Really late to the party

By Scythean, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I finally received my order from back of mid December for both starter decks and six booster packs for this game.

First impressions, I like it. Once you get the rules down gameplay is pretty awesome.

I'm playing the Kylo Ren starter and my 9yr old stepson is playing the Rey starter.

I am surprised on how quick my stepson picked up on the game and he has given me some really close games...

So far only problem we are having lately is that we will have games where we have maybe one or two characters left ...Some near killed off and we have maybe one or two cards left in our decks and we can't do anything else because all our dice have been resolved and we can't play any other cards from our hands so I ask this possible noob question who wins the game at that point? Is it a draw?

Anyways I really like this game and all the strategy that comes with playing the cards and dice together..

Now the only problem I see so far that worries me is the availability of booster packs at the local game shop and how often FFG keeps turning out new stock to retailers.

Will this improve as the months roll on or will there be lengthy waits on obtaining booster packs?

Also is it worth getting a second Kylo Ren starter pack to expand my deck?

I'm considering just playing Kylo Ren and other characters just because of the randomness of what I pull from boosters....I did manage to score a General Grevious so for the time being I'm running e Kylo and Grevious in my games...Also scored a General Veers, along with a couple of tusken Raiders..

I figured it was a decent start for pulls from six booster packs.

All in all pretty fun game, and I hope to see it stick around.

a second Rey is a good idea, if only to get a second die for Finn. I can tell you that up front.

Welcome to the game!

A player loses if they have no cards in their hand AND deck at the end of a round. If both players have no cards (in hand or in the deck) at the end of a round it is a draw. If at the beginning of a round you cannot draw up to your hand size, then you draw as many cards as possible and play on. A player does not lose if they have and empty deck but cards in their hand at the end of a round.

I personally advise against buying more than one starter. The boosters are so much more fun to open and help to diversify your collection and the types of decks you can build. The shortage is coming to an end. You picked a good time to get into the game.

Edited by Stone37

"So far only problem we are having lately is that we will have games where we have maybe one or two characters left ...Some near killed off and we have maybe one or two cards left in our decks and we can't do anything else because all our dice have been resolved and we can't play any other cards from our hands so I ask this possible noob question who wins the game at that point? Is it a draw?"

You should be able to just move onto the next round. Every character in the game either has damage facings OR discard facings on their dice. It might take awhile, but with unlimited time, every game should have a clear winner... even if it takes multiple rounds to do that last point of damage or force your opponent to discard that last card. The tournament rules, available on FFG's website, set a 35 minute game limit. If the game hasn't been decided by 35 minutes, you finish out the round you're playing and count of damage done. Whoever has done the most damage (including to dead characters) wins. If that's a tie, whoever has the most cards remaining in their deck and hands combined wins. If that's a tie, whoever controls the battlefield wins.

"Now the only problem I see so far that worries me is the availability of booster packs at the local game shop and how often FFG keeps turning out new stock to retailers.

Will this improve as the months roll on or will there be lengthy waits on obtaining booster packs?"

It should. Popular games are always hard to find when they first release. Once upon a time, many years ago, it was very hard to find Magic the Gathering starter decks. This was back in the Alpha/Beta/Unlimited days. In other words, the first wave of product releases, just like Destiny. Now, it's almost unthinkable that Magic would have a product shortage. The real question is how long will it take for product to stabilize. It'll probably take more than a couple of months, but less than a year. FFG is new(ish) to this sort of thing.

"Also is it worth getting a second Kylo Ren starter pack to expand my deck?"

Yes. There are some good cards you want to have two of.

So let me see if I understand correctly.... If by the end of round a player who has no cards in their hand does loose?

And thank you for the welcome to the game and the great replies to this post. :)

You are not late at all. The game has only been out a little over a month now. And I would recommend getting two of each starter. There are some great cards in both starters that are only available in the starter decks. Also, it is a pretty cheap way to start up your collection. They are a great value for $15.

Out of cards in hand AND deck.

If you have used all dice and can play no cards, someone should claim the battlefield then the other player passes and you go to a new round and can use characters again.

The game doesn't end until you get to the end of the round and a player has no cards left in hand or deck, assuming no one lost all their characters.