DC Regional Results (if anybody cares)

By Shaneth, in UFS General Discussion

12 ppl at the event.

Top 4 Rankings

3-1-0 Chaos Heihachi Chubbzinator (swiss champ)
3-1-0 Fire/Earth Bryan Fury Jordan Markle
3-1-0 Fire Zi Mei Nick Brady
3-1-0 Fire James Hata Shane Duckworth

Top 4:
over Heihachi
Zi Mei over Bryan Fury

Hata over Zi Mei

Shaneth wins the free pass to Gencon.

Sontag won the sealed event and won the 2nd pass to Gencon.

Tapout dominates Virginia once more.

Oh, and Craig Roberts (umigame) hosts the best tournaments ever.

The. Best. Tourna. Ments. Ever.

I wish I coulda been there.

aslum said:

I wish I coulda been there.

Yeah same here.....

But shane the only reason u guys dominated is because i wasnt there (:

Good Job Shaneth,

How many players showed up for the event?

iceman01 said:

Good Job Shaneth,

How many players showed up for the event?

Omar is all big talk and didn't show up, so I took his trophy from him. John Macek and John Papa didn't show up. Rob Waters didn't show up either, neither did Ian Firth or Jeff Downs. My boy Will Howard didn't show up either. Sad day, but Tapout didn't care because we got mad prizes.

Da_ghetto_gamer said:

But shane the only reason u guys dominated is because i wasnt there (:

Can't beat us. Team Tapout is just too good.

Shaneth said:

iceman01 said:

Good Job Shaneth,

How many players showed up for the event?


Omar is all big talk and didn't show up, so I took his trophy from him. John Macek and John Papa didn't show up. Rob Waters didn't show up either, neither did Ian Firth or Jeff Downs. My boy Will Howard didn't show up either. Sad day, but Tapout didn't care because we got mad prizes.

Da_ghetto_gamer said:

But shane the only reason u guys dominated is because i wasnt there (:

You talk big, honey. gran_risa.gif

Can't beat us. Team Tapout is just too good.

Well see about that at the next big event that happens around here.....i dont care how i have to get there im not missing another

Big talk? is THAT why you called me to gloat afterwards?

damned penguin ;)

we WILL have a showdown for the bison trophies. mark. my. words.

Actually Omar, I originally called you cause I wanted to talk about graphic design, cause I might have to work with that stuff in the future.


'Gratz, Shaneth!! Wish i had the funds to fly Eastward and play with y'all. Maybe i'll make it out to GenCon this year, just in case there's a UFS Event and i can finally meet everyone!
Did you post your winning deck list yet? [Goes to check...]....

I just posted it.

Unfortunately, I am almost positive I will not be at Gencon this year. I have no business there if official UFS won't be there. If Jasco does ind33d take over UFS and hold a Gencon world championship, I plan on pussying out, staying home, and reading reviews on Jasco's prize support, then I'll make my future decisions with this game. If Jasco posts his prize support prior to the event and it is ridiculous, then I guess I am going depending on how many other people from the community go. If at least 100 say they will go, then myself and Tapout will be there.

Also, I sold my pass to Gencon at the event to my opponent in the finals, the #1 ranked Naruto player, Nick Brady. He traveled with Tapout because he wanted that Gencon badge. Since the badge was his top priority for picking up UFS and going to the event with Team Tapout, I felt that he wanted it more than I did after I beat him in finals, so I sold it to him and made his day.