Is Rey the best pairing with eHan?

By stormseeker75, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've got 2 Hans so I can't see a reason not to build around this. I've been running Rey, but the mismatch in die sides leaves me wondering if that's the best pairing. I'm thinking Leia might be better since she's got the guns. The down side to this is that I lose out on all the good blue upgrades I've got.

Any thoughts on this?

The reason to run Rey is that you can play a Holdout Blaster on her and get two free actions. And you can do this over and over again with a second Holdout Blaster, overwriting the first one, then using the Starship Graveyard battlefield to get it back.

Edited by Bowser

Yeah. Bowser's right. My second ever game was against this list. I got stooooooomped. It's pretty powerful. Still not like Jango/Veers though...

I went 4-1 with eHan/Leia in a tournament the other day. It's definitely viable (great or not, I dunno, but it's viable and can beat top tier decks with good play).

The decks play differently for sure.

Edited by agentc13

One day I will have access to boosters. ONE DAY!

Rey fulfills more of a support role in the eHan/eRey setup.

I have eJango and eVeers as well so I'm considering making that. I need more blasters. The lack of guns is keeping me from that one.

eHan/Leia is a good alternative. Jet packs, holdout blasters, Cunning, etc.

Add in good Ambush cards like Electroshock, Hit and Run, and the like and it's pretty aggressive. Since they are both ranged damage focused they work well together.

Hans biggest problem right now is that he doesn't have a great partner right now. Han/Rey is likely the best bet, but I belive Han/Leia can work (leadership on Han sounds pretty boss). I think Chewie will push Han into the top brackett :)

If Chewie has Guradian and a large health pool, that could be the case.

Chewie probably is 12/summat with more health than normal. Just like Luke he doesn´t have a natural partner atm. Han is best paired with Leia imo as that offers the best card draw and cost reduction pool in the game atm and her die is amazing.

I just want it to be Q2 and get my Jyn Ersos :)

I actually ordered a pair of cards from a guy doing an alt art of Rey and Jyn.

If Chewie has Guradian and a large health pool, that could be the case.


Also, he will obviously be 12/16 so that he and Han= 30, anything else would be madness.

Edited by sejestephan