Core set question

By teh-V1s1on, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

Can you buy the core set card and not have to get all the extra stuff. I have the core box but now I just need the copies of some cards. Any thoughts?

well obviously you can, if your just playing with a few freinds, at home etc, but you will greatly miss out on a lot of new cards and effects, so i would recommend at least buying the odd ap pack every now and then

I have bought some of the expansions and yes ther are great cards in them. However the core cards I have not seen in a pack so I can get up to three of them too. It sucks if I have to $150 to get three copies of some core set cards.

Yeah I agree that it is something of a downer having to buy three copies of the core game to get a playset of the core cards, but when it was released FFG did not know how well people would recieve the game and so could not bet thier money on it being a seller. But in the next core set their will fix some of it, by having 2 copies of every card, so you only have to buy two. Plus the new asylum Packs will come with complete playsets of all the cards at half the price of a set of three of the old Asylum Packs.

Also you will be able to run multiplayer games with more copies of the core set or play multiple poeple 1v1 at the same time. Something I cant do with my friends now, seeing as it is me who are buying all the cards and I only have one copy of the core set.

You shouldn't be paying $50 per core set. You should be paying no more than $40, and even that is high. Amazon has it for $31.


The fellow might be living in a country where the MSRP is higher, such as australia or canada and is buying from his local shop at full retail. I strongly recommend paying where you play.

That said since no local shop promotes this game and I play at home with my GF, I bought 5 core sets from troll and toad for $23 USD each. Threw in a few asylum packs and came away with 2 playsets of the core cards (for two players, after another core set I got in a trade for a total of 6 core sets) as well as the extra asylum packs for under $150 USD which included the shipping charges.

Got another deal on ebay for 6 different asylum packs for under $30.

Deals are out there. You just have to be diligent and patient enough in your search.