One With The Force: place in meta

By K Genesis, in Star Wars: Destiny

Alternatively: sell me on it.

Out of the current legendary cards, it's the one that puzzles me the most. How are you using it and does it feel integral to you inside any particular strategy or is it just a high-cost end-game complement?

When playing with it, I hardly find the time to bring it out effectively and dice-rolling supports consume a lot of turn time. I was hoping for some enlightenment on this one.

Well, it's a pseudo-support that you can save some resources on with It Binds All Things, and throwing it on your only blue character with one HP left isn't altogether that risky. The major issue is that being a support also works against it because it costs another action to activate, and for four resources you're competing against Mind Probe, an arguably better card in an aggressive meta. Maybe it'll get better with a hero analogue of Sith Holocron, but right now it ranks right up there with the vehicles as largely being the most unplayable cards in the set.

That being said, we're only 160 cards in and there are still a lot of them without a proper home. I expect to see some of those cards on the precipice of playability become viable once the next set releases and the design space gets fleshed out a little more.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I think it's a pretty good card for consideration in an all blue deck. I only have one copy but even if I had a second, I'm not sure I'd run two.

I'm also not sure you can place it in the same category as other Support dice because:

1. It starts the game as an Upgrade. As such, it's always being rolled with a character activation.

2. Once it becomes a Support, you've lost said character so for action economy it's a wash.

IMHO, it doesn't compete against any of the more costly Blue upgrades because you will likely never be paying 4 resources for it. Once a character gets close to death, you switch it out with an already deployed upgrade (hopefully after you've been able to resolve that die) so it deploys as a Support the same turn and you get use of it that same turn.

Plus, I think there is a little bit of a psychological dig at the opponent when you toss it on a near-dead Jedi. I cannot count the number of *sighs* my opponents have released when it comes out on an almost-dead Rey or Qui Gon.

Edited by FSD

I love one with the force.

It has an excellent support dice. Allows for some nice All In Shenaningans with the two focus sides, stays in play when the character leaves and overrides pretty neatly any 2 cost early game upgrade.

As much as I like the idea of replacing another upgrade with it (and thus reducing its cost), it's still competing against cards with redeploy that effectively have the same permanency but with better action economy.

As much as I like the idea of replacing another upgrade with it (and thus reducing its cost), it's still competing against cards with redeploy that effectively have the same permanency but with better action economy.

In my mono-blue, I on'y have the lightsabers, can't find any holdouts. So OWTF is excellent. Good to slap on a dying character by overwriting an ability upgrade, get it out there and use it twice in the turn.

We might be talking past each other if you're trying to convince me that it's good because you're running it with Jedi Robes and Force Protection.

I personally really love One with the Force and think it has it's place in a couple of deck.

The obvious of course being in a all blue deck. Once you know which of your two character your opponent decided to target, substitute one of his upgrade for One with the Force. Combined with It Binds all things, it cost only 1 ressource to replace a Force Training or Jedi Robe with it, or zero to replace a Force Protection or Force Throw. Technically, it should not cost you a lot to bring into the game. Regarding the action consuming of Support cards, once One with the Force is a Support, it doesn't take more time to activate it than it took to activate the character that just died. So while generally speaking a Support take more time in your turn to active, in the case of One with the Force, it just replace the time you took to activate your second character. And it's a wonderful dice to have as backup.

Where I personally prefer it though is in my eRey/ePoe deck. I love to use that die with Poe special to either push a 3 damage or focus three of my other dice, on their own special face if possible to chain it in the same turn. And if my opponent decide to concentrate on Rey, I'll try to equip her with it before she dies, or still be able to use the card later thanks to Poe ability. Rey and Poe is my current favorite team and One with the Force is one of the good card in the deck, that and Force throw. Nothing like using Poe Special to Force Throw an opponent die and then taking the card back at the end of the turn thanks to Starship Graveyard.

Love that card.

Edited by Red Castle

Currently it shines in midrange and control decks. I don't feel that the meta has settled yet so it's uncertain how much it will get played in the future. I use 2 in eRey/2x Padawan and 1 in eLuke/Ackbar, eHan/eRey, and eQGJ/eRey. As long as hero midrange and control remain viable it should be playable.

It's got a great die and I've got it into play many times. When I roll it as an upgrade I can guarantee with 100% certainty all eyes are looking for Old Ben when the dice stop rolling because that result will be the single most important die face of the turn. When your opponent is almost relieved to see a 3 shooty side come up you know it's a good die.

Edited by Starbane

OWTF is a staple in just about any Blue Heroes deck that wants to keep said blue characters alive -- which is pretty much all of them. OWTF is part of what makes mono Blue Heroes even viable. It has three incredibly useful sides (3R, 3F, 2F) that can potentially swing games and none of the other sides are ever especially 'bad' as there are no blanks. Rolling OWTF onto a focus side and playing All In has such huge swing potential It's fairly easy to get out there even without a Sith Holocron equivalent for Blue Hero by overwriting other upgrades, utilizing It Binds All Things, or running the Imperial Armory battlefield. The fact that after a character dies OWTF a) remains in play and b) can then be tapped again for another use, gives it a lot of versatility and affords you the ability to turn around beat-downs. OWTF gives Han the ability to decimate after Rey dies. OWTF lets Ackbar pull out wins after Luke dies. OWTF dissuades your opponent from killing your padawan or punishes them if they do. This card is so good in so many different circumstances.

Really, it just comes down to the two 2+ focus sides. Focus is good, but having 2 or more focus on a die side (not to mention two!) is incredibly good for stringing focus, especially with All In. Use Force Training's focus to turn OWTF to 3 focus. Use the focus to change your two crummy Luke dice and Rey's Staff die for nine damage in a single turn. That's such a hugely impactful swing from having a mediocre activation roll to likely killing an opponent's character without them being able to do anything about it.

Just won a very hard game with Ehan/Erey vs Erey/EJin because while we were both killing eachother's rays I got on a OWTF before my rey died.

Being able to turn hans 2 Jet packs and character die into 8 damage from nothing with a 3 focus roll changed the entire game.

Yea, it's 3 focus side has ended games quick.

Top tier card. This is also why it's incredibly expensive in singles stores.

OP asked for a meta analysis, and so far all I'm seeing is a lot of "it works well in my deck" commentary. Does anyone have something more quantitative to add?

OP asked for a meta analysis, and so far all I'm seeing is a lot of "it works well in my deck" commentary. Does anyone have something more quantitative to add?

Well, anyone running a blue deck will have space for it - I find Hero Blues tend to be more aggro and if one character dies it's nice to have staying on the field.

As to the specific meta - there's no real blue hero decks in the meta really (Rey/Han looks for weapon upgrades), but they would all benefit from having it in case their blue character goes down.

eLuke / Ackbar is gaining some steam in the meta. It plays two copies of One With The Force to great effect.

It's place in the Meta is along side cards like Rey's staff, Luke's Lightsaber, Rey and other dice that can have a low chance of hitting big damage. It's focus 3 can turn your dice roll into lethal damage (though it being focus based, it's easier for your opponent to control away) the focus 2 also to a lesser extent. The other sides are good though the disrupt possible will muddle up your dice resolutions but it can be perfectly needed in the right setting. The damage side is huge but once again, might middle your resolution due to there being no blue ranged characters yet.

Edited by CheapCreep

OP asked for a meta analysis, and so far all I'm seeing is a lot of "it works well in my deck" commentary. Does anyone have something more quantitative to add?

I don't understand the confusion / question and the aversion to the commentary already here. There's not a single Hero deck that uses blue that isn't running OWTF right now. eRey/eHan, eQGJ/eRey, Lukebar, etc. The card is genuinely just too good not to include. What are you going to replace it with that's going to have a bigger impact on your game? This isn't an issue of anecdotal evidence being shaky and unbelievable -- this OWTF is being run in every deck that can run it because it's so good. The die doesn't go away after the character it's equipped to dies. Its die sides are incredibly good and two of the six sides have huge swing potential. What are you running that you think overshadows OWTF's contribution to your team?

My point, I think, is that it doesn't matter how good a card is in a given deck if that deck archetype shares a negligible proportion of the 'meta,' which I presume means we're talking about some aspect of competitive play here. That's why I asked for quantitative analysis; how are these decks placing in events? How big are those events? What's the quality of competition? Those are better metrics of card performance than the anecdotal evidence thus far provided here.

OP asked for a meta analysis, and so far all I'm seeing is a lot of "it works well in my deck" commentary. Does anyone have something more quantitative to add?

Well, he did also asked to, alternatively, just try to sell him on it.

So even if our answers is not to your standard, it actually does answer the OP request. We try to sell him the idea that the card is good based on our unvalued, measly, anecdotal, personal experiences. Sorry to have bothered you.

Edited by Red Castle

my guess is this thread was a troll baiting us and we fell for it.

Edited by amrothe

My point, I think, is that it doesn't matter how good a card is in a given deck if that deck archetype shares a negligible proportion of the 'meta,' which I presume means we're talking about some aspect of competitive play here. That's why I asked for quantitative analysis; how are these decks placing in events? How big are those events? What's the quality of competition? Those are better metrics of card performance than the anecdotal evidence thus far provided here.

Well, it's too early for much meta analysis.

All cards are rubbish. Done.

my guess is this thread was a troll baiting us and we fell for it.

We may need a new definition for the word 'troll,' then.

My point, I think, is that it doesn't matter how good a card is in a given deck if that deck archetype shares a negligible proportion of the 'meta,' which I presume means we're talking about some aspect of competitive play here. That's why I asked for quantitative analysis; how are these decks placing in events? How big are those events? What's the quality of competition? Those are better metrics of card performance than the anecdotal evidence thus far provided here.

Well, it's too early for much meta analysis.

All cards are rubbish. Done.

Insightful. Tell me more.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH


For a more quantitative input i checked the Hall of Fame decks on and 9 in 14 decks which contain a blue hero character include atleast one OWTF. I dont know for sure if all of these decks won big major events however it seems there are all decks covered which are talked much on the internet and considered good by many.

I found no general summary on major events and decks who performed well there. Only sporadic tournament reports and many of the decks listed in the Hall of Fame appear regular in those.

A website or a thread which lists tournements and events and the decklists that performed well there would be an interessting tool for future meta discussion though.