A Plea on Behalf of the Color Blind

By BrooklynMike, in WFRP Archived Announcements

Dear FFG:

We love your games, we buy and play them, but the many, many red/green colorblind men in this world are constantly struggling with your choices of color coding. WHFRPG is a prime example, the stance rings for example ... it is impossible for those of us with this kind of color blindness to tell them apart. The challenge vs characteristic dice indicators in the text, on and on.

The usual advice is 'mark the components to make them distinguishable'. Sure, we could do that but why should we have to mar the high quality (and not that cheap) components of our beloved games? Perhaps the answer is to either test your color coding with the common red/green color blind, or add identifying marks into the designs that allow us RGCBers to tell a stress from a fatigue.

Thank you for listening ...

I can not agree enough with this - I also have this issue and am unable to tell what side the stance rings are on, the turn/stance tracker, and especially as the OP stated - tell the 'color' of the die markers for various things.

Yep, I've got the same problem with the stance rings and hourglass counters.

Haven't had issues reading the dice symbols but that is perhaps because i have assumed they are all challenge dice!?

characteristic dice and stance dice don't really appear on any of the cards, do they?

I would suggest that hourglasses are turned sideways to indicate that they've been used. (Just don't say "tap" when you do it. Wizards of the Coast has patented that move.)

To differentiate between stress and fatigue, maybe keep your fatigue tokens on the left of your sheet and the stress tokens on the right, or otherwise keep your piles separate.

I don't believe any of the cards contain characteristic or stance dice symbols. If you see a diamond shape on a card, it will always (I think) be a D8 challenge die.

For the stance rings, I can't think of any great solution other than to clip out a tiny bit of the sticky part of a post-it note to label one side of the stance ring. This wouldn't permanently mark up your game piece.

I haven`t thought of that, but my friend, who play the wizard in our party, is colour-blind.

I am going to ask him if he has any problem with the action cards. But so far he only did one mistake by reading the effects of a spell on the conservative side while being in reckless mode.

Hmm feel almost bad for not taking time to ask him these questions.

Well I`ll ask him next session. happy.gif

Mal Reynolds said:

I haven`t thought of that, but my friend, who play the wizard in our party, is colour-blind.

I am going to ask him if he has any problem with the action cards. But so far he only did one mistake by reading the effects of a spell on the conservative side while being in reckless mode.

Hmm feel almost bad for not taking time to ask him these questions.

Well I`ll ask him next session. happy.gif

I personally don't have any problems with the cards, there is various shading that makes the red from the green side to be easily distinguishable. It's more the smaller tokens where people are likely to have issues

It's so odd you would bring this up! I'm red/green color blind. I cannot tell the stance rings (but I dont' use them either). The cards are distinguished enough though for me (I guess I'm not completely disabled that way). I hear you though :)

Can you read the number? It shows two eagles: Hit for +1 critical ;_)



No I can't read the number, but I can make difference between red and green. One of my players can't and I bought some small stickers he add on the protect sleeve on conservative side.

I am color blind too. it's a horrible half life. on top of my many other inadequacies i am also useless at clothes, wallpaper, and paint shopping, but I can tell the the reckless and conservative sides of an action card apart. It really is impossible to tell the stance rings apart, though. Luckily the stance rings aren't necessary, as already mentioned, although they are cool. Unlike playing on the original Tannhauser board *hrem*, which is the color-impaired's worst !@#%ing nightmare! I have to trust my opponents word on whether I have line of sight. Madness! I think this is the only time I have ever complained about an FFG product. I usually keep my usually minor complaints to myself. Except the one time I got a Descent dragon without any wingsthey totally mailed me the wings by the way. But this is a plea that should be heard. Color-blindness is real. I've heard that traffic lights have a little blue light added in the green, otherwise we would all know that color-blindness is deadly too. Pity the color-blind FFG, you are our only hope.

@Emirikol: Of course we can't read the number. We are color blind you cruel cruel bastard!! :)

I'm not color blind, though I do have poor eyesight. Even so, I still can scarcely tell the difference between the two sides of the hourglass marker, and between the two colors of the stance rings. I even strugle a little bit with those stress and fatigue tokens. In general, there should be a lot more contrast among the components.

Count me as one of those who would likr to see future products be a bit more accessible for the visually-impaired.

Emirikol said:

It's so odd you would bring this up! I'm red/green color blind. I cannot tell the stance rings (but I dont' use them either). The cards are distinguished enough though for me (I guess I'm not completely disabled that way). I hear you though :)

Can you read the number? It shows two eagles: Hit for +1 critical ;_)



In all fairness you used the image that doesn't show any number, it's how the image looks to colorblind people. This is the one that will show a number for those without color blindness. The two look pretty similar / identical to people with color blindness.
