"Guardian" text on Rebel Trooper incorrect.

By Versch, in Star Wars: Destiny

I didn't scour the forums to see if this was already clarified.

The word 'Resolve' appears in the text of Guardian on the Rebel Trooper. The 'Resolve' word is NOT in the description of Guardian in Rule Book.

The reason it may be an issue is because of:


If the text of a card directly contradicts the rules of the
game, the text of the card takes precedence. If you can
follow both the rules of the game and the text of the
card, do so.
The text on Rebel Trooper wouldn't let you Resolve a Modifier Damage, and you'd have to pay a Resource cost damage face.
So far I have been playing it as written in the RRG. But it could use a clarification to tidy things up.
Edited by Versch

It's been covered. Reminder text is not rules text, and does not supersede the RRG.

It's been covered. Reminder text is not rules text, and does not supersede the RRG.

I'm not talking about flavor text. And I referenced the Golden Rule that directly contradicts your 'does not supersede' declaration. It says the exact opposite actually.

And I didn't say anything about flavor text either. Again, it's a known issue that's already been discussed, and the text you're referencing is only a reminder. It needs to be erratad for the sake of clarity, but it doesn't take precedence over the keyword rules on page 17.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

This caused a huge dispute in multiple of my games but we went with that text in parenthesis are not official card text and the golden rule does not take priority.

The italicised text is reminder text and is not rules text. It does not supercede the rules reference guide. It is just a play aid, and unfortunately an incorrect one. Just like focus on the reference card not specifying your dice only.

Given how many times people have brought this up as something that has caused confusion, rehardless of how clear anyone might think this is, it should be pretty obvious and not debatable at this point that the incorrect reminder text is confusing.

Given the contradicting rules that all card text supersedes rules but some card text doesn't supersede rules is also problematic, ruleswise, and should probably be cleaned up.

Given how many times people have brought this up as something that has caused confusion, rehardless of how clear anyone might think this is, it should be pretty obvious and not debatable at this point that the incorrect reminder text is confusing.

Given the contradicting rules that all card text supersedes rules but some card text doesn't supersede rules is also problematic, ruleswise, and should probably be cleaned up.

Italicised text is not considered card text, though.

I don't get what is confusing?

The rule reminder is misprinted. It does not supersede the standard Guardian rule.

Come on, man.

This is a really obvious one. Nobody should be getting confused over misprinted reminder text.

Versch, interestingly the rulesheet with the game covers this, in as much as it includes the important bit of text "Follow these rules when using those cards".

This is however missing from the RRG.

Now, as the RRG says "These are the complete rules for Star Wars: Destiny." I expect that the RRG should be corrected? I have sent a query to this to FFG, because it is a bit of rather important text to be missing.

Versch, interestingly the rulesheet with the game covers this, in as much as it includes the important bit of text "Follow these rules when using those cards".

This is however missing from the RRG.

Now, as the RRG says "These are the complete rules for Star Wars: Destiny." I expect that the RRG should be corrected? I have sent a query to this to FFG, because it is a bit of rather important text to be missing.

Corrected how?

The RRG is missing the bit you are using to make the problem a non-event. "Follow these rules when using those cards." (Then lists the keywords.)

Keyword according to the RRG are not given this protection, that text is missing, add to that the RRG says "These rules are it!" I think you could very well have a problem.

The rules sheet has a very clear RAI but it is sadly not the RAW.

The RRG is missing the bit you are using to make the problem a non-event. "Follow these rules when using those cards." (Then lists the keywords.)

Keyword according to the RRG are not given this protection, that text is missing, add to that the RRG says "These rules are it!" I think you could very well have a problem.

The rules sheet has a very clear RAI but it is sadly not the RAW.

I'm still not clearly understanding what you are talking about.

The rules clearly define how the keywords work. Why wouldn't you follow them?

The rules clearly define how the keywords work. Why wouldn't you follow them?

So where does the rulebook tell us to do what you are saying to do and use the rules in the rulebook in favour of those on the cards?

The problem I am having is the rules don't say to do what you are suggesting, and as such it seems that it is anything but clearly defined, I can't find what isn't there and I can't adequately describe to you what is missing as to make my point clear.

Given how many times people have brought this up as something that has caused confusion, rehardless of how clear anyone might think this is, it should be pretty obvious and not debatable at this point that the incorrect reminder text is confusing.

Given the contradicting rules that all card text supersedes rules but some card text doesn't supersede rules is also problematic, ruleswise, and should probably be cleaned up.

Italicised text is not considered card text, though.

Which rule states this?

I don't get it or understand how it resolves any differently based on the text

I don't get it or understand how it resolves any differently based on the text

The card says "resolve" that means if there is a resource cost to a dice that a Rebel Trooper has to pay the cost to use its Guardian ability. Also, if the dice is a modifier the "lucky" trooper can't be used to take that damage.

The rulebook says you remove the dice and take the value of that dice in damage.

The rules clearly define how the keywords work. Why wouldn't you follow them?

So where does the rulebook tell us to do what you are saying to do and use the rules in the rulebook in favour of those on the cards?

The problem I am having is the rules don't say to do what you are suggesting, and as such it seems that it is anything but clearly defined, I can't find what isn't there and I can't adequately describe to you what is missing as to make my point clear.

Let's stop being pedantic. When we are at a point where we are ignoring entire sections of the rulebook, I believe the argument is lost. Lost as in we have nothing to discuss any more because we are in some silly world that doesn't really exist.

Where does it say anywhere that we should read the RRG?

Given how many times people have brought this up as something that has caused confusion, rehardless of how clear anyone might think this is, it should be pretty obvious and not debatable at this point that the incorrect reminder text is confusing.

Given the contradicting rules that all card text supersedes rules but some card text doesn't supersede rules is also problematic, ruleswise, and should probably be cleaned up.

Italicised text is not considered card text, though.

Which rule states this?

Why does a rule need to state it? This is true for several different FFG games, and is pretty obvious when you read the rules. Also, scroll down to rules questions:


I found this quote in Game of Thrones.

"Sometimes a keyword is followed by reminder text, which is presented in italics. Reminder text is a shorthand explanation of how a keyword works, but it is not rules text and does not replace the rules for that keyword."

I think the point that Anthony and I are making is it is something that should be in the Destiny rules.

I found this quote in Game of Thrones.

"Sometimes a keyword is followed by reminder text, which is presented in italics. Reminder text is a shorthand explanation of how a keyword works, but it is not rules text and does not replace the rules for that keyword."

I think the point that Anthony and I are making is it is something that should be in the Destiny rules.

I bet it will be at some point. As well as an errata for the Rebel Trooper.

It was definitely confusing the first time we noticed it in our play group, but applying the logic from other games that reminder text isn't rules text was how we played it. And then Lukas answered the question that it was indeed a misprint in the reminder text and that reminder text isn't rules text, so we were right, but for someone who hasn't played games like this in the past or hasn't read Lukas's answer on the forums (or Facebook, or wherever he answered it) wouldn't know that and it could be confusing.