Force Lightning

By CBowser, in Star Wars: Destiny


This card is clearly very strong. Sith Holocron makes it even stronger. The combo I can't wait to pull off is Force Lightning and Force Choke. If you can get them both of them on their special, you resolve the Force Choke first, turning one of the enemies dice to a blank and dealing one damage to them. Then you immediately resolve the Force Lightning Special, dealing one more damage to the character, removing the die showing a blank, and re-rolling the Force Lightning die back into your pool.

You can do similar tricks with Force Choke and Force Throw, but instead of choosing a blank side with Force Choke, you choose the side with the highest number, then use the Force Throw to get rid of the die and deal the damage. Either way these cards combo very well together and will all likely see play together in the future.

It's great comboed with Choke. It also has great synergy with Immobilize.

I'm sure there's an adult joke about immobilization, choking and electrocution in there somewhere.

It slipped a few pages, but I already started a thread. Funny, nobody seems to be altogether that interested in Force Lightning right now.

We ... we ... we don't have Force Lightning right now. It's one thing to theorize and speculate amazing combinations of play, and a completely different thing to actually play. Many people are still trying to get Awakenings cards. SotR cards spoiled last week but not in hand for months aren't high on people's priority and you think that's funny? Lol.

It's ok. I can't wait to start Deflecting and Force Throwing it.

I just can't wait to use it and yell: