How have your Boosters been?

By kiefchief, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey guys!

How have your booster openings been? I have seen a lot of villain cards (legendary and rares)... but few hero cards. Have you had the same luck? If you haven't gotten the game yet here is a sample from my YouTube channel I uploaded, nothing is better than opening a booster pack of Star Wars Destiny cards!

May the force be with your rolls!

And we got Rey's staff..Not bad....and we got BB-8..not bad......just wait will say they are very bad after 2 boxes.......

The few packs here and there I've gotten gave me some good stuff, like two AT-STs, a Launch Bay, eLeia, eJabba, Luke's Lightsaber, more FO Storms, ext. The box I bought last week gave me Luke, Vader, Luke's Lightsaber, more staffs and BB-8s, Commanding Presence, eDooku, pretty much a solid all around collection. Still missing things like Han, quite a few uncommons, and sadly Qui-gon Jinn.

I've learned that 5 Bala Tiks is too many....

I've cracked over 2 boxes and have yet to pull qui gon, I feel your pain.

I've done well. 40 boosters and:



2x bala

2x nightsiter


Luke and kylo saber


2x tusken

Qui Gon

2x holocron.

2x Thermal Dets

Plenty of other upgrades and almost none I would consider wasted or not good trade fodder.

Edited by The Penguin UK

The good news I have 5 FO Storm Troopers, and honestly, my 4 Stormtrooper Red deck is a beast. So, silver linings.

After one booster box and 36 loose boosters, I only have extras (third copy) of Padme, Data Pad, Sith Holocron, and Bala-Tik for rares. I haven't fully sorted commons and uncommons, so I'm sure I have more there. I feel like I got extremely lucky in this regard.

I'm still waiting on my first 10 packs before I report in.

No clue none for sale in the area to get to. Most are still filling preorders.

Edited by bravo29

9 force protection, out of roughly 2,5 cases.




I hate that card so much. Other than that I have yet to see a holocron, hired gun and grevous.

I have drawn a LOT of bad rares, and very rarely more than 2 of good ones.

28 boosters packs and got



Too many of the same battlefields

Rebel trooper

2x Thermal Dentators

2x Launch Bays




7 Legendaries





Hired gun


Night sister



2x holdout blaster

Luke's lightsaber

Kylo's lightsaber

2x promotion

3x on the hunt (traded one for a second immobilize)

2x FO TIE fighters (and i can't get rid of the extra)


Iqa-11 blaster rifle


That's all i can remember for dice cards

(I will say that rearming a promotion is funny though, even if it's not a good idea)

9 force protection, out of roughly 2,5 cases.




I hate that card so much. Other than that I have yet to see a holocron, hired gun and grevous.

I have drawn a LOT of bad rares, and very rarely more than 2 of good ones.

I tell you what, I will post you the 5 Tie fighters that I opened in 45 boosters I have managed to get my hands on so far for 5 of your force protections :)

We finally got a restock in our local store of 14 boxes which sold out in a matter of hours, one player had a box with 10 starter rares in it, really felt for the guy.

I have enough jedi robes to stitch a blimp together.. Ugh..

Pretty amazing this far. I've opened about 50 packs. No Vader Yet but pretty good so far.

2x Grievous


Commanding presence

3 Holocron

2 holdout blaster

2 jetpack


2x black one

2x Crime Lord


Luke's lightsaber

One with the force


Just got my first booster box.

2x Ackbar

2x diplomatic Immunity

2x Nightsister

2x Outpost

2x Tusken Raider

2x Bala-tek

2x Black Market





Kylo's Saber






Survival Gear

Jedi Robes



DL-44 Pistol

Infantry Grenade



And a Launch Bay card with a Black One die. Whoop whomp!!

But a pretty good pull non the less. Should be getting another box in a couple days. So we shall see what's in that.

Edited by Rasputindarksyde

At 17 packs the only unique character I've pulled is Grevious. I'm a little disappointed, but hey I've also go 3 infantry grenades so .... yea!

So I opened another 4 packs last night just because (I swear I don't have a problem), and low and behold I got Crime Lord and Han. So, that's awesome.

I've opened 3 booster boxes...first 2 were great...12 different legendary

3rd box was all duplicates..maybe one or 2 rares and an uncommon that I didn't already have... tho I did get a thermal Detonator die with a black market card...but Asmodee sent me a replacement card and i needed that one still so that worked out ... 3rd box had virtually no value other than traders

Was still missing 3 uncommons, 5 rares and 4 legendary (Luke, Jabba, Force Choke and AT-ST) for a complete set after 108 boosters

My first six boosters grabbed me Jango, Dooku, and Force Choke that made me happy.

My second six gave me Jabba, and that was about it in terms of excitement.

My third six had utter crap :/. My buddy got ten from the same store and pulled 6 legendaries, including Crime Lord, Poe, and an ATST... AND he got the second copy of Jango I was hoping for.


I've purchased three sealed booster boxes. They each had exactly six legendaries, with no triplicates over the 18 cards. I've then opened about 30 packs from a variety of boxes. I was very fortunate with my pulls there and got about another 10 legendaries. The only legendary I have an extra of is a Launch Bay. I have yet to see Luke or Luke's Lightsaber. I think I have at least one of everything else and two of everything I wanted for decks.

They aren't very available in our area, so I'm considering switching to buying singles I need for now, instead of dropping $$ on the limited availability random chance.

Or possibly trading some of the cards I don't plan on building around early on -- I don't exactly expect to run Jabba, for example. Gotta see how my area is for trading, I guess.