Official stance on legality of misprinted dice?

By cheddarhead4, in Star Wars: Destiny

Well, the problem is that people are greedy little apes. If they replaced the die, they would have to print a million new Vader dice for all the guys claiming they got 'the wrong die' with their Vader. (Or any other good legendary) I, for one, understand the logic, it's very sad for those that get misprinted dice, but we're all a-holes at heart, and we shouldn't be trusted :)

simple solution: require people to mail FFG a misprinted die in order for them to replace it with a correct die. Problem solved! and it took me all of 30 seconds to think of it.

If you get the wrong die, FFG fixes it by giving you the right card (then you can use both that die and its card). If you get a misprinted die, FFG says "Hey! **** you."

I totally agree with this. I don't think people are cheating if they "RETURN" the defective die to FFG to get a replacement "CoRRECTED" version. It's just the the right thing to do IMO

Actually in the RRG page 3 actually does say 1 in 6.

Legendary (Purple): One in six booster packs has its rare card and die replaced by a legendary card and its die.


Which is not the same as saying 6 per booster box.

netherspirit is absolutely correct here.

Further, nothing from FFG anywhere guarantees or advertises, "6 legendary booster packs per booster box." In fact, I have bought exactly 4 booster boxes, and yet I have 26 legendaries, so ... it is rather clearly not a set in stone principle.

"One is six booster packs" = over the entire line, not each booster box.

Every Awakening booster box has exactly 6 Legendary boosters in it. It seem this is how FFG is keeping the 1 in 6 ratio. If you want to guarantee that your open 1 Legendary for every 6 booster buy a box.

Actually in the RRG page 3 actually does say 1 in 6.

Legendary (Purple): One in six booster packs has its rare card and die replaced by a legendary card and its die.


Which is not the same as saying 6 per booster box.

netherspirit is absolutely correct here.

Further, nothing from FFG anywhere guarantees or advertises, "6 legendary booster packs per booster box." In fact, I have bought exactly 4 booster boxes, and yet I have 26 legendaries, so ... it is rather clearly not a set in stone principle.

"One is six booster packs" = over the entire line, not each booster box.

Every Awakening booster box has exactly 6 Legendary boosters in it. It seem this is how FFG is keeping the 1 in 6 ratio. If you want to guarantee that your open 1 Legendary for every 6 booster buy a box.

Other then the 2 people above you who posted otherwise.

As stated, 6 per box is not guaranteed. The approximate 1 in 6 is a distribution ratio, not fixed.

It certainly does suck when you pull a misprinted legendary, but the approach to fixing it is not unreasonable. They treat a misprinted die as if the pack was empty, and you get another spin. The fact that you got something that looked like a good pack doesn't require them to replace it with exactly the same pack. I suspect this is also very hypocritical for the most part - nobody's going to complain about a fresh pack to replace a misprinted BB-8, but if it's a Vader then it's time to get the FBI involved.

I do agree that it would be better customer service to replace the exact die, and it's a step down from what people have come to expect from FFG on that front... but let's leave the BBB out of it, I think.

When you accept the unacceptable the unacceptable becomes acceptable. A better way is to not accept the unacceptable and put pressure on them. Only with pressure do they do a better job. Otherwise you might as well be begging for them to lower their standards across the board.

Edited by Mep

Actually in the RRG page 3 actually does say 1 in 6.

Legendary (Purple): One in six booster packs has its rare card and die replaced by a legendary card and its die.


Which is not the same as saying 6 per booster box.

netherspirit is absolutely correct here.

Further, nothing from FFG anywhere guarantees or advertises, "6 legendary booster packs per booster box." In fact, I have bought exactly 4 booster boxes, and yet I have 26 legendaries, so ... it is rather clearly not a set in stone principle.

"One is six booster packs" = over the entire line, not each booster box.

Every Awakening booster box has exactly 6 Legendary boosters in it. It seem this is how FFG is keeping the 1 in 6 ratio. If you want to guarantee that your open 1 Legendary for every 6 booster buy a box.

Other then the 2 people above you who posted otherwise.

They are mistaken or they had some REALLY bad luck with miss-packing of their boxes. I have YET to see a box that contained no more and no less than 6 legendary cards/dice. In person I've seen many dozen (3 or 4) boxes opened and the number of YouTube videos showing the same is too high to count. Further more, I know many of the members of this forum. They have also opened (some have even recorded) a few dozen boxes. 6 Legendary every time.

While FFG (to my memory) has not stated this to be the case, experience and reporting STRONGLY suggests it is to the point it can be taken as observed fact.

My 1st 2 boxes had 6 each but from my third box I pulled 7

Captain Phasma

Black One

One with the Force

Luke Lightsaber

Ren Lightsaber

Launch Bay

Thermal Detonator

When you accept the unacceptable the unacceptable becomes acceptable. A better way is to not accept the unacceptable and put pressure on them. Only with pressure do they do a better job. Otherwise you might as well be begging for them to lower their standards across the board.

Except that there's nothing unacceptable about this. There's a wide gap between "They could be more generous in how they handle this" and "Unacceptable!!!!!!" (did I get enough emphasis there?)

You do not buy a legendary die from them. You buy a random pack. It is perfectly reasonable for them to replace a defective random pack with another random pack.

And, again, the one-sided nature of this takes away whatever moral high ground you might have had. When I see people complaining about how they would only give a random pack to replace their misprinted BB-8, then I'll take it as some matter of higher principle. Until then, it sucks that you thought you had a legendary, but they're not violating anything.

I was hoping the Organized Play rules would address the legality of misprinted dice.

I would if I was a TO consider it to be damaged and covered by the lost or damaged rules section. If you presented more than one such dice, or seemed to know it was faulty, I would also start looking at something a little more akin to cheating. The fact that FFG will replace such a dice allows us to see that they clearly define the dice as faulty as they will replace it for you, FFG are not exactly saying that the dice is OK and doing nothing about it.

I was hoping the Organized Play rules would address the legality of misprinted dice.

I would if I was a TO consider it to be damaged and covered by the lost or damaged rules section. If you presented more than one such dice, or seemed to know it was faulty, I would also start looking at something a little more akin to cheating. The fact that FFG will replace such a dice allows us to see that they clearly define the dice as faulty as they will replace it for you, FFG are not exactly saying that the dice is OK and doing nothing about it.

But they don't replace the dice, do they.

Yeah, I'm not saying that what they're doing is objectively wrong. It's just really sh*tty customer service from a brand that previously had such a sterling reputation. Buying from a company that I've liked for a long time, only to be met with total apathy toward their own mistakes is hugely demoralizing.

Except that there's nothing unacceptable about this. There's a wide gap between "They could be more generous in how they handle this" and "Unacceptable!!!!!!" (did I get enough emphasis there?)

You do not buy a legendary die from them. You buy a random pack. It is perfectly reasonable for them to replace a defective random pack with another random pack.

And, again, the one-sided nature of this takes away whatever moral high ground you might have had. When I see people complaining about how they would only give a random pack to replace their misprinted BB-8, then I'll take it as some matter of higher principle. Until then, it sucks that you thought you had a legendary, but they're not violating anything.

It really comes down to this. It really sucks if you crack a Vader with a busted die, but it is reasonable that FFG considers that a bad booster and replaces it with a replacement booster.

I was hoping the Organized Play rules would address the legality of misprinted dice.

I would if I was a TO consider it to be damaged and covered by the lost or damaged rules section. If you presented more than one such dice, or seemed to know it was faulty, I would also start looking at something a little more akin to cheating. The fact that FFG will replace such a dice allows us to see that they clearly define the dice as faulty as they will replace it for you, FFG are not exactly saying that the dice is OK and doing nothing about it.

Is it a replacement if you receive something and never give them anything? Do they make you shop in the die? If not, that seems more like them giving you a reward rather than a replacement.

I was hoping the Organized Play rules would address the legality of misprinted dice.

I would if I was a TO consider it to be damaged and covered by the lost or damaged rules section. If you presented more than one such dice, or seemed to know it was faulty, I would also start looking at something a little more akin to cheating. The fact that FFG will replace such a dice allows us to see that they clearly define the dice as faulty as they will replace it for you, FFG are not exactly saying that the dice is OK and doing nothing about it.

Is it a replacement if you receive something and never give them anything? Do they make you shop in the die? If not, that seems more like them giving you a reward rather than a replacement.

They don't ask for you to ship them anything.

You get "Broken Item A" and they say "hey, maybe you'll get a Fixed Item A in this booster, or ya know, any other letter. And maybe it'll be broken too, idk. lol"

Which, it's hard to call that a reward, even. It's definitely not a replacement. Maybe a "consolation prize" is a better parallel.

Edited by cheddarhead4

Do you think there will be some misprinted dice that are better than normal? Do you think there will be some tournament players that will knowingly play the misprinted die and play off that they didn't know about it ahead of time when/if caught?

They don't ask for you to ship them anything.

You get "Broken Item A" and they say "hey, maybe you'll get a Fixed Item A in this booster, or ya know, any other letter. And maybe it'll be broken too, idk. lol"

Which, it's hard to call that a reward, even. It's definitely not a replacement. Maybe a "consolation prize" is a better parallel.

It is objectively a replacement. You bought a random booster. It was misprinted. They replace it with another random booster.

Are there other companies that replace misprinted, randomized content with the specifics of what was misprinted? I cannot think of any but it's been a while since I bought into a CCG or collectible cards in general.

They don't ask for you to ship them anything.

You get "Broken Item A" and they say "hey, maybe you'll get a Fixed Item A in this booster, or ya know, any other letter. And maybe it'll be broken too, idk. lol"

Which, it's hard to call that a reward, even. It's definitely not a replacement. Maybe a "consolation prize" is a better parallel.

It is objectively a replacement. You bought a random booster. It was misprinted. They replace it with another random booster.

Are there other companies that replace misprinted, randomized content with the specifics of what was misprinted? I cannot think of any but it's been a while since I bought into a CCG or collectible cards in general.

In my opinion, it would only be a replacement if they asked for the Broken A back. Otherwise, it is a consolation or reward.

Heroclix replaces Broken A with Correct A rather than a new booster. Not sure what Magic's policy is.

Edited by anthonybarnstable

I was hoping the Organized Play rules would address the legality of misprinted dice.

I would if I was a TO consider it to be damaged and covered by the lost or damaged rules section. If you presented more than one such dice, or seemed to know it was faulty, I would also start looking at something a little more akin to cheating. The fact that FFG will replace such a dice allows us to see that they clearly define the dice as faulty as they will replace it for you, FFG are not exactly saying that the dice is OK and doing nothing about it.

But they don't replace the dice, do they.

So what? How does what FFG does with the dice give you permission to in effect cheat your opponent? How would you react if the OP brought his dice with an extra 2 ranged.jpg and you found it? How would you feel about it as the TO if you then ask FFG if the dice was replaced and found it was 2 weeks before the tournament?

To me this isn't a single issue, it is two. What FFG does or doesn't do with misprinted dice has no bearing on me using that dice, that is on me and it isn't a nice thing to do to my opponent. It isn't his fault I got a bad dice, and he most certainly shouldn't be a target of cheating because I chose to use that dice.

How do you see the dice replacement policy allowing a player to cheat at a tournament?

Edited by Amanal

Do you think there will be some misprinted dice that are better than normal? Do you think there will be some tournament players that will knowingly play the misprinted die and play off that they didn't know about it ahead of time when/if caught?

There's definitely misprinted dice that are better than normal. I've seen force chokes with 3 special sides. I've seen dice with no blank side that should have one. I've seen dice with extra 3-ranged sides, etc (well, "seen" in pictures people posted online. I haven't personally gotten any misprinted dice that I've noticed). As for tournament players using them, that's the crux. MOST people will not try to cheat and use a misprinted die, but there's people out there in every game that are willing to cheat for an advantage, I'd expect to see them in Destiny as well.