Altering the art on cards?

By Ceddak, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I like to "pimp" out my cards and what not. I was wondering if there are any rules out there on the subject. Like just the artwork or can I extend the picture into the rules box or nothing at all? With Having to sleeve your cards for competitive play anyways I feel like it shouldn't make much of a difference.

How would you do that without playing the actual card. Which is required by the rules.

How would you do that without playing the actual card. Which is required by the rules.

Use a clear sleeve and run the real card on the back and the altered one on the front. Obviously this only works with characters and battlefields. Probably not smart to run different cards in a deck at a tourney.

Edited by nismojoe

People paint over Magic art all the time. I don't know of anything against it in the rules for Destiny, as long as the text is still readable and it's not thick enough that you can tell which card it is through the sleeve (maybe easier said than done). You'd have to be very wary of getting called out for marking cards.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I'm not sure everyone's on board with what 'altered art cards' are.

It means to bust out you own paints and brushes and sharpies and whatever to draw on the face of the card to make it cooler.

Like this:


As to the original question, there are currently zero rules for altered art cards in Destiny, other than the rule that you are required to use only "official Star Wars Destiny components" in tournament play and the legality of any "questionable components" is decided by the TO.