Miniature Market shipping update

By Jut, in Star Wars: Destiny

I feel for all of you that haven't gotten Destiny product due to shortages. I do hope the supply increases soon, the vacuum of real information about what to expect is simply making things worse.

At the same time, I'm not going to throw Miniature Market under the bus. I have ordered many times from them, and they have always been willing to work with me on things like when release dates change for a part of my order and I need to split it into seperate shipments, or when I need to arrange to have someone else pick up my order from their store-front. I'm also accustomed to having to wait for lengthy periods for X-Wing items to become available. There are other web retailers that are much more difficult to work with. And their prices are very competitive.

If your issue is how long you have funds tied up in something and not being able to be flexible when dates slip, perhaps supporting your FLGS might be a better strategy. I'm sure they could use your business and probably wouldn't require payment until delivery.

Edited by RookiePilot

I hear nothing but good things about MM... until things go south with someone's order, and then MM can come awfully close to making things personal. I once tried to hold them accountable for advertising fake Magic cards, and they responded by calling me a conspiracy theorist. Not always the most professional company in my opinion.

Note: this has absolutely to do with MM in any way, but a cautionary tale. I own a couple thousand dollars worth of audio equipment which I now can never get serviced or supported in anyway if need be. This is because the company went under while its owner was hauled off to jail for defrauding his customers. There were many people who had thousands tied up in preorders, given money to charity raffles, manufactures left on the hook, it was ugly. All the while this company had a cult like following of supporters who stood by the man until he pleaded guilty. So people need to understand, having your money in someone else's possession is never a good thing because it can, and sometimes does, disappear and all you are left with is a victim impact statement. No one should ever think it is normal or route to give someone else your money and get nothing back in return except a promise. Granted the money for a pre order for some games isn't much at all so it all seems routine and almost always is but it is worthwhile to think twice before putting down money for shipment that seemingly doesn't exist by all other accounts.