
By BothanPride, in Star Wars: Destiny

i just got into destiny this week. I bout two rey starters and a kylo. I also have some gracious people that have given me some upgrades to round stuff out. with everything i have, it seems the best deck for me to build was efinn/erey. ive only play tested against myself (against a kylo & storm trooper x2). i think i like it, but what is everyone else's experience with these two?

It is decent, but there is really no synergy between them. They don't really do anything special besides the occasional free action (or two with Holdout Blaster). So it will win some games, but against stronger decks / stronger opponents you'll have trouble keeping pace if they get their synergies going.

For now they are okay to play and practice with.

Finn is honestly pretty bad at the moment. Once your collection expands, Finn is probably better with other pairings. You're best bet is probably eFinn/Poe, or pair him with with another ranged character.

Edited by nungunz

For now they are okay to play and practice with.

Finn is honestly pretty bad at the moment. Once your collection expands, Finn is probably better with other pairings. You're best bet is probably ePoe/Finn or eFinn and 2 Hired Gun or 1 Hired Gun + 1 Trooper.

ePoe/Finn is 31 points, but I am sure you meant eFinn/Poe (30)

For now they are okay to play and practice with.

Finn is honestly pretty bad at the moment. Once your collection expands, Finn is probably better with other pairings. You're best bet is probably ePoe/Finn or eFinn and 2 Hired Gun or 1 Hired Gun + 1 Trooper.

ePoe/Finn is 31 points, but I am sure you meant eFinn/Poe (30)

Yep, thanks for the spot. Edited my post above.

For now they are okay to play and practice with.

Finn is honestly pretty bad at the moment. Once your collection expands, Finn is probably better with other pairings. You're best bet is probably ePoe/Finn or eFinn and 2 Hired Gun or 1 Hired Gun + 1 Trooper.

With that said, so far, it seems to be Finn's best shot at the meta. No matter what, Rey and Finn should not be put together, once you get your hands on other options.

Roll with it until you get the hang of stuff. Move on as soon as you can.

Edited by K Genesis

thanks for the responses. I mostly filled it with all the upgrades that have die, and low cost events. i also have a few copies of hunkering down and several other ways to get shields. my very simple strategy is to try and roll for big damage (there are a lot of events/upgrades that let me choose die side), and wisely use shield gains, draw attention, etc.

I have been playing ccg's for a while so i feel as though my understanding is there, i just dont have the booster packs man! lol, either way the game is a blast to play! thanks again for your responses.

also, i thought about tearing up my villain deck and putting all range attack equipment in my finn/rey deck. that way there are still alot of range attack die showing. then i can use aim and a few other neat cards i have that trigger off of range damage.