Did they every make Polymorphine for DH1?

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy

Toxic Wands were mentioned in the Core under Chem-Use but didn't show up til Inquisitor's Handbook.

Polymorphine was mentioned under Disguise, but did they ever make it later in the line?

I know it appears in DH2. But that doesn't have costs or availibility associated with it.

AFAIK no, in DH1/RT/DW.

Is polymorphine even commercially available? Obviously, the Callidus temple uses it, but is it available elsewhere? I suppose it might be, but I'd think it's rather expensive :P

Is polymorphine even commercially available? Obviously, the Callidus temple uses it, but is it available elsewhere? I suppose it might be, but I'd think it's rather expensive :P

Doesn't have to be commercial to be available.

The GM Kit lets you get a hold of poison used by the assassin temples.