Miniature Market shipping update

By Jut, in Star Wars: Destiny

Good for you for explaining the situation - I will retract my comments since this seems fair.

What a breath of fresh air. Thank you for coming on the forum and making a statement. Now we need FFG to do the same about the lack of supply. Again thanks for the statement.

I appreciate the statement. It still exposes a problem here though. Per the MM FAQ regarding preorders..."the quantity available and 'In stock' notation displays the amount we have left based on our current order with the supplier." I pre-ordered during the available early 2017 wave. At the time the qty reflected 20+. That wave ended up selling out and then they opened up a new wave for feb/march 2017 which would suggest that they would have made another order with their supplier to allow for the additional qty to open up for another preorder wave.

It would seem that the supplier here is at fault for allowing MM to continue to order product from them that they don't even know if they can fill based on MM statement above claiming they are still waiting to here when or if they will even get anymore. many boxes has MM been shorted that they ordered at the "break" rate? Let's say for example MM orders 100 boxes, 50 for resell and 50 for break at the different rates that supplier charges. After MM orders supplier contacts them to say that they can only fill 80 of the boxes and asks how they want that allocated. MM says to send them the 50 at their break rate that they ordered and short the resell rate down to 30. So now they can only fill 30 of the 50 preorders. This makes the most financial sense obviously and falls within ththe rules but now you've shorted out 20 customers and then it ends up compounding on each successive wave to the point now where even they don't even know if they will get anymore. I'm not saying this is what happened, but I can see why it could have happened.

It's unfortunate that their supplier let them keep on ordering product that they weren't sure they would be able to fill. I'm hopefull they can fill my preorder. I haven't had to wait for over a month yet like some so I'm fortunate there. I was also lucky enough to find a LFGS that had 1 box left last Friday so I got my first taste of this game then. I've always been the type to predorder stuff online but I'm definitely not going to do that with future destiny expansions.

I feel the need to clarify a few things because people are claiming (on this forum and others) that we are doing something shady by selling singles.

Asmodee/FFG requires our distributors to charge us different amounts for product based on where it is going. If we are selling product online (sealed product) then we pay one price. If we plan to break product for singles or sell it in our retail shop then we pay a different price.

When we placed our preorder with our distributor we ordered a certain amount via the retail/singles channel and a different amount for website sales. It is against our agreement with Asmodee/FFG to take product ordered for retail/singles and ship it out sealed to consumers. We are following the rules. Simple as that.

As for shipping sealed product we always fill preorders on a first in / first out basis. All preorders that said "ships mid-late December" and "ships January 2017" have all been filled. The orders labeled "Ships early 2017" and "Ships Feb-March 2017" are still outstanding. We are still waiting to hear if/when more product will be available. We have thousands of displays on order with our distributor so we will fill whatever we can based on our allocation of the next wave of product.

That is a good explanation and you would get a whole lot less grief from people if you followed industry standard and did not charge until you ship. There are very good reasons why etailers do not charge until products are shipped and you just hit on one of the big ones.

I really appreciate Miniature Market for taking the time to post an explanation on how their orders are shipped. I retract my statements as well.

Not that it matters however MM was open on Friday of the ice storm as I drove from IL to pick up my preorder (and they closed just after I left which was shortly after 10 AM.).

I use MM for all of my gaming wants/needs and have to tell you that I have ran into very few problems with them. Yes, things get over sold and mistakes have happened however I have no problem with telling my family and friends about MM and rather enjoy walking around their store front to see what new titles have come in and their famous Dent and Ding wall.

I had an issue to where I did not get a box of boosters that I had preordered and while I did get upset, it was more because of the lack of understanding on my part than I have to say on MM part. Can they do better? Tell me what company can not do better? Was I upset and felt the need to throw in my two cents? I did and as a customer I do have that right. However let me also say that IF you do so in a respectful manner you will find more companies are willing to do more for you rather than say calling up said company and giving them a ear full and demanding this and that or worse posting online about how a company did a unforgettable wrong and try to convince others to not do business with said company.

MM is not perfect by any means (once again what company is?) however they have come on here and explained why they did what they did and that clears up any confusion I had and hopefully any confusion others may have as well. I do not work for MM, live to far away to drive that distance all week, but I visit their store front as often as I can ( so maybe once a month) and I can tell you first hand that MM is a friendly place to shop, play in a tournament, and meet fellow gamers. And for the record I have not once had a problem with asking for a refund and one not issued to me. I say this as any company hates to have a customer leave disappointed but should you find yourself to where you are unhappy with MM and wish to shop somewhere else because maybe another store has what you wanted in stock, MM has always done right by me and met my request. My point is that should you order from MM and something changes all you have to do is give them a call and they will take care of you. One of the huge reasons I shop with MM.

On that note I want to touch base on the comment about why charge for a preorder before it is in hand? MM is not the only company that does this (I have found out because I have now preordered, from this set and the next, over 10 booster boxes) and if you do not like a business that charges you at the time of purchase of said preorder you are welcome to take your business to one that meets your liking. While it is nice that a business does not charge you until said product comes in check with said business and find out how they do their preorders. A quick call will tell you if said business charges you at the time of purchase or charges you when the item is ready to ship. However just because said business does not charge you until your preorder comes in does not make them a good business nor a business that charges at the time of purchase for the same preorder make them a bad business.

For most of us location plays a huge part on where we do business. While online has changed things there is nothing like going to your local game store and walking out with said title in hand ready for a great night of gaming. Yes, MM is close enough for me to drive and pick up a new title or preorder if I wish not to wait, but what keeps me going back to MM time and time again is because they treat me right and while mistakes have happened, are willing to make right on said mistakes. Should this ever change and I see a decline of their service, I am happy to point that out as I have been going to MM for a few years now and rather enjoy doing business with them and have to disagree with post that try to run MM down. As I said mistakes happen but every business has at least one customer that no matter what is done they can not make said customer happy. For that customer I say it may be time to look for another business to fill your needs. Not trying to be mean, rude or disrespectful but please, if you are not happy with said business in today's world you are but a click away from more businesses that carry similar products.

As a Destiny player I have had to purchase some of my booster boxes elsewhere because I knew that MM was not able to provide what I wanted at the time I wanted it. Nor could the other places which is why I purchased my Destiny from other businesses as well. Destiny is super hot right now and look online and see how many other businesses are out of stock of Destiny product much less walk into your local game store and see what they have. Most, if not all, would tell you they wish they had a lot more as it would sell. MM has given us a inside look at why they do what they do with their singles and while it may not make us happy, I give them credit and thank them for letting us in and feel a little bad that I had thought so ill of them when my preorder booster box did not come in when I expected it to.

Thank you, MM, I think I got caught up in the hotness of Destiny and the got to get it all before it is gone moment, that I let it get in the way of clear thinking. I know I jumped to conclusions before I knew the real story and I feel badly for it. I am more than happy to be a customer and it is reasons like this that I will remain such.

I feel the need to clarify a few things because people are claiming (on this forum and others) that we are doing something shady by selling singles.

Asmodee/FFG requires our distributors to charge us different amounts for product based on where it is going. If we are selling product online (sealed product) then we pay one price. If we plan to break product for singles or sell it in our retail shop then we pay a different price.

When we placed our preorder with our distributor we ordered a certain amount via the retail/singles channel and a different amount for website sales. It is against our agreement with Asmodee/FFG to take product ordered for retail/singles and ship it out sealed to consumers. We are following the rules. Simple as that.

As for shipping sealed product we always fill preorders on a first in / first out basis. All preorders that said "ships mid-late December" and "ships January 2017" have all been filled. The orders labeled "Ships early 2017" and "Ships Feb-March 2017" are still outstanding. We are still waiting to hear if/when more product will be available. We have thousands of displays on order with our distributor so we will fill whatever we can based on our allocation of the next wave of product.

Unfortunately, there still seem to be a lot of "January" pre-orders that have not received their boosters. I personally know about a half-dozen or so. That statement appears to be flat false.

Edited by Finster

While the reply from MM definitely absolves them of any legal blame, it does not make the situation any better. This is not Magic: the Gathering here, it is a brand new game whose future is yet to be determined. For a well-established ccg, the business of singles makes more sense. New players enter the game with starters and some boosters, then "graduate" up to the singles market as they become more involved in the hobby. There are multiple avenues for supply to accommodate a broad spectrum of player: from newbie to veteran.

In the case of Destiny, a game whose future has yet to be determined, this strategy appears to be short-sighted and opportunistic. The longevity of a game requires a wide base to rest upon, much like a pyramid. You begin with horizontal expansion, increasing the number of players at the ground level, allowing a stronger foundation to grow upon. The singles market primarily facilitates vertical expansion, as the more veteran players and collectors are the ones who are most willing to shell-out the cash for the expensive rares. Destiny has made a huge splash with its debut, exciting players across the spectrum, but has yet to reach the consumer base needed to make vertical expansion a primary avenue.

Furthermore, the lack of supply at the manufacturing level exacerbates the problem, as there is not enough product to go around. With this reality, the practice of earmarking boxes for singles sales reduces the general supply of product, artificially inflating the secondary market. This further increases the cost of entry and strengthens the barrier for entry-level players. In short, these retailers might be shooting themselves in the foot.

The long-term strategy should have been to help grow the consumer base by offering as much product as they could to entry-level players during the supply shortage, guaranteeing themselves a wider player-base to enter the secondary market level. Instead, they seem to have opted for opportunism; cashing-in on the initial demand. Should Destiny survive its first few years (which I sincerely hope it does), then this discussion will have been wrong. If not, these practices will have been a direct contributing factor to its failure.

I really hope that I am wrong...

Unfortunately, there still seem to be a lot of "January" pre-orders that have not received their boosters. I personally know about a half-dozen or so. That statement appears to be flat false.

Again, if your preorder said ships December or January according to our records they have been processed. Make sure you are not assuming "early 2017" means January. Please go back and check your orders. Look at the full name of the item you purchased. Please contact our customer service team if your order said "ships January" and it has not gone out.

We are going to be more cautious when selling the next set. Too many supply issues from this one have us really frustrated.


Really appreciate MM engaging on here - as others have said, the total lack of customer engagement by FFG in any way about this is really disappointing.

Really disappointing.

I feel the need to clarify a few things because people are claiming (on this forum and others) that we are doing something shady by selling singles.

Asmodee/FFG requires our distributors to charge us different amounts for product based on where it is going. If we are selling product online (sealed product) then we pay one price. If we plan to break product for singles or sell it in our retail shop then we pay a different price.

When we placed our preorder with our distributor we ordered a certain amount via the retail/singles channel and a different amount for website sales. It is against our agreement with Asmodee/FFG to take product ordered for retail/singles and ship it out sealed to consumers. We are following the rules. Simple as that.

As for shipping sealed product we always fill preorders on a first in / first out basis. All preorders that said "ships mid-late December" and "ships January 2017" have all been filled. The orders labeled "Ships early 2017" and "Ships Feb-March 2017" are still outstanding. We are still waiting to hear if/when more product will be available. We have thousands of displays on order with our distributor so we will fill whatever we can based on our allocation of the next wave of product.

That is a good explanation and you would get a whole lot less grief from people if you followed industry standard and did not charge until you ship. There are very good reasons why etailers do not charge until products are shipped and you just hit on one of the big ones.

Umm... industry standard for the Hobby Gaming Market in the US is to charge at the time of order, not at the time of shipping.

MM, CSI, TWS, and every other store I've used for online gaming ordering charges at the time of order, and then ships when all product is in.

Just saying.

Unfortunately, there still seem to be a lot of "January" pre-orders that have not received their boosters. I personally know about a half-dozen or so. That statement appears to be flat false.

Again, if your preorder said ships December or January according to our records they have been processed. Make sure you are not assuming "early 2017" means January. Please go back and check your orders. Look at the full name of the item you purchased. Please contact our customer service team if your order said "ships January" and it has not gone out.

We are going to be more cautious when selling the next set. Too many supply issues from this one have us really frustrated.


You are not responsible for FFG's lack of supply and are not deserving of being given grief for it. However, once you take money, you completed the sale. A sale you have no means to complete. You do deserve all the grief for that since you are in possession of other people's money with no means to fulfill that bill of sale. If you do not take other people's money until you are capable of completing the bill of sale, a preorder is nothing more than a request not an actual sale. You are absolved of responsibility for lack of supply.

Yes a few other places take other people's money with no means to complete the bill of sale but most do not, for this reason. I have a preorder of the next wave of x-wing at my FLGS and I put no money down. They are simply smarter than places like MM or CSI. Either that, or they are not as shady as they are.

I wanted to say something but it's not worth the effort. Good luck to you mep best stay away from online retail.

Edited by LordFajubi

I do a lot of shopping online and have great success with competent and reputable etailers.

I do a lot of shopping online and have great success with competent and reputable etailers.

Obviously not in the Hobby Gaming market.

What you describe is Amazon, and I'll be frank, it is the only place I've EVER shopped online that a pre-order was not charged immediately. Every single other place from computer parts to minis to board games to even razors - if I pre-order I am pre-paying.

"I have a preorder of the next wave of x-wing at my FLGS and I put no money down."

No kidding.

Local shops can do that.

You are not a FACELESS entity using a credit card across potential state lines. To your LGS you are a somewhat known entity. You are lower risk to your LGS.

Your LGS does not serve thousands of people's pre-orders across 50 states and possibly internationally.

Your LGS can afford to take the RISK of pre-ordering a SINGLE item or group of items (not the Thousands that MM, CSI, etc, pre-order) because if you fail to pay, leave the item, cancel, etc... it will not be a huge immediate loss. Nor is their cost to the warehouse as high either. MM, CSI, and others are dropping thousands, probably tens of thousands, at once for the amount they move. Your FLGS is not (unless of course you live where CSI or MM are and go to their B&M shops).

"They are simply smarter than places like MM or CSI. Either that, or they are not as shady as they are."

Or they move far less product, serve far fewer customers. Which I can tell you, is the reality of it.

You seriously do not seem to understand volume sales over the internet, at all.

I understand everything just fine and the trolling has been reported.

I doubt the percentages of canceled orders are any less or more compared to online or brick and motor and just because there is a prepay it doesn't mean a refund will not be issued when requested, especially when the merchant has yet to deliver or is unable to deliver the product. So this whole merchant is protect by prepay is simply not true. Also brick and motor shops have far less volume of sales so a run of cancellations are harder for them to absorb, not the other way around as you describe. In truth, the brick and motors are lucky to make a profit at all and why so many have disappeared over the past decade. On top of this, many merchants don't prepay the distributor for the merchandise. They can usually buy on credit, or if they are big enough, they can pay as the merchandise sells. Small brick and motor stores may not get to do this like a MM or CSI can and have to pay on shipment. There is no need for them to collect money months in advance as they themselves don't have to pay months in advance. Most likely they have a net-30 on their POs from the distributor. So they don't even pay when their stuff ships.

There are several reasons why big etailers are smart and don't charge until they ship. First is the situation MM is currently in. They have egg all over their face right now. This hurts their business and is completely not necessary. They should have cash on hand to cover the order although they most likely buy on credit. Second, payment information is easy to verify without actually charging until the product is ready to ship. So there isn't much risk of the payment information going bad. They are more likely to get an out right cancellation than a credit card number expiring before shipment. Also when the cancellation does happen, no need to issue a refund, which can actually cost the retailer money in the form of credit card transaction fees on top of paying staff to process the refund. One of the big reasons is many people carry a balance on their CC and are paying anywhere from 4-23% annually on their CCs. This makes prepaying for anything for them very stupid, though many may still do it. Nevertheless by not charging until it ships they can get better access to those customers.

So in short, yes it is stupid for them to charge before they ship, just on the CC fees alone on the refunds. And after explaining how this stuff actually works maybe this misinformation that they somehow need your money first can go away.

I understand everything just fine and the trolling has been reported.

Having and stating an opinion that's contrary to yours is trolling that's worthy of reporting? Defend your position and make your arguments or don't, but like... come on, really? "Trolling" and "has been reported"? Juvenile.

I understand everything just fine and the trolling has been reported.

I don't think you understand what trolling is.

On topic; I'm genuinely fascinated by the ongoing supply issues. They were understandable a month ago but I feel like enough time has passed for FFG to pull their fingers out and start getting more product on the shelves.

It'll be interesting to see if SoR suffers similar problems because I'm curious to see just how far in advance they're printing these sets.

Stu35, it takes two months to ship from overseas. Add actual manufacturing time along with possibly having to wait for the printer to finish other runs of other products. Do you really think there's any way less then 2 months after release for them to have done anything to have already gotten more product on the shelves?


OP here, I just want to clear up my intent of my OP.

I and my kids, a buddy of mine and his kids, have been waiting to get our hands on this stuff and foolishly thought we would have some by Christmas (we had a little, starter sets and a few boosters), but was looking forward to a Christmas gathering of our families where this was going to be the "main thing" of gaming for the few days we were together. That didn't really happen and like many, I have been anxiously waiting to FINALLY get my hands on this awesome game!

I was super excited to see one day, when checking my order on MM, that my order had been marked "shipped", but I had not received my shipping e-mail from MM. Which got me thinking/hoping: "Did this get shipped a week or two ago and I just missed it?" I live in Michigan, so I didn't realize the ice storm that St. Louis was experiencing AND that the following Monday was MLK Day. This was the weekend when I sent an email to MM, just wondering on the status of my order. I got an automated response telling me: expect 2-3 business days for a response. I received the email response, that was posted in the OP, in less than 2 HOURS of my e-mail from MM, how is that for service?

So, I was super happy to just know that my stuff was on its way!!! I wanted to post, just in case there were any other gamers in the same situation. Great box too! No less that 14 Characters, Luke, Falcon, Thermal Detonator, Kylo's LS, Holdout Blaster, etc., etc.

I have shopped with MM for YEARS (I live in the middle of nowhere and do 95% of my gaming in house) this has been my only real "issue" and as was said on the other page, this is really FFG supply issue, not MM's issue. I too applaud MM from having a presence on here and answering concerns. I will continue to shop with them and also as has been stated here: have always been impressed with price point, service, etc.

Edited by Jut

I understand everything just fine and the trolling has been reported.

I doubt the percentages of canceled orders are any less or more compared to online or brick and motor and just because there is a prepay it doesn't mean a refund will not be issued when requested, especially when the merchant has yet to deliver or is unable to deliver the product. So this whole merchant is protect by prepay is simply not true. Also brick and motor shops have far less volume of sales so a run of cancellations are harder for them to absorb, not the other way around as you describe. In truth, the brick and motors are lucky to make a profit at all and why so many have disappeared over the past decade. On top of this, many merchants don't prepay the distributor for the merchandise. They can usually buy on credit, or if they are big enough, they can pay as the merchandise sells. Small brick and motor stores may not get to do this like a MM or CSI can and have to pay on shipment. There is no need for them to collect money months in advance as they themselves don't have to pay months in advance. Most likely they have a net-30 on their POs from the distributor. So they don't even pay when their stuff ships.

There are several reasons why big etailers are smart and don't charge until they ship. First is the situation MM is currently in. They have egg all over their face right now. This hurts their business and is completely not necessary. They should have cash on hand to cover the order although they most likely buy on credit. Second, payment information is easy to verify without actually charging until the product is ready to ship. So there isn't much risk of the payment information going bad. They are more likely to get an out right cancellation than a credit card number expiring before shipment. Also when the cancellation does happen, no need to issue a refund, which can actually cost the retailer money in the form of credit card transaction fees on top of paying staff to process the refund. One of the big reasons is many people carry a balance on their CC and are paying anywhere from 4-23% annually on their CCs. This makes prepaying for anything for them very stupid, though many may still do it. Nevertheless by not charging until it ships they can get better access to those customers.

So in short, yes it is stupid for them to charge before they ship, just on the CC fees alone on the refunds. And after explaining how this stuff actually works maybe this misinformation that they somehow need your money first can go away.

Mep, you really have no idea what you are talking about. First, have you ever heard of PCI compliance. Please educate yourself here:

The "big box" etailers you refer to have multi million dollar platforms that allow them to keep customers credit cards on file which is why they don't charge customers until their preorder comes in. While Miniature Market is one of the larger companies in this industry we do not and cannot afford a multi million dollar platform that is PCI compliant to store credit cards. Right now when you order from Miniature Market or any other website in our industry (not the big box guys) they do not have access to the credit card number. Your credit card is authorized for the amount at checkout and that is it. Even if I wanted to go back to any customer and bill them more at a later date I cannot.

Taking money up front has absolutely nothing to do with cash flow or fees (I'm not sure why you made that up)

We only have two options with preorders. Charge 100% up front (which we do) or do not take preorders. If we had to take the preorder and then go back and contact each customer one by one, get them on the phone and get their credit card info again the labor cost wouldn't be worth it.

Taking money up front for a preorder is not a shady business practice. Before you slander another company accusing them of defrauding people please do your homework first.

Miniature Market is 100% PCI compliant for the platform we are running on. All purchases are secure and your credit card information is not accessible by anyone at our company (including myself).

We appreciate everyone's business and we are very sorry that we were unable to fill all preorders for the first Star Wars Destiny set. We are hoping to hear more about the next print run this week or next. As I get more information I will attempt to share it with people here. If you do not want to wait for the next printing and have a current preorder with us please contact customer service and we will refund you immediately.

Steve @ Miniature Market


OP here, I just want to clear up my intent of my OP.

I and my kids, a buddy of mine and his kids, have been waiting to get our hands on this stuff and foolishly thought we would have some by Christmas (we had a little, starter sets and a few boosters), but was looking forward to a Christmas gathering of our families where this was going to be the "main thing" of gaming for the few days we were together. That didn't really happen and like many, I have been anxiously waiting to FINALLY get my hands on this awesome game!

I was super excited to see one day, when checking my order on MM, that my order had been marked "shipped", but I had not received my shipping e-mail from MM. Which got me thinking/hoping: "Did this get shipped a week or two ago and I just missed it?" I live in Michigan, so I didn't realize the ice storm that St. Louis was experiencing AND that the following Monday was MLK Day. This was the weekend when I sent an email to MM, just wondering on the status of my order. I got an automated response telling me: expect 2-3 business days for a response. I received the email response, that was posted in the OP, in less than 2 HOURS of my e-mail from MM, how is that for service?

So, I was super happy to just know that my stuff was on its way!!! I wanted to post, just in case there were any other gamers in the same situation. Great box too! No less that 14 Characters, Luke, Falcon, Thermal Detonator, Kylo's LS, Holdout Blaster, etc., etc.

I have shopped with MM for YEARS (I live in the middle of nowhere and do 95% of my gaming in house) this has been my only real "issue" and as was said on the other page, this is really FFG supply issue, not MM's issue. I too applaud MM from having a presence on here and answering concerns. I will continue to shop with them and also as has been stated here: have always been impressed with price point, service, etc.

I agree with you there.

P.S. I also live in the middle of nowhere and do a lot of gaming at my place. So MM is a life saver for me lol :P

I understand everything just fine and the trolling has been reported.

I doubt the percentages of canceled orders are any less or more compared to online or brick and motor and just because there is a prepay it doesn't mean a refund will not be issued when requested, especially when the merchant has yet to deliver or is unable to deliver the product. So this whole merchant is protect by prepay is simply not true. Also brick and motor shops have far less volume of sales so a run of cancellations are harder for them to absorb, not the other way around as you describe. In truth, the brick and motors are lucky to make a profit at all and why so many have disappeared over the past decade. On top of this, many merchants don't prepay the distributor for the merchandise. They can usually buy on credit, or if they are big enough, they can pay as the merchandise sells. Small brick and motor stores may not get to do this like a MM or CSI can and have to pay on shipment. There is no need for them to collect money months in advance as they themselves don't have to pay months in advance. Most likely they have a net-30 on their POs from the distributor. So they don't even pay when their stuff ships.

There are several reasons why big etailers are smart and don't charge until they ship. First is the situation MM is currently in. They have egg all over their face right now. This hurts their business and is completely not necessary. They should have cash on hand to cover the order although they most likely buy on credit. Second, payment information is easy to verify without actually charging until the product is ready to ship. So there isn't much risk of the payment information going bad. They are more likely to get an out right cancellation than a credit card number expiring before shipment. Also when the cancellation does happen, no need to issue a refund, which can actually cost the retailer money in the form of credit card transaction fees on top of paying staff to process the refund. One of the big reasons is many people carry a balance on their CC and are paying anywhere from 4-23% annually on their CCs. This makes prepaying for anything for them very stupid, though many may still do it. Nevertheless by not charging until it ships they can get better access to those customers.

So in short, yes it is stupid for them to charge before they ship, just on the CC fees alone on the refunds. And after explaining how this stuff actually works maybe this misinformation that they somehow need your money first can go away.

Mep, you really have no idea what you are talking about. First, have you ever heard of PCI compliance. Please educate yourself here:

The "big box" etailers you refer to have multi million dollar platforms that allow them to keep customers credit cards on file which is why they don't charge customers until their preorder comes in. While Miniature Market is one of the larger companies in this industry we do not and cannot afford a multi million dollar platform that is PCI compliant to store credit cards. Right now when you order from Miniature Market or any other website in our industry (not the big box guys) they do not have access to the credit card number. Your credit card is authorized for the amount at checkout and that is it. Even if I wanted to go back to any customer and bill them more at a later date I cannot.

Taking money up front has absolutely nothing to do with cash flow or fees (I'm not sure why you made that up)

We only have two options with preorders. Charge 100% up front (which we do) or do not take preorders. If we had to take the preorder and then go back and contact each customer one by one, get them on the phone and get their credit card info again the labor cost wouldn't be worth it.

Taking money up front for a preorder is not a shady business practice. Before you slander another company accusing them of defrauding people please do your homework first.

Miniature Market is 100% PCI compliant for the platform we are running on. All purchases are secure and your credit card information is not accessible by anyone at our company (including myself).

We appreciate everyone's business and we are very sorry that we were unable to fill all preorders for the first Star Wars Destiny set. We are hoping to hear more about the next print run this week or next. As I get more information I will attempt to share it with people here. If you do not want to wait for the next printing and have a current preorder with us please contact customer service and we will refund you immediately.

Steve @ Miniature Market

This post makes me like MM even more!!!

I placed an order for 26 booster boxes in mid-December when MM still said that they were shipping January 2017. I even got an email from them on the ice storm Friday that my order would be delayed due to the weather. The next Tuesday, I called them to confirm that the order would ship and they said that I didn't have my order in for the January 2017 shipment and that I ordered when it said Feb/March. That is a flat out lie. They kept my pre-order or shipped it to someone else. I'm in the singles market on eBay, so I guess I'm a competitor of them. Maybe that's why they lied to me and didn't fulfill my order. Regardless, I'll never order anything from them again. CoolStuff Inc and Potomac Dist now have all their business from me. I had a four year relationship with MM. They got all my orders for X-Wing, GoT, Netrunner, and LotR. I guess that doesn't matter to them anymore.