Anyone else disappointed with Chirrut's game text?

By AeroEng42, in Star Wars: Destiny

At first, I was completely excited about Chirrut's card (or at least what we could see). But as I thought more about it, I realized how restricting the "no Blue abilities" text will be. More disappointing is how thematically inconsistent it is with being able to give Force Training to any hero or other Blue abilities to villains with Sith Holocron.

This is especially disappointing since Chirrut seemed to have some Force-sensitivity in Rogue One. He definitely didn't have any training as a Jedi, but he seemed attuned to kyber crystals and to sensing the Force.

Am I alone? Anyone else notice the inconsistency?

The downside part of his text seemed kinda perfect to me, since he's pretty clear in the movie that he's no Jedi, and I like that the game will enforce a distinction there.

Of course, the upside part will have to be pretty good to make him worth using...

The downside part of his text seemed kinda perfect to me, since he's pretty clear in the movie that he's no Jedi, and I like that the game will enforce a distinction there.

Of course, the upside part will have to be pretty good to make him worth using...

That's my point. The game doesn't make that distinction. Force Training is SPOT a Blue character, not Blue Character Only. So I can give Finn or Ackbar or even a generic Trooper Force Training as long as I have a Blue character alive. Similarly a Sith Holocron can give Veers or Grievous Force Throw or Force Lightning when clearly they weren't Force sensitive in the movies.

I would argue that while Chirrut was not a Jedi, he was definitely Force-sensitive, if for no other reason than his sensing the darkness around Cassian on Eadu, but also because of his walk of faith to flip the master switch.

Chirrut will eliminate Stormtroopers with prejudice.

The downside part of his text seemed kinda perfect to me, since he's pretty clear in the movie that he's no Jedi, and I like that the game will enforce a distinction there.

Of course, the upside part will have to be pretty good to make him worth using...

Right, he's going to be a blue card character that needs another color in your deck to get him upgrades (rest of his text pending, of course) and he seems like an odd choice to pair with another blue since you'll be further limiting your own upgrade options.

Sith Holocron allows you to ignore play restrictions so chirrut's text doesn't affect that. Plus that's a villain

Sith Holocron allows you to ignore play restrictions so chirrut's text doesn't affect that. Plus that's a villain

So no help there then. Thanks.

Sith Holocron allows you to ignore play restrictions so chirrut's text doesn't affect that. Plus that's a villain

Sounds like we are getting a Jedi Holocron for Chirrut, then!

Sith Holocron allows you to ignore play restrictions so chirrut's text doesn't affect that. Plus that's a villain

Sounds like we are getting a Jedi Holocron for Chirrut, then!

Sith Holocron allows you to ignore play restrictions so chirrut's text doesn't affect that. Plus that's a villain

Granted we haven't seen the whole set, but I really hope that means heroes players get some kind of card that let's us put Force abilities on anyone (or at least Chirrut). If not a Jedi Holocron, maybe a Kyber Necklace?

Edited by AeroEng42

Did anyone else see that the card was spoiled out of Poland. After you activate he allows you to reroll all blanks. Sounds pretty awesome.

Also he is 12/16.

Chirrut, the only clearly Force-sensitive (though non-Jedi) character in Rogue One

I didn't get the impression that he's actually Force Sensitive at all. I think they were going for a blind master my-other-senses-are-heightened-to-compensate kind of thing, coupled with the fact that he's obviously a devout believer in the Force.

And Rey's staff -- can't wait to get that on him.

Chirrut, the only clearly Force-sensitive (though non-Jedi) character in Rogue One

I didn't get the impression that he's actually Force Sensitive at all. I think they were going for a blind master my-other-senses-are-heightened-to-compensate kind of thing, coupled with the fact that he's obviously a devout believer in the Force.

And Rey's staff -- can't wait to get that on him.

Agreed on Rey's Staff, or any lightsaber!

I know they wanted him not to be Force-sensitive, and upholds that, but there are too many things that make no sense. I don't care how attuned his physical senses are, no way in the world he knows Jyn is wearing a kyber crystal necklace under all those clothes in a noisy marketplace from 20 feet away without some sort of Force attunement. Nor could he perceive the Force "moving darkly" around Cassian when he leaves the ship to kill Galen. Nor does he survive a slow walk through fire from 4 Death Troopers when the other soldier didn't even make it 1 step. All of that screams Force-sensitivity or untrained Force use to me to be consistent with the rest of the Star Wars universe. But that's just my opinion.

We all know he is going to team up with Baze, and then they will for the Odd Couple and crush us all.

Wait, so you can't place One With The Force on him. :(

Did anyone else see that the card was spoiled out of Poland. After you activate he allows you to reroll all blanks. Sounds pretty awesome.

Hmmmm...sounds fair, actually.

A friend of mine described it as 'Chirrut doesn't use the Force, the Force uses him'. However I'd agree that they didn't do a particularly good job of actually showing that in the movie, it works for scenes like the walk, or his proficiency with weapons. But not for things like being able to 'sense' things.

Regardless though, thematically, the idea is that he is specifically NOT a force user. So I thing the game text is appropriate for that.

still it restricts him more then any other character. even the yellows and reds.

however 4 damage sides and reroll blanks makes him a hard hitter with a staff and his bow

A friend of mine described it as 'Chirrut doesn't use the Force, the Force uses him'. However I'd agree that they didn't do a particularly good job of actually showing that in the movie, it works for scenes like the walk, or his proficiency with weapons. But not for things like being able to 'sense' things.

Regardless though, thematically, the idea is that he is specifically NOT a force user. So I thing the game text is appropriate for that.

I think people are missing part of the OP's point and that is that he can't get force related cards while other clearly non-force users can.

I loved that character :) There´s something sad in his devotion to the shattered cause of guarding the Kyber crystals.

I´d say blue is force sensitive. Not necessarily force trained. Otherwise we wouldn´t have a card saying just that?

The downside part of his text seemed kinda perfect to me, since he's pretty clear in the movie that he's no Jedi, and I like that the game will enforce a distinction there.

Of course, the upside part will have to be pretty good to make him worth using...

Right, he's going to be a blue card character that needs another color in your deck to get him upgrades (rest of his text pending, of course) and he seems like an odd choice to pair with another blue since you'll be further limiting your own upgrade options.

I'm betting we can be pretty confident we'll get his staff as a blue upgrade (unless they make it grey like rey's staff) in SoR. He can use lightsabers. Wouldn't be surprised to see another blue non-ability upgrade in the set either.

This is a game. He can Use the force, Deflect a die and do Mind tricks. He's Chirrut enough.

It will be good to have decks with blue that are actually different than typical blue deck.

A friend of mine described it as 'Chirrut doesn't use the Force, the Force uses him'. However I'd agree that they didn't do a particularly good job of actually showing that in the movie, it works for scenes like the walk, or his proficiency with weapons. But not for things like being able to 'sense' things.

Regardless though, thematically, the idea is that he is specifically NOT a force user. So I thing the game text is appropriate for that.

I think people are missing part of the OP's point and that is that he can't get force related cards while other clearly non-force users can.

So really the problem is with Sith Holocron, rather than Chirrut.

A friend of mine described it as 'Chirrut doesn't use the Force, the Force uses him'. However I'd agree that they didn't do a particularly good job of actually showing that in the movie, it works for scenes like the walk, or his proficiency with weapons. But not for things like being able to 'sense' things.

Regardless though, thematically, the idea is that he is specifically NOT a force user. So I thing the game text is appropriate for that.

I think people are missing part of the OP's point and that is that he can't get force related cards while other clearly non-force users can.

So really the problem is with Sith Holocron, rather than Chirrut.

His main example was force training which can go onto Padme, Ackbar, Finn and such.

A friend of mine described it as 'Chirrut doesn't use the Force, the Force uses him'. However I'd agree that they didn't do a particularly good job of actually showing that in the movie, it works for scenes like the walk, or his proficiency with weapons. But not for things like being able to 'sense' things.

Regardless though, thematically, the idea is that he is specifically NOT a force user. So I thing the game text is appropriate for that.

I think people are missing part of the OP's point and that is that he can't get force related cards while other clearly non-force users can.

So really the problem is with Sith Holocron, rather than Chirrut.

His main example was force training which can go onto Padme, Ackbar, Finn and such.

Correct, though Sith Holocron is also thematically inconsistent with what Chirrut's game text is trying to do.

That said, I didn't think about his staff being another card that maybe overrides the blue restriction, or has some other ability that replicates something like Force Protection or Force Training.

At least a small consolation is that he makes Force Misdirection much easier to use for damage mitigation.

I only wish he was slightly cheaper, so that it would be more tempting to put him non-elite into certain decks just for the blue events. Still, 12 is pretty good, but it'll probably be more Chirrut + One rather than Chirrut as a support piece for a team. Personally, I think his ability is great, and I like the utility of his die.