My players have a problem. Through no fault of their own, they tend to attract a lot of people who act friendly at first only to try stabbing them in the back later. There are various different reasons for each betrayal, but my players are starting to worry that they look like easy marks for the scum of the galaxy.
Needless to say, I'm very concerned about this. If they continue down this train of thought, they may think that their GM keeps pulling the same trick and lacks creativity. If it ever comes to that, I will of course betray and try to kill them. Sixth time's the charm, right?
Before it comes to justifiable homicide on my part, I thought it might be fun to play with this expectation. Therefore, I have a new NPC concept I'm working on fleshing out.
This currently unnamed character of an undecided species (not a Hutt) oozes untrustworthiness and dishonesty. He always sounds like he's lying and/or plotting something unsavory. For some reason, he will hire my players to complete some sort of "perfectly legal activity." If they do, he promises spectacular rewards. The surprise twist is that everything he says is true (and not in the "certain point of view" way). It turns out he really does need to study the retinas of three stunned, but alive, dianogas. With that information, he can finish the design on his new holoimaging lens and take the market by storm!
Obviously, this character has a ways to go before he's ready to appear at my table. I mostly just want to design a fun, goofy character that will pleasantly surprise my players at the end of the session... while making them paranoid about using stun grenades before the inevitable final battle against him.
The main problem I have now is coming up with a good way of getting my characters to do what this over-the-top "villain" wants. If I tied it into party obligations, he'd either be an Imperial or part of the Zann Consortium. Either way, he plans to retire and become a respectable businessman after this is all over. But how do I hook my players into working for him, even temporarily? How do I have my rhyscate and eat it too?
Help me, forum-goers. You're my only hope.