Review of Individual Cards?

By ArbitraryNerd, in Star Wars: Destiny

Has anyone put something like this together? New player, and may have to prioritize purchases at this point, due to limited "in the wild" stock.

Would also be useful in general newbie deck-building!

The current offerings I'm able to find, in terms of deck building tips, are limited and don't factor in specific cards, but rather seem oriented towards CCG newbies.

Looking at a variety of online deck lists, just to see what cards keep popping up, but have no idea about the builders' pedigrees...

You might try cardgamedb -- there's a feature to leave comments on individual cards.

Severn Gamaing Network does card spotlights and deckbuilding 101s:

Tiny Grimes does decklists, card analysis, rankings and looong podcasts with lots of infos:

Team Covonant did some videos featuering Destiny including a very basic deckbuilding guideline:

There are more out there but these are a good starting point.

Edited by Vijel