Looking to sell my collection

By zigx, in UFS Trading

So I used to play UFS way back in it's early days and my collection shows it. I have about 500 cards, mainly from Penny Arcade, SF Sets 01-03, SNK Set 01, and various promos, that I am looking to offload. All cards are still in great condition.

Here's the deal, if anyone is interested at all, send me an email at jcanalin@gmail.com and what you would be willing to pay for the collection. Name your price, no offer too small, though I ask that you you pay $10.70 for shipping. In a week, I will sell the cards to the best offer. If no offers are made I am going to trash the cards. So give these cards a second chance!

All cards are 1x unless indicated. * means the card is foil.

A Dark End*
Compassionate Heroism* x4
Contemplation of Existence*
Fluid Adaption*
Inner Fire*
Order and Law*
Strength of the Mountain x2
••• Fei Long •••*
The Universal Fighter*
••• Dudley •••*
••• Xianghua •••*
• Seong Mi-Na •*
•• Yoshitora ••*
••• Maxi •••*
••Kyo ••*
•• Nagase ••*
Shattering Force*
The Next Level * x2
Street Fighter*
Fighter’s Fury*
••• Cammy •••*
•••Blanka •••*
• Dan •*
Someone in your Corner* x8

Penny Arcade
Gabe, Boy Wonder

Latent Psychic Ability
Mein Leapen
Special Move
Strange Liquid
The Dixie Twist
Tube Strike
Unsporting Conduct
Hide Behind the Couch
The Horns
7 Iron
Sir Quacks –a-Lot
Gadget Addict
Generic Rage x3
Secret Obsession
Superhero Blood Transfusion
Tycho, Evil Genius
Critical Strike
Elaborate Mechanism
Erode the Human Soul
Large Animal Tranquilizer
Mantis Technique
Really Big Word
Dramatic Monologue
False Contrition
Rare Card x2
Dirty Pool
Specialist Knowledge
Vast Intellect
The Fleshreaper
Fruit F#@!er
Sentient Appliance
The Watch

Street Fighter Set 01
••Chun-Li ••
Sankaku Tobi
Backflip Kick
Heel Stomp
Kakushu Raku Kyaku
Koshu To*
Senjo Shu
Souren Shou
Tenshin Shuu Kyaku
Determined Pursuit
Yoga Teleport*
Drill Headbutt*
Yoga Fire
Yoga Jab
Yoga Roundhouse Kick
Yoga Short Kick
Yoga Strong Punch
Calm Mind
Yoga Mastery
Fierce Determination
Ready for You*
Fumikomi Mae Geri
Hiza Geri
Hold for a Second Overhead Kick
Inazuma Kakato Wari
Jigoku Guruma
Ken’s Hadoken*
Ken’s Tatsumaki*
Shinden Kakato Otoshi
Shotokan Training x5
…to Stand a Chance
Foot Sweep
Kyubi Kudaki
Ryu’s Hadoken*
Ryu’s Seoi Nage
Ryu’s Shoruken*
Ryu’s Tatsumaki*
Sakotsu Wari
Shakunetsu Hadoken
Tomoe Nage
Apt Pupil
Skilled Fighter
•• Sagat •• *
• Sagat • *
Muay Thai Defense
You Aren’t a warrior…*
…you are a beginner!
Eye Patch*
Ground Tiger Shot*
Jumping Knee Strike
Muay Thai Punch
Overhand Throw x2
Tiger Genocide*
Tiger Knee* x3
Tiger Shot*
Tiger Uppercut* x4
Hardened Veteran
Muay Thai Discipline
Size and Speed
•• Zangief •• * x4
• Zangief • *
My Strength is Much Greater than yours
Overwhelming Strength*
Abdominal Claw
Air Throw
Banishing Punch*
Body Press
Double German Suplex*
Face Claw
Pile Driver
Russian Double Knee Press
Spinning Lariat*
Spinning Pile Driver*
Grappler x4
National Hero*
Ring Veteran x5
Fighting Spirit
Smack Talk*
Balanced Stance
Crouching Stance
Defensive Stance
Offensive Stance x2
Fierce Punch
Forward Kick
Roundhouse Kick
Short Kick
Strong Punch x2
Super Punch *
Feels No Pain
Beginners Luck x5
Physically fit
Scrapper *

Street Fighter Set 02
•• Balrog ••*
Below the Belt
Bob and Weave x2
Combination of Blows
Buffalo Headbutt x2
Dash Uppercut*
Kidney Blow x2
Low Dash x4
Multiple Headbutts*
Turn Punch
Fists of Iron x2
Float like a butterfly… x4
Prize Fighter
•• Blanka ••* x2
Hop x4
Seeing you in Action is a Joke
Backflip Roundhouse x2
Backstep Rolling Attack* x2
Electric Thunder* x3
Ground Shave Rolling* x2
Overhand Claw x6
Rolling Attack*
Vertical Rolling Attack*
Bestial Fury
Dirty Fighter x5
Man Beast x3
Unorthodox Fighting Style x5
•• E. Honda ••*
Can’t You Do Better than That?
Grounded Stance *
Sumo Stance
Bear Hug
Double Sumo Headbutt*
Hundred Hand Slap*
Ohicho Throw*
Over the Shoulder Throw
Sumo Headbutt*
Sumo Knee to Face
Sumo Smash x2
Sumo Splash
All Muscle
Low Center of Gravity x2
• Guile •
•• Guile ••
Calculated Strike of Fury
Man on a Mission*
Commando Forward Kick
Extended Roundhouse Sweep x2
German Suplex
Knee Bazooka*
Leaping Commando Kick
Mid Air German Suplex
Reverse Spin Kick
Somersault Kick*
Sonic Boom*
Disciplined x2
Army Training
•• M. Bison ••*
Get Lost…
Psycho Focus*
…You Can’t Compare x2
Devil Reverse*
Head Press
Head Press Somersault Skull Diver*
Jumping Strong Punch
Psycho Crusher*
Psycho Double Knee Press*
Psycho Power Punch
Slide Tackle
Spinning Throw x2
Demon Eyes
Psycho Power
• Vega •*
•• Vega ••*
Vega’s Back Flip
Handsome Fighters Never Lose
Not the Face
Vega’s Claw*
Vega’s Mask*
Pit Arena
Airborne Izuna Drop
Flip Kick
Flying Barcelona Attack*
Izuna Drop
Rolling Crystal Flash*
Rolling Izuna Drop*
Sky High Claw*
For the Ladies
Pit Fighter x2
Knock Down, Drag Out…
To the Bone
Boxing Ring
City Square*
Sports Car
Reverse Heel Kick
Spinning Blow
Expanded Options
Loving Devotion
Lower Body Strength
Seeking Answers
Street Brawling
Someone in Your Corner
Unstoppable x2
Wandering Master

Street Fighter Set 03
•• Akuma ••*
Akuma’s Close Jab
Akuma’s Close Strong Punch
Tenma Kujin Kyaku
Zugai Hasatsu
Dark Hado
Power and Skill
Unbridled Rage
Unparalleled Skill
•• Cammy ••*
Forward Spin Flip
Muscle Memory
Cammy’s Forward Kick
Cammy’s Jab
Cammy’s Jumping Forward Kick
Cannon Drill
Cannon Spike
Hooligan Throw
One Track Mind
Perfect Posture
•• Dudley ••
Spun Around*
Pugilistic Punishment
Dart Shot
Jet Upper
Liver Blow
Rocket Uppercut
Slipping Jab
Exhaust the Opponent
Honor and Glory
Punching Machine
Years of Tradition
Waterfall’s Momentum
Fei Long’s Close Strong Punch*
Fei Long’s Jab
Fei Long’s Short Kick
Fei Long’s Strong Punch
Rising Dragon Kick
Roundhouse Hop
Business Associate
Kung Fu Stance
Silent Movement*
Take You All On
Sound Advice
Shard Attack*
Shotokan Fireball
Solid Punch
Friends and Rivals
Televised Coverage

SNK Set 01
• Alba •*
Luminescent Lash
Seizing the Dragon
Winds of Pain
Self Made Man
The Devil of Daybreak
• Athena •*
Psychic Teleport
Phoenix Arrow
Psycho Ball Attack
Psycho Reflector
The Eternal Psychic Idol
La Roche*
Lance de Lion
Splash Font*
Violette Lunge
Master Fencer
Wander Lust
Justice Blade*
Plasma Blade
Replica Attack
Strike Heads
Mission of Peace
Ninja of Justice
Ceiling Slam Grabber*
Earthquake Assault
Exploding Euthanasia*
Hard Head Grabber
Lacks Virtue
Wandering Monk
Flying Cicada Dance*
Ninja Exploding Dragon Blast*
Ninja Strike Dash
Ninja Windsplitter
True Shrike Dash
Iga Master
Crescent Moon Slash
Cyclone Slash
Judgement Blast Slash*
Sake Slash*
Strive for Excellence
• Iori •*
Mow the Men Down
Crescent Moon Crunch
Iori’s Fire Ball
Winds of Waste*
Ancient Arts of Yagami
The Flame of Finality
• Kyo •*
Beautiful Purple Flame*
Kyo’s Fire Ball
Poison Bite 105*
Yano Sabi
Ancient Arts of Kusanagi x3
The Purifying Flame
• Lien •* x2
Lovely Reaper
Assault Type ε : Atropos
Assault Type ε: Psdterior
Assault Type λ: Shaula
Assault Type ι: Syrma
Homicidal Karate
The Sexy Avenger of the Shadows
Ninja Arts
Dragons Flame Romp
Folding fan Fandango
Noctural Plover
Shiranui Ninja Arts
• Nagase •* x2
Nagase’s Blog
Nagase Spiral*
Nagase’s Shooting Star
Punshiment Mode TYPE: Maximum Spiral
Punishment Mode TYPE: Mega Slash*
Unrelenting Fire*
Battle Disc System
• Nakoruru •* x2
Kamui Mutsube
Kamui Risse
Lela Mutsube
Idyllic Kamui Kotan
Nature’s Defender
Martial Arts
Power Charge
Power Dunk
Power Wave
The Hero of Southtown
• Ukyo •
Ukyo’s Sword of No Name*
6 Swallow Flash*
Concealed Sabre Snowfall Slash
Concealed Sabre Swallow Swipe
Ghostly Dashing Slice
Strong Slash Attack
Deathly Ill
Iaido Sword Style
Morning Glories
Pink Blossoms
White Lilies