FFG Stance - Tabletop Simulator / OCTGN

By ChanceSteel, in Star Wars: Destiny


I keep seeing references to folks playing Star Wars Destiny with Tabletop Simulator and/or OCTGN. Anyone know FFGs stance on those solutions? I've recently seen that you can create and export game decks from SWDESTINYDB right into Tabletop Simulator.

Thanks in advance for your time.

My biggest hope would be that FFG sees the potential of that and starts an own APP for this! :)

As there are less starters/boosters out there, they could overcome that bad release start with this app!

I would also spend money into it... 50 cent for a digital booster would be ok for me! ;)

I'm the opposite end of the spectrum - I would not spend money on digital packs. I thought it was silly when Topps did it and I'm a trading card collector. I'd rather have a stack of physical commons cards than an ultra rare digital card.

I'm the opposite end of the spectrum - I would not spend money on digital packs. I thought it was silly when Topps did it and I'm a trading card collector. I'd rather have a stack of physical commons cards than an ultra rare digital card.

I am also an old-fashion gamer and like to have the die in my hand, but next to me there aren't that much other players! :(

I suspect that FFG may not necessarily be OK with it however it was one of the main tool that many players used leading into the game that built up hype and interest in the game.

Additionally in the short term it will also be the only way for players in areas with stock shortages to play the game and remain interested in it. Bearing this in mind they would be foolish for FFG/Asmodee to have the lawyers use any stand over tactics.

For now its in FFG's interest to let people play Destiny on TTS, however once stock has saturated the market I suspect that FFG/Asmodee might come down hard on the Destiny module on TTS as it uses all the trademark images, I personally bought TTS just for Destiny so steam is making money directly from this mod. Were TTS free it might be a slightly different story maybe.

Time will tell but I would expect that eventually the Destiny mod for TTS will not be allowed to exist in its current form using the card and die images.

Also consider that the Vassal Mods for X-Wing specifically don’t have the rules text on the card or the original art for copyright reasons.

It skirts the line, but it likely does more for the game than it does against it.

NetrunnerDB and jinteki.net haven't been shut down yet.

Neither have other TTS mods such as Xwing and Armada

I'm with those who enjoy holding physical copies of the cards.
But I also like to play online to practice with a setup I just created, before taking it public.

It skirts the line, but it likely does more for the game than it does against it.

Pretty much this. There has been no major player in this business hurt by a fan-made digital version of their game. It's an extra tool that keeps players sharp and eager for the real thing. Those who don't hop on the RL thing and only play digitally would never consume the real thing anyway.

Those who don't hop on the RL thing and only play digitally would never consume the real thing anyway.

That's the line that a lot of people use when talking about pirated movies and while its most likely true for a significant portion of people that still doesn’t wash with the movie creators.

In several countries if you do not defend your copy write material and allow other to use it without protest the copywriter will be voided and it can be deemed public domain at which point anyone could then print it and sell it (no doubt the product shortages have piqued the attention of forgery entities in Asia already)

As I mentioned above, Destiny on TTS allows players that can't get stock to get their Destiny fix right now so FFG/Asmodee will possibly let it slide for now, but once stock levels are up to speed I expect there to be at least a token protest to maintain copy write.

Those who don't hop on the RL thing and only play digitally would never consume the real thing anyway.

That's the line that a lot of people use when talking about pirated movies and while its most likely true for a significant portion of people that still doesn’t wash with the movie creators.

In several countries if you do not defend your copy write material and allow other to use it without protest the copywriter will be voided and it can be deemed public domain at which point anyone could then print it and sell it (no doubt the product shortages have piqued the attention of forgery entities in Asia already)

As I mentioned above, Destiny on TTS allows players that can't get stock to get their Destiny fix right now so FFG/Asmodee will possibly let it slide for now, but once stock levels are up to speed I expect there to be at least a token protest to maintain copy write.

There's the time/consumption issue, though. While a movie can be consumed repeatedly, it hardly has the lasting value of a TCG. Once you see it (or are spoiled, in some cases), it's mostly done. You can see a movie at a friend's house with zero cost and never consume the product yourself, after it's out of the theaters. A single TCG has much more lasting power so that even if one doesn't hop on at the spot, time may get this person into the game. And the virtual experience may very well be the catalyst. The same cannot be said about the movie industry.

Then, aside from Pokemon, every other major TCG out there has a digital version in the same vein as the newcomer Destiny. It simply doesn't hurt the real game at all.

Pokemon does have a digital version. It's official, and if you buy a physical booster, it comes with a code to redeem a digital booster in game. Because of this all fan made attempts have been crushed.

FFG should do this model also.

Pokemon does have a digital version. It's official, and if you buy a physical booster, it comes with a code to redeem a digital booster in game. Because of this all fan made attempts have been crushed.

FFG should do this model also.

They could print a code on the card insert, or make a phone app that reads a barcode off the card insert or some such.

Have played Thrones, Star Wars, and LotR LCGs on OCTGN for a few years now, and own just about all the physical copies. No way could OCTGN replace the physical feel and experience for me. Would LOVE to see an official app from FFG/Asmodee for this. I hear TTS is a bit hard to learn at first, and costs $ (even if only a small amount), so I haven't tried it out yet. Fortunately I've got some local folks at our FLGS to play with, but if/when I get even more into/competitive with SW:D, I would like to have the on-line ability to test and practice for the real thing!

I wouldn't be playing this game aggressively as I have been or buying as much product if it weren't for TTS allowing me to playtest the game. It lets me set at home in and play in my free time, discuss things with other players, develop familiarity with the game, and implement new strategies based on my experiences. The closest FLGS's to me are at least 45-60 minutes away, with the closest ones barely scraping together 2 or 3 casual players. This would have been a dwindling interest and hobby for me if it wasn't for TTS, and I hope FFG doesn't do anything to shut it down because it greatly enhances my enjoyment of their product. I completely understand why they would want to protect their product in the future, though.

Honestly. I see this as my only option to learn the cards I don't have. Until the supply issues get resolved, most of us in the "have not" category will have to practice with this.

On January 16, 2017 at 0:56 PM, Hawkman2000 said:

I'm the opposite end of the spectrum - I would not spend money on digital packs. I thought it was silly when Topps did it and I'm a trading card collector. I'd rather have a stack of physical commons cards than an ultra rare digital card.

.... WHY?

1 hour ago, zoomfarg said:

.... WHY?

I love digital content, hearthstone is one of my favorite games currently, but at the end of the day I have to agree with Hawkman for one major reason. The technology weakness of all digital products.

You MUST have 3 things to use any digital product, a piece of technology, power and Internet connectivity. Internet access is debatable but so common it may as well be law. Should I ever find myself in a bad storm, outside signal range, not close to a power supply, pretty much insert event here, my digital content is absolutely worthless. My cards, models and dice will work flawlessly every time.

Now don't get me wrong, video games imo are great with digital content you need 2 of the 3 criteria anyway to play at all. Table games scratch an itch in every manchild though of having a physical collection and like I said outside theft or destruction they are guranteed to function. Guess the doomsday prepper in me is just taking out insurance.

Favors game more than hurts.

They would be fools to try and fight destiny on TTS. I'm living proof. My buddy and I played it on TTS and I got hooked. bought 4 starters and 3 booster boxes.

If I had never tried the game on TTS I wouldn't have ever purchased the game.

It's really in everyone's best interest to avoid posting topics like this on FFG boards, since more visibility for the TTS module makes it more likely that FFG would have to officially acknowledge its existence... which can only result in Cease and Desist notices and an end to the fun times.

Yes, but maybe on the otherside there will follow some better official stuff! ;)

On 2/5/2017 at 5:39 PM, Veritas85 said:

Yes, but maybe on the otherside there will follow some better official stuff! ;)

Not necessarily. Heroclix Online crashed and burned so hard that Wizkids haven't even given digital content another chance. Nevertheless, they still quash any free methods for gaming online (such as vassal).

I'm honestly not crazy about the controls for TTS, but it is my only real way to play where I don't bring all the cards and teach. ATM

However, I would point out 5 stores in my area (anywhere from 25 min to 1:25 min away) table sizes 40,20,20,10, and 2. Zero destiny at 40,20,20, and 2. Nothing on the schedule. Owners, staff, and players all tell me virtually no one comes in for pick up games, but people did ask about product. 2 table store said there is two guys that come in from time-to-time. MTG at all of these stores. Daily pick up games, scheduled drafts, modern, commander, etc, schedule is full. This, to me, is super disheartening.

I wish FFG would build a digital platform for their games, bc no one plays GoT, Star Wars LCG, and now Destiny, near me, with a solid gaming community, 5 stores!

When I ask these hardcore "" mtg fans what is it about SWD, the answer is availablity. I played MTG for years, came back to it 2012, played many drafts at these stores for a year.

But these CCG guys want more than what FFG gives. They want a constant feed of packs, and retail access to every card. Does anyone have faith that FFG can do this? Not just based on SWD's current supply issues, just their overall shipping model. Look it works for them, obviously. But this is a CCG. Are they trying to create new CCG buyers? Convert current? The majority of people I talk too wished FFG went big with Destiny and carved out some MTG market. But I think it hasn't happened yet, maybe we'll see a slow build to that yes, but I don't know that I believe that at this point.

Otherwise I would love a digital solution, that I would pay for. Dispite the fact that I love physical cards.

As a side note, I own a full play set, 2x, and I've preordered a Spirit of Rebellion set.