It can be possible a Core that not rotate?

By Sazadek, in Star Wars: Destiny

I assume that to be the case also, but what about the likes of Jango Fett and General Grievous, there aren't any other iterations of those characters as far as I know. Also, how annoying will it be to spend a fortune trying to find Darth Vader or Han Solo in the Awakenings set only to have to go out and spend a load more cash in a couple of years trying to find the same characters again, even if they do have different art and die faces? I understand that is how the CCG model works but I personally would like it if all characters remained playable and possibly even some supports (AT-ST/Falcon) otherwise I feel it would thematically spoil the game. Obviously this does just apply to organized or standard play, if its casual we are still free to do what we want.

I understand the need for rotation but FFG need to be careful with how they go about it when it comes to the characters. It wouldn't be in the games best interest if, following the phasing out of a set, players were unable to field their favourite characters because they are no longer 'legal'.

You're going to see multiple versions of many characters anyway. Specifically the core movie characters.

Since this is a collectible game. You have folks potentially spending a decent amount of money to buy or obtain (thru booster purchases) these Legendary Cards. So folks can spend $50+ on cards like Vader. When the company rotates (aka invalidates) this card from play then the value most likely will plummet. As a result, you'll have your customers who spent a decent amount of money in the game feeling burnt.

IMO, it's not a good policy to burn your customers with a strict rotation of these cards because of the collectible format they sell these cards in. So, it's tricky on how you handle this for both the collector and getting new people in the game.

Oh my gosh. I just figured out how to Ignore (it's at the top right under your login picture) and everything is now Wonderful!

To the topic at hand: I think it is far more important to have readily available starter sets at all times, with a complete 30 card deck then to make sure there is a "Base Set" that doesn't go out of print.

I mean, even if this was the final print for Awakenings (it's not), The new expansion comes out in APRIL! If stores can keep starters on the shelves with the new expansions as they come out, I truly doubt we will have the problems that would necessitate a Core Set.

And people complaining about Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and Han Solo not available will have to just wait for those characters (Luke Skywalker, Rebel Whiner; Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter; Han Solo, Smuggler) to be in a future set, or a future Starter (hopefully a readily available one)

If the 'box' represents 20+ years of successful game-building then what does FFG stand to gain by ignoring it? The continued patronage of an obstinate and vocal minority ? I don't think that outweighs the losses they'd incur by failing to protect the future health and integrity of their game. There'll be a hundred more open-minded players willing to buy Destiny product for every one of you that leaves.

It really really sounds like you want to go play magic, and you should go do that.

The truth is many have tried to emulate magic and they have failed. Magic is uniquely Magic. The path to success for Destiny is NOT TO BE Magic. Magic has been around so long that there is much to learn from that game, like trying to be a copy cat of magic is a great way to fail. FFG has very talented designers and they will study everything out there, learn from others' mistakes and find unique solutions to their unique problems.

Yeah, I'm still waiting for them to do that as I look at their less-than-comprehensive rule book and poorly templated cards (I haven't played an FFG game yet that didn't require unofficial responses by email while I waited 6 months for an updated FAQ). Meanwhile, you guys pretty much have your answer; FFG has dedicated themselves to rotating card sets. That's all there is to it, and as much as I like Magic or Destiny, it would do well for you to remember that the direction of this conversation is as much and more a product of the FFG apologists here who can't help themselves from hating on the 800-pound gorilla of card games. If anyone can't think outside the box it's the people who've been coddled by FFG's casual game design, but that's about to change, isn't it? Best get your tissues ready now, because the I-told-you-so's are on the horizon.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Yeah, I'm still waiting for them to do that as I look at their less-than-comprehensive rule book and poorly templated cards (I haven't played an FFG game yet that didn't require unofficial responses by email while I waited 6 months for an updated FAQ). Meanwhile, you guys pretty much have your answer; FFG has dedicated themselves to rotating card sets. That's all there is to it, and as much as I like Magic or Destiny, it would do well for you to remember that the direction of this conversation is as much and more a product of the FFG apologists here who can't help themselves from hating on the 800-pound gorilla of card games. If anyone can't think outside the box it's the people who've been coddled by FFG's casual game design, but that's about to change, isn't it? Best get your tissues ready now, because the I-told-you-so's are on the horizon.

You really need to quit being so antagonistic. People don't appreciate or need you telling them what they're thinking and how they need to lead their lives. I'm sort of assuming that you're an adult, but you come off as a petty child. Disliking Magic doesn't automatically make someone an FFG apologist. Magic is a popular game, but if it actually appealed to everyone, there would be no need for competitors.

It's too early to tell, but I'm really hopeful that cards don't rotate out of "standard play". If that happens, I'm done. I'm not interested in a game where you might as well throw away your entire collection every year or so. It's one of the things I absolutely hate about Magic and the main all FFG would have to do is make another format, standard for the rotation and (insert name here) for all sets.

All FFG would have to do is make a standard for rotation and a eternal format for all sets, I'd be cool with that.

Edited by Vorkal

Yeah, I'm still waiting for them to do that as I look at their less-than-comprehensive rule book and poorly templated cards (I haven't played an FFG game yet that didn't require unofficial responses by email while I waited 6 months for an updated FAQ). Meanwhile, you guys pretty much have your answer; FFG has dedicated themselves to rotating card sets. That's all there is to it, and as much as I like Magic or Destiny, it would do well for you to remember that the direction of this conversation is as much and more a product of the FFG apologists here who can't help themselves from hating on the 800-pound gorilla of card games. If anyone can't think outside the box it's the people who've been coddled by FFG's casual game design, but that's about to change, isn't it? Best get your tissues ready now, because the I-told-you-so's are on the horizon.

You really need to quit being so antagonistic. People don't appreciate or need you telling them what they're thinking and how they need to lead their lives. I'm sort of assuming that you're an adult, but you come off as a petty child. Disliking Magic doesn't automatically make someone an FFG apologist. Magic is a popular game, but if it actually appealed to everyone, there would be no need for competitors.

Either I'm just being realistic or calling someone a "petty child" is no less antagonistic than whatever it is that you're reading into my statements. I'll be honest, there's a certain point at which I stop caring what other people think of me when it becomes obvious that facts no longer matter to them, but that hardly makes me wrong.

You should know what your options are at this point: accept that rotations are going to happen and we can all go back to having fun and rolling dice with each other, or you can continue to stamp your feet and insist (wrongly) that there'll be a mass exodus if FFG doesn't cater to your particular interests. One of those is a clear path to amicability. What's it going to be, friend?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

lets worry about this when it actually close to happening, this is set 1

I think it's important for some folks before they invest a decent amount of money in the game.