Thoughts on Dooku?

By Krodarklorr, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey guys, so I'm on the hype train for this game already, and I've spent money I shouldn't have, haha. I've made about 5 or so decks already, but I've stumbled upon two Dookus, so I really wanna try running an elite version of him. Thing is, I don't even know if he's that good in practice, and what to put with him. His ability seems okay, but detrimental against a deck that's milling you. What would he go good with, both upgrade and character wise? Anyone have experience with using him?

I have a Sith deck currently with eKylo and Vader, and I thought of running eKylo and eDooku, but that's the only idea I've had so far.

Edited by Krodarklorr

People run him with double Jabba as a Mill Deck or looking for crime lord. Gives you access to his discard side as well as holocrons to spice on Jabba...

Dooku is great. He can be used in all kinds of decks. You can play him in an agro deck like eGrievous / Dooku. Or you can play him in a control deck like eDooku / eJabba. I play him in a control deck, Dooku / Phasma / FO Stormtrooper. He is just a solid blue villain character. And his ability means he usually gets an extra 3-4 health if needed.

Edited by Bowser

He's not really a liability in mill match-up either because if they are trying to mill you then they likely aren't doing much damage so you won't need to trigger his ability, and it should be pretty obvious early if mill is your opponent's goal so you'll know not to Dooku.

He's not really a liability in mill match-up either because if they are trying to mill you then they likely aren't doing much damage so you won't need to trigger his ability, and it should be pretty obvious early if mill is your opponent's goal so you'll know not to Dooku.

That's actually a good point, it didn't occur to me.

After playing one game, I'm a fan. I don't have much by way of card options yet (1 starter, 12 boosters), so I also find his ability preserves my over-reliance on Blue cards nicely.

Currently running Dooku, Jango, and FO Trooper. Mostly because it fits, and lets me use all of my meager collection, but it's not a bad setup for casual play.

I've had a lot of fun (and moderate success) with an eDooku/ePhasma build (playing casually with limited cards against similar opponents). Can go either mill or aggro with it. Good luck with your decks!

Dooku's in kind of a tough slot where he's a little expensive for what he brings to the table, and he doesn't really synergize with anyone else particularly well. He's got a great defensive ability, so he makes a good place to put your Blue upgrades, but IMO there's a lack of really great partners for him. eGrievous is the obvious choice, but Grievous is very, very swingy.

I think dooku is pretty weak his ability is vastly overrated and costs you card advantage sure it saves an action over take cover but seriously most cards are better then take cover, heck even a reroll is better.

As far as his dice 2 melee sides 1 and 2 damage are good focus would be good but he costs 11/15 making most really big cards like Evader unable to pair with him lessening the focus side the discard side for a resource just seems abysmal to me. I have played so many games and never seen anyone spend that resource.

He is like a much worse ackbar for a higher cost.

I think dooku is pretty weak his ability is vastly overrated and costs you card advantage sure it saves an action over take cover but seriously most cards are better then take cover, heck even a reroll is better.

As far as his dice 2 melee sides 1 and 2 damage are good focus would be good but he costs 11/15 making most really big cards like Evader unable to pair with him lessening the focus side the discard side for a resource just seems abysmal to me. I have played so many games and never seen anyone spend that resource.

He is like a much worse ackbar for a higher cost.

Weird you feel that way. I feel he is a watered down vader for a much lower cost. I think he fits great with all melee characters but we just need more.

I've brought him in to my three Tusken deck, replacing a Tusken for his one dice option. He brings the ability to sneak in a Kylo saber as well as a single lightsaber, And some strikey blue cards to push damage. I find he often brings what I need in a few extra damage/a late game finisher, or a focus to put my Tuskens to serious damage.

Who is the sith that won't cop out when there is danger all about?


And you can see that Dooku is a bad mother...

He´s awkward in that he has two damage sides and one control. The good news is that they are free, differing from Kylo who has three sides, but pays for one of them. If/when something/someone shows with more discard he´ll be better.

Generally speaking (that's a pun, you'll get it in a moment) the way to run Dooku is as a non-elite off-sider to elite Grievous. Dooku does damage for free, leaving you able to pay for big Grievous hits, and the combination of Red/Blue Villain yields some interesting combinations. There are almost no auto-include cards in this deck, but of the few the main one is Personal Escort - put it on Dooku as early as possible, and then discard a card from your hand to divert damage that would have gone to Grievous over to Dooku, while also negating one damage. It's not Tier 1, it struggles with control, but it's a good combo and it'll win matches.

Generally speaking

Dooku's frequent meta picks right now are:

eDooku/eJabba - control mill

eDooku/eKylo - No Mercy mid-range aggro with a lot of control elements from blue

Dooku/eGrievious - aggro

He works fairly well as a secondary or supplementary character who lets mill/melee decks splash blue. Nobody's ever going to go for Dooku first, but if you can manage to keep him alive long enough by discarding cards, you can get him equipped well enough to handle himself and perhaps even the odds against your opponent. Against non-mill matchups, you're usually searching your deck for answers to what they have out and trying to cycle cards anyways, so his discard ability doesn't necessarily lose you significant card advantage, especially considering you're going to redraw up to 5 anyways.

I like Dooku but think that kylo Ren'so special can be game changing.

I like Dooku but think that kylo Ren'so special can be game changing.

how many cards do you have with more then cost 3 in your deck?

I played dooku with grievous and Grievous is the main target no matter how many upgrades dooku accumulates. In my surrounding egrievous is feared like vader. maybe because I had great results with him and others did role well with the guy as wel.