Reprinting "Awakenings"

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny

Sorry if I'm late to this discussion.

So I've heard rumors that Awakenings will NOT get a re-print. Does anyone have an information to share regarding this? (Awakenings is NOT showing up for reprint on the upcoming section). Considering the terrible distribution of Awakenings, and extremely poor amount of supply vs the demand - I would be astonished if FFG didn't get more Awakenings product out there. So many people I know STILL haven't been able to get into the game - Those of us with a lot of cards are still giving out cards to fill out new players' decks because there simply isn't enough stock - this stuff literally sells out the same day it hits store shelves.

If this game is going to be a game where only pre-orderers have the capacity to play - then does it even have a future?

Open mind. Insert common sense. Find answer you will. -Yoda 2017

Will there be a reprint? Probably, (maybe even most likely?) they'd be crazy not to make all that money.

The problem lies in the fact that unless they have more on boats already, it will be months before there's anymore available in stores.

My guess is that we won't see more Awakenings until after Spirit of the Rebellion comes out, because for that to be out in Q2 it has to be printing now, which means they likely aren't printing Awakenings now...

Edited by netherspirit

Awakenings will be reprinted again sometime this year. It's sold out in very instance and it would be silly for FFG not to capitalize on that.

Obviously it would be silly - but there are still rumors. Which is why I am asking.

Suppose this was it. Just think about it for a minute. (Granted I hope this isn't the case).

I feel like that would almost kill the game - who would want to get into a game that just came out a month ago, yet the entire first set was permanently discontinued.

It's already so bad here that local game stores are jacking up prices above the MSRP. I thought that sort of thing was reserved for ebay?

Obviously it would be silly - but there are still rumors. Which is why I am asking.

Suppose this was it. Just think about it for a minute. (Granted I hope this isn't the case).

I feel like that would almost kill the game - who would want to get into a game that just came out a month ago, yet the entire first set was permanently discontinued.

It's already so bad here that local game stores are jacking up prices above the MSRP. I thought that sort of thing was reserved for ebay?

It would be silly, and they need to make sure they are closer to meeting demand with any printings of anything in the future since a product being on sale for just 4 days for several months will kill the game.

That said, it's pretty clear that they aren't printing Awakenings right now with SotR coming down the pipe. So, it could be awhile, and I think they'll have to slow down releases to try and catch up with demand.

Exactly. Because after they print Spirit of the Rebellion - they may be tempted to begin printing expansion #3 - and that feels like it would be a mistake right now.

The facts are they don't have anymore product ready to ship currently and they have made no public declarations about rotations and when things go out of print. Chance are they have made no decisions yet. Chances are their will be more awakening cards and dice produced and chances are those shipments won't be seen for many months. Their production schedule may make it rather difficult for them to do another printing until their manufacturing capacity is increased which just doesn't happen over night.

At the very least I have a feeling FFG will continue to printer the Awakening Starter packs. The next few shipments of Awakening should be MUCH bigger. By the time SotR gets here, we'll be ready to move on. Let's remember this conversation (and others) at the end of February. My guess is by then you'll be able to walk in and buy a box or a few boosters at almost will.

You can all still be very happy as the english boosters have had another wave! There has been only one ******* initial wave for german boosters and there are no boosters anywhere... it seems FFG is focusing on their main market right now and all other side markets will suffer much more longer! ;)

You can all still be very happy as the english boosters have had another wave! There has been only one ******* initial wave for german boosters and there are no boosters anywhere... it seems FFG is focusing on their main market right now and all other side markets will suffer much more longer! ;)

It was really just one wave here in the states (though that may amount to more product). They just released it in Waves so that it would draw the release out and give more chance for people to get it,

Awakenings getting a reprint is a no brainer as it’s a golden goose right now, hands down it will happen…….. eventually.

I guess the real core issue here is how long it takes to reprint this product, we know it takes longer than a traditional card game as the dice complicate the manufacturing process many times over a normal CCG. If the time between FFG saying "go" to the printers and the stock being on the shelf is 3+ months then that’s really bad.

Technically SOR is still slated as In Development on the FFG web page but I would imagine at this point that even if its not already being printed, its likely that the amount to be printed has been set due to factory time allocation etc.

Will there be enough stock of the new set? Maybe not, and reprints of both awakenings and SOR will need to get in line behind the production of set 3 most likely, more months waiting.

Also the lack of Acknowledgement from FFG about the popularity of the game and when additional stock will be released is unsettling, when these sorts of rumours regarding no more print runs start circulating and gaining momentum as this one has in the last week or so FFG have made no effort to quell the fears of the naysayers.

My own personal anecdotal evidence from a friend who owns an online shop in Australia is that there are 2 more larger waves of Awakenings coming, though when and how large remains to be seen and whether or not that is enough to meet the demand time will only tell.

What is your source for these "rumors"?

By the time SotR gets here, we'll be ready to move on. Let's remember this conversation (and others) at the end of February.

I'll take that bet ;) I think we'll be excited for the new set but there will be players eager to continue (or start) their collection of Awakenings.

What is your source for these "rumors"?

Not sure which rumors specifically you are asking about, but even The FFG Event Center itself does not have the ability to order or purchase Awakenings right now and has zero information themselves on whether/when a new printing of Awakenings will be happening. That means it isn't being printed right now. So, if it's not being printed and it's not available for's several months out at best.

Edited by AlexW

The facts are they don't have anymore product ready to ship currently and they have made no public declarations about rotations and when things go out of print. Chance are they have made no decisions yet. Chances are their will be more awakening cards and dice produced and chances are those shipments won't be seen for many months. Their production schedule may make it rather difficult for them to do another printing until their manufacturing capacity is increased which just doesn't happen over night.

thing is a couple of months is not acceptable for a ccg, players will get fed up and just move on to other games that they can actually get product for.

The facts are they don't have anymore product ready to ship currently and they have made no public declarations about rotations and when things go out of print. Chance are they have made no decisions yet. Chances are their will be more awakening cards and dice produced and chances are those shipments won't be seen for many months. Their production schedule may make it rather difficult for them to do another printing until their manufacturing capacity is increased which just doesn't happen over night.

thing is a couple of months is not acceptable for a ccg, players will get fed up and just move on to other games that they can actually get product for.

The facts are they don't have anymore product ready to ship currently and they have made no public declarations about rotations and when things go out of print. Chance are they have made no decisions yet. Chances are their will be more awakening cards and dice produced and chances are those shipments won't be seen for many months. Their production schedule may make it rather difficult for them to do another printing until their manufacturing capacity is increased which just doesn't happen over night.

thing is a couple of months is not acceptable for a ccg, players will get fed up and just move on to other games that they can actually get product for.

Clearly from reading this forum, people are already fed up.

FFG clearly didn't foresee the demand for this game which is astonishing to me. I think the best thing they can so in order to stop any 'bleeding' in terms of losing players is to make an announcement that they will have more printing of the first set and they are working on adjusting going forward. They just need to make it clear they are working on it. I honestly think players should give them a year on this then decide based on supply at that time if it is something to pursue.

FFG clearly didn't foresee the demand for this game which is astonishing to me. I think the best thing they can so in order to stop any 'bleeding' in terms of losing players is to make an announcement that they will have more printing of the first set and they are working on adjusting going forward. They just need to make it clear they are working on it. I honestly think players should give them a year on this then decide based on supply at that time if it is something to pursue.

Yeah they really should make an announcement that more Awakenings boosters are coming, to ease people's minds. Still none in the UK.

Yeah I think in the UK we've had the release on the 1st Dec, then one on the 15th Dec and finally on the 22nd Dec and that's it.

With most stores only getting like 10 boxes or far less in most cases.