TIE/rc Recon Starfighter from WEG Strike Force: Shantipole

By SEApocalypse, in Game Masters

I am not 100% sure if I should have increased the system strain from 8 to 10 as well, but otherwise it seems rather faithful to the original TIE/rc from Project Shantipole. And it could solve some issues with stealthy smuggling ships avoiding detection from regular TIE/LN Patrols.
I am open for suggestions of other ships to fill this role and as well for suggestions and critique on my try on the TIE/rc. The TIE/rc vanguard variant I guess would add 1/0/0/1 shields and another significant costs and rarity increase. The hull was btw portrait in WEG as sturdy as the hull of an X-Wing, they basically cut down weight significantly by removing a gun, und used this to addi long-range sensor equipment and commlinks to link sensor data with its carrier vessel and upgraded thrusters and hull integrity to make sure that scouts make it home. So no swarm tactics for those support TIE/rc.