spawning monsters

By dragontamer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is not a rules question but a general one.Does anybody know why can't the OL spawn in a hero's LOS?I mean can you give me an anwer like the one the FFG gave about water and bloodsquids?

I've always pictured "Spawning" as a game-mechanic that represents a number of different ways that a monster can appear. From a creature hiding in the shadows ambushing, to one crawling out of a tiny crack in the ceiling, or a wandering monster that became aware of your presence, to the overlord using special "teleport" abilities and just doesn't want the heroes to see how he's doing it.


Question: Why can't the Over Lord spawn creatures in a heroes line of sight?

Answer: The Alchemist of the worlds are very busy, as most adventurers know. The global alchemist syndicate operated by the Brotherhood, a group of do-gooding Wizards and herbalist who seek to end the Overlords reign of terror. Unable to confront him directly for fear of their families safety, the Brotherhood puts in a tiny amount of the rare component 'Celstius Olocuious' in every potion. This rare and expensive regent is carefully brewed by only the inner circle of the Brotherhood, if the Overlord ever discovered the method of brewing it, all their work would be lost. The side effects of the additive are simple and powerful. The Overlord is unable to place his minions anywhere a hero can see. Repeat use of the potions infuses the veins of most adventurers with this powerful gift. Assume any hero starting a game of Descent - Regular or Advanced - has been properly infused with this, preventing the Overlord from spawning monsters in their line of sight.

May the gods show us mercy should anything happen to the Brotherhood.

Or at least, that is what I'll tell my heros if they ever ask. :D

What shnar said (mostly). The overlord isn't making monsters appear out of thin air, they're pouring out of secret doors, hidey holes, and various nooks and crannies.

Mordaith said:

Question: Why can't the Over Lord spawn creatures in a heroes line of sight?

Answer: The Alchemist of the worlds are very busy, as most adventurers know. The global alchemist syndicate operated by the Brotherhood, a group of do-gooding Wizards and herbalist who seek to end the Overlords reign of terror. Unable to confront him directly for fear of their families safety, the Brotherhood puts in a tiny amount of the rare component 'Celstius Olocuious' in every potion. This rare and expensive regent is carefully brewed by only the inner circle of the Brotherhood, if the Overlord ever discovered the method of brewing it, all their work would be lost. The side effects of the additive are simple and powerful. The Overlord is unable to place his minions anywhere a hero can see. Repeat use of the potions infuses the veins of most adventurers with this powerful gift. Assume any hero starting a game of Descent - Regular or Advanced - has been properly infused with this, preventing the Overlord from spawning monsters in their line of sight.

May the gods show us mercy should anything happen to the Brotherhood.

Or at least, that is what I'll tell my heros if they ever ask. :D

I don't know, I kinda like this answer.

Mordaith said:

Question: Why can't the Over Lord spawn creatures in a heroes line of sight?

Answer: The Alchemist of the worlds are very busy, as most adventurers know. The global alchemist syndicate operated by the Brotherhood, a group of do-gooding Wizards and herbalist who seek to end the Overlords reign of terror. Unable to confront him directly for fear of their families safety, the Brotherhood puts in a tiny amount of the rare component 'Celstius Olocuious' in every potion. This rare and expensive regent is carefully brewed by only the inner circle of the Brotherhood, if the Overlord ever discovered the method of brewing it, all their work would be lost. The side effects of the additive are simple and powerful. The Overlord is unable to place his minions anywhere a hero can see. Repeat use of the potions infuses the veins of most adventurers with this powerful gift. Assume any hero starting a game of Descent - Regular or Advanced - has been properly infused with this, preventing the Overlord from spawning monsters in their line of sight.

May the gods show us mercy should anything happen to the Brotherhood.

Or at least, that is what I'll tell my heros if they ever ask. :D

I am a member of the Brotherhood; that is why I am able to regenerate each turn (the result of another potion). I do however ask you, Mordaith, not to spread our secrets too candidly: many Overlords have Palantirs linked to this place.

It is only fortunate that they will not believe you.

Pah! Using a potion to prevent monsters from appearing in front of Heroes? Pure trickery I say!

However, if you'd like to get me the method that this is done, I shall endeavor to do a purely scientifical study of this (for purely no personal gain) and verify your results...

And pay no attention to those dark, shadowy figures over there... they're certainly NOT minions on their way to ransack an orphange... CERTAINLY NOT!

Contrary to the propaganda spread by "Heroes", most "Monsters" are happily hanging around their house when a bunch of burglars break in and try and steal their hard earned wealth. Given that these individuals are so shallow in their disposition, they often ignore the occupiers (or as these rebellious yobs would term them, "Monsters") and mistake them for worthless soft furnishings, disregarding them in preference for grabbing everything they can run off with.

Not wishing to lower themselves to the level of their oppressors, the Spawn (yet another appleation which shows the arrogance of these "Heroes"), find it dishonourable to step out in front of them and have therefore vowed only to appear from behind corners, out of line of sight.

It should also be noted that the "Overlord" is yet another term used by such vandals and that his true name ("The beloved and kind freely elected leader of all people") has been besmirched. In an act of supreme self-sacrifice many Overlords cede power to the "Heroes" safe in the knowledge that the populace will quickly rise up against their new tyrants in and restore their old, more affectionately regarded, leaders to power.

dragontamer said:

This is not a rules question but a general one.Does anybody know why can't the OL spawn in a hero's LOS?I mean can you give me an anwer like the one the FFG gave about water and bloodsquids?

Spawning in front of the heroes would be vulgar magic, spawning out of LoS is coincidental. =)

Jake yet again said:

Contrary to the propaganda spread by "Heroes", most "Monsters" are happily hanging around their house when a bunch of burglars break in and try and steal their hard earned wealth. Given that these individuals are so shallow in their disposition, they often ignore the occupiers (or as these rebellious yobs would term them, "Monsters") and mistake them for worthless soft furnishings, disregarding them in preference for grabbing everything they can run off with.

Not wishing to lower themselves to the level of their oppressors, the Spawn (yet another appleation which shows the arrogance of these "Heroes"), find it dishonourable to step out in front of them and have therefore vowed only to appear from behind corners, out of line of sight.

It should also be noted that the "Overlord" is yet another term used by such vandals and that his true name ("The beloved and kind freely elected leader of all people") has been besmirched. In an act of supreme self-sacrifice many Overlords cede power to the "Heroes" safe in the knowledge that the populace will quickly rise up against their new tyrants in and restore their old, more affectionately regarded, leaders to power.

Well, first I was gonna pop this guy hanging from the street light, and I realized, y'know, he's just working out. I mean, how would I feel if somebody come runnin' in the gym and bust me in my ass while I'm on the treadmill? Then I saw this snarling beast guy, and I noticed he had a tissue in his hand, and I'm realizing, y'know, he's not snarling, he's sneezing. Y'know, ain't no real threat there. Then I saw little Tiffany. I'm thinking, y'know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She's about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I'd say she's up to something.


And I always thought, since there is no bath house in town, the heroes are smelling like hell, so the overlord has to spawn his caretakers to tidy up his clean dungeons. Since these caretakers canĀ“t stand the odour of the heroes directly, they are summoned and spawned where they still can breath easily. After taking a long breath they charge for the attack ;-)