm 1 electroshock.

I have not played any games yet. So I probably have better cards than I realize. I just have no perspective on the usefulness of cards. As I'm not sure what's good in this game.

I was trying to run a bit heavy on yellow equipment for ace in the hole so it's live more often. And basically a bunch of equipment so that jabba could also deal some damage to help out. And a bunch of ways to generate resources so I could actually resolve crime lord.

I maximized blue abilities since I have Holocrons and want to get the most benefit I can out of them.

I ran lightsabers and holdout blasters so I can get extra damage off. The jetpacks I just saw being used on other lists so I figured it was good.

My problem has been evaluation of supports and events.

That being said I am very familiar with CCG and TCG styled games. I play or have played Yugioh. Pokemon. DBZ. Force of will. MTG. Dice masters. Vs. So I know the concepts of deck types. Aggro midrange control. FTK OTK. Etc.

I guess I am looking towards building a midrange control type of strategy. My goal was to keep generating lots of resources and making my guys bigger every turn. By bigger I mean adding dice to the pool. I can usually get 2-3 equipment in play first turn. Holocron. Blaster or Gaffi Stick. And a force ability.

Hopefully I make sense in my thought process.

You have way too many upgrades. And your battleground is a huge liability.

You have nothing you really need to recycle with it, other decks do. You'll be handing decks a huge advantage by taking a battleground that they may be built around.

A good battlefield if you aren't sure - is the one that lets you return 1 upgrade card and collect a resource. There are so few times this is a good thing that if you are not getting to claim the battlefield it won't matter.

So far I haven't found a good way to test a deck. I just play through it and resolve my dice and try and do damage as efficiently as I can. I think in general the decks I am playing against will deal about 4 damage in the first turn and you could add 2 each turn after. So you are trying to keep pace with that and maybe get a point or two ahead if possible.

you really dont need that many dice in a deck, ace in the hole is only going to happen twice in a game at most

i would drop the holdout blasters, jet packs and gaffi sticks. replaced with 2x he doesnt like you, 2x isolation and 2x unpredictable.

this will give you much more control of dice

for battlefield i would take mos eisley spaceport or frozen wastes

Edited by bageldrone

Okay so based on feedback here's my newest iteration of the deck.

Kylo Ren 10

Nightsister 8

Jabba the Hutt 11

Mos Eisley Spaceport


2x Holocron

2x Datapad

2x Lightsaber

Hunker Down

2x Immobilize

2x Force Training

Mind Probe

Force Throw

2x Crime Lord



2x Abandon All Hope


2 Scramble

2 Disarm


2 He Doesn't Like You

2 Isolation

2 Unpredictable


Power Of The Dark Side

My Kind Of Scum

Underworld Connections

Need to cut two cards

Crime Lord is a win more card.

By that I mean that if you can get 4 to pay for it, roll the special and pay for it at 5, then you'll win. But to do all of that you were probably winning to begin with.

So drop 1. Always fun to try and get these cards off.

Then I think I'd lose a support perhaps.

I'd maybe trade my kind of scum for a second underworld connections, more consistent imo

Without checking all those cards fine print, since you have 2 colors on the board, think carefully about those "spot a 'color' character" cards, especially yellow. It is too easy to focus fire down Jabba. This makes things like light saber good and holocrons make the blue abilities useful on jabba, which is good. Without a lot of ambush and all those different die combos, you won't be claiming the battlefield often. So avoid the cards that require you to have the battlefield.

You can only have max 9 upgrades out. So on the surface the number of upgrades still looks too many, unless you are planing to override those upgrades into the more expensive ones, which isn't a bad strategy. Even so, you should decide if you want to store up resources for crime lord and have your cards produce lots of resources (btw, too easy to kill jabba), or go full on aggro and deal a lot of damage. In that case, is having all three - Jabba, datapad and underworld connections really needed? If aggro, then maybe something like Power of the Darkside is really too good to not have two in the deck, if you have a second. Jabba may be in there for no other reason than to give you access to the really good yellow control cards and focus die. Bala Tik or a tusken will give you yellow access while allowing Kylo to go double die. Jabba is selfish and greedy, he really wants the deck to be all about him.

Well just back from my first tournament.

1-4 only win was a bye. Had two close games 1 blowout game. One game that was just stupid. Cause I couldn't anything. Millennium falcon combo.

My main issue was not being able to deal enough damage. Or not being able to control enough dice. Because there were too many to control.

It was a good experience overall. Friendly helpful group. Got some good trades in.

I think I am going to have to wait til I get a second jabba dice to use him again. He just doesn't do enough interference with one dice.

So back to the drawing board

Without checking all those cards fine print, since you have 2 colors on the board, think carefully about those "spot a 'color' character" cards, especially yellow. It is too easy to focus fire down Jabba. This makes things like light saber good and holocrons make the blue abilities useful on jabba, which is good. Without a lot of ambush and all those different die combos, you won't be claiming the battlefield often. So avoid the cards that require you to have the battlefield.

You can only have max 9 upgrades out. So on the surface the number of upgrades still looks too many, unless you are planing to override those upgrades into the more expensive ones, which isn't a bad strategy. Even so, you should decide if you want to store up resources for crime lord and have your cards produce lots of resources (btw, too easy to kill jabba), or go full on aggro and deal a lot of damage. In that case, is having all three - Jabba, datapad and underworld connections really needed? If aggro, then maybe something like Power of the Darkside is really too good to not have two in the deck, if you have a second. Jabba may be in there for no other reason than to give you access to the really good yellow control cards and focus die. Bala Tik or a tusken will give you yellow access while allowing Kylo to go double die. Jabba is selfish and greedy, he really wants the deck to be all about him.

Yeah definitely need a more aggressive strategy. I wanted the yellow because the card pool seemed a bit better at a glance.

Just got two Jango today though so I'll be looking at using him.

Jango is pretty good and double Jango/double Jabba is a thing.