Alright, so im looking for a definition of something in game, I have had a look in the rule book, tried looking for a glossary of terms or anything to answer this question before posting and it is something that I cannot seem to find a definition or meaning to, it is just a term the game likes to use every now and then, So forgive me if I am blind and missed it or I am a total noob.
Can someone define the term " Encounter "
It may seem obvious to some if not all of you but here is why I ask, there is a talent called "Second Chances" and it states that once per encounter a player may re-roll a number of positive dice equal to ranks in Second Chances. Now re-rolling positive dice that seem to not be doing any good seems to be a awesome benefit (especially if one of those were a blank dice). But before I go investing into that tree I wanted to know the limitations of it.
Is it just for combat encountering an enemy, or is it able to be used for other things and often during a session like encountering a task to be done, for an example, go into combat and use the second chances talent once (combat encounter done) then the enemy surrenders and you offer medical aid (use second chances again as the combat encounter is over), later on negotiate a better price on selling some loot (use it again to help ensure a better deal)
Also while im asking maybe a good idea to clarify other terms and check my understanding (working my way from my understanding of the top down)
Campaign: The continuing story containing the character(s) you and your friends have and the events they have been through.
Adventure : A mission or goal for PCs that the GM has chosen or made for them.
Chapter: Parts of a adventure to break it up possibly each with a different goal and or setting (go to this planet to get this then go to that planet and use that to do this then come back here and give me whatever) exp and sometimes credits normally awarded after a chapter (but its up to the GM).
Session: Each time your group gets together to play. Depending on size of chapter or even adventure could be multiple sessions over a chapter or even multiple chapters over a session (if your group is quick)
Encounter: I think it goes here, A event happens or PC/NPC wants to do something maybe even do a skill check i.e. i want to go into combat or I want to sneak past this guy.
Round: a ordered structure of turns commenced by PCs and NPCs.
Turn: an opportunity for a character to act.
Action: Incidentals, Maneuvers, Skill checks.
Feel free to correct anything (ill edit below this part here with any corrected information.)
Edited by GoldenGuard