Official stance on legality of misprinted dice?

By cheddarhead4, in Star Wars: Destiny

I was hoping the Organized Play rules would address the legality of misprinted dice (especially considering how common a problem that is with FFGs QA on this game). The rules included in the starter sets only stated that a dice must have the collector number of the card. The OP rules have a section involving dice that become damaged during a game. But neither of those really address faulty, officially-manufactured stuff from FFG.

Has there been any communications from FFG about this? They strike me as the type to ignore the problem and hope their customers just shut up, but with an upcoming tournament at PAX South, I was hoping someone might know *something* official on if we can use the faulty dice FFG sold us.

Well if its only misprinted its not that hard to figure out what misprinted face should be isnt it?

Edited by Vitalis

I see the OPs point though. The cards can be replaced, but not the die, and the die is the error. There doesn't seem to be much of an option for pack holders who get this error, and that's worrisome. Ok, worrisome to a degree....

I have heard rumors that FFG will replace your misprinted die with a new booster. So they might have a replacement program in place for that.

I started a thread on exactly this, I think it's on page 2 now. Everyone told me it was addressed in the rules by the no-cheating rule and that misprinted dice count as cheating. Personally, I disagree with that. I'm surprised everyone from that thread hasn't jumped in here yet.

Probably because the other thread is on the topic. If I had to guess.

They strike me as the type to ignore the problem and hope their customers just shut up

What gives you that idea? Thier customer service has been super good with other games, give them a chance to make it right and I bet they will.

They strike me as the type to ignore the problem and hope their customers just shut up

What gives you that idea? Thier customer service has been super good with other games, give them a chance to make it right and I bet they will.

I hope this turns out to be true, but for those of you with miss-print die all you're getting in another booster right now.

Personally, I hope players will join me in allowing miss-print die to be used so long as they are corrected in some way with a clear mark.

I have heard rumors that FFG will replace your misprinted die with a new booster. So they might have a replacement program in place for that.

I started a thread on exactly this, I think it's on page 2 now. Everyone told me it was addressed in the rules by the no-cheating rule and that misprinted dice count as cheating. Personally, I disagree with that. I'm surprised everyone from that thread hasn't jumped in here yet.

It's directly stated on Asmodee product replacement site.

They will ship cards out to match the die. They will replace misprinted or damage dice with a new booster pack.

So much for the misprinted Legendary, eh?

So much for the misprinted Legendary, eh?

Yeah. My first Legendary was Han and he was misprinted.

I got a shiny new BB-8 in the replacement booster, so I really wouldn't call that "making it right." And it's certainly not a "replacement."

Well, the problem is that people are greedy little apes. If they replaced the die, they would have to print a million new Vader dice for all the guys claiming they got 'the wrong die' with their Vader. (Or any other good legendary) I, for one, understand the logic, it's very sad for those that get misprinted dice, but we're all a-holes at heart, and we shouldn't be trusted :)

Well, the problem is that people are greedy little apes. If they replaced the die, they would have to print a million new Vader dice for all the guys claiming they got 'the wrong die' with their Vader. (Or any other good legendary) I, for one, understand the logic, it's very sad for those that get misprinted dice, but we're all a-holes at heart, and we shouldn't be trusted :)

There's no reason they can't ask you to ship them the dice with a form printed from their website and they'll send you an accurate one back.

I would do Penguin's suggestion in a heartbeat. THAT makes sense. Not...oh. "Our bad. Our QC was lacking in the packaging process" I'm sorry but if I have a card, and a die for that card, and they do not match....something needs to be fixed. Not...give me another pack that reduces my chance of getting the item I legally purchased.

Sorry. I just have a real issue with buying something that has an element of chance in it (packs) Opening said pack and getting a defective item, and the retailer not making it right.

If they're going to send out boosters for misprinted dice, they should at least match the rarity of the dice. Misprinted rare? 1 booster. Misprinted legendary? 6 boosters.

There are 6 legendary cards per box. If you bought a full box and there was a manufacturing defect with the box leading to less than 6 legendaries and they do not replace a legendary with a legendary please report them to the better business bureau for false advertisement. Enough complaints will get them to property replace legendary with legendary. They do not however need to replace that $40 legendary with a $40 legendary. They do need to make sure the box ends up with the correct number of legendaries. It isn't perfect but it is something and something they should already be doing.

If they're going to send out boosters for misprinted dice, they should at least match the rarity of the dice. Misprinted rare? 1 booster. Misprinted legendary? 6 boosters.

No, they don't need to send out 6 boosters to replace one booster. They just need to send a boost with a random legendary to replace manufacture defective legendary. They should already have two different piles of boosters ready to send out.

Even better, have enough replacement dice on hand to replace defective dice, even if that means collecting misprints. If the card is misprinted, then the card should be replaced.

So much for the misprinted Legendary, eh?

Yeah. My first Legendary was Han and he was misprinted.

I got a shiny new BB-8 in the replacement booster, so I really wouldn't call that "making it right." And it's certainly not a "replacement."

The fact that they'd replace your legendary card with a card that statistically should be a rare is like...insulting. When you buy a box you get 6 legendary. Replacing one of your legendary with rare is straight up removing value from your box.

If you send them a defective rare die, you should get a pack. If you send them a defective legendary die, you should get six packs, imo. Or like....more than one, dang.

Well, the problem is that people are greedy little apes. If they replaced the die, they would have to print a million new Vader dice for all the guys claiming they got 'the wrong die' with their Vader. (Or any other good legendary) I, for one, understand the logic, it's very sad for those that get misprinted dice, but we're all a-holes at heart, and we shouldn't be trusted :)

simple solution: require people to mail FFG a misprinted die in order for them to replace it with a correct die. Problem solved! and it took me all of 30 seconds to think of it.

If you get the wrong die, FFG fixes it by giving you the right card (then you can use both that die and its card). If you get a misprinted die, FFG says "Hey! **** you."

There are 6 legendary cards per box. If you bought a full box and there was a manufacturing defect with the box leading to less than 6 legendaries and they do not replace a legendary with a legendary please report them to the better business bureau for false advertisement. Enough complaints will get them to property replace legendary with legendary. They do not however need to replace that $40 legendary with a $40 legendary. They do need to make sure the box ends up with the correct number of legendaries. It isn't perfect but it is something and something they should already be doing.

Is the 6 legendaries per box advertised anywhere on their product? Has the 6 legendaries per box been officially advertised by FFG to be the case?

There are 6 legendary cards per box. If you bought a full box and there was a manufacturing defect with the box leading to less than 6 legendaries and they do not replace a legendary with a legendary please report them to the better business bureau for false advertisement. Enough complaints will get them to property replace legendary with legendary. They do not however need to replace that $40 legendary with a $40 legendary. They do need to make sure the box ends up with the correct number of legendaries. It isn't perfect but it is something and something they should already be doing.

Is the 6 legendaries per box advertised anywhere on their product? Has the 6 legendaries per box been officially advertised by FFG to be the case?

Nope. They just say that the odds of getting a legendary are 1 in 6 packs. Anecdotally, the community has figured out that boxes typically have exactly 6 legendaries out of 36 packs. It's entirely possible that one box could have 5 while the next has 7. There has been no advertisement that boxes will have 6 legendaries.

Also, I'm not sure that anyone under the age of 60 cares about what the Better Business Bureau thinks. Community forums are a much better indicator.

Actually in the RRG page 3 actually does say 1 in 6.

Legendary (Purple): One in six booster packs has its rare card and die replaced by a legendary card and its die.


Actually in the RRG page 3 actually does say 1 in 6.

Legendary (Purple): One in six booster packs has its rare card and die replaced by a legendary card and its die.


Which is not the same as saying 6 per booster box.

Actually in the RRG page 3 actually does say 1 in 6.

Legendary (Purple): One in six booster packs has its rare card and die replaced by a legendary card and its die.


Which is not the same as saying 6 per booster box.

netherspirit is absolutely correct here.

Further, nothing from FFG anywhere guarantees or advertises, "6 legendary booster packs per booster box." In fact, I have bought exactly 4 booster boxes, and yet I have 26 legendaries, so ... it is rather clearly not a set in stone principle.

"One is six booster packs" = over the entire line, not each booster box.

I have gotten 19 Legendary cards in 3 booster boxes

As stated, 6 per box is not guaranteed. The approximate 1 in 6 is a distribution ratio, not fixed.

It certainly does suck when you pull a misprinted legendary, but the approach to fixing it is not unreasonable. They treat a misprinted die as if the pack was empty, and you get another spin. The fact that you got something that looked like a good pack doesn't require them to replace it with exactly the same pack. I suspect this is also very hypocritical for the most part - nobody's going to complain about a fresh pack to replace a misprinted BB-8, but if it's a Vader then it's time to get the FBI involved.

I do agree that it would be better customer service to replace the exact die, and it's a step down from what people have come to expect from FFG on that front... but let's leave the BBB out of it, I think.