Selling all Extra Cards!! 49+/0- Trader! Looking for Japanese cards!! Anyone have any?!

By amphillips, in Agrabah Bazaar

Alright everyone, as we all know the game has been discontinued so I am selling off all of my spare cards. All the Rares and SRs I have are listed below. If you need Uncommons or Commons let me know as I have PILES of them available as well. Most Uncommons will be $0.50 each or $0.75 each for some of the better ones. Commons are $0.10 each. Minimum order is a $1 as I have to at least cover the costs of my shipping :-)

I also recently got a PS3 and a PSP so I am interested in some games as well. Mostly Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts type stuff but if you have something you don't want anymore, just let me know and maybe we can work something out if there are some cards you want.

Trade Stats 49+/0-. If you have less positive trades than I, or any negative trades at all, you send first. I can back these figures up since I get delivery confirmation on almost every trade I make so I can prove everyone got their shipments on these!

Cards are listed with the Number/Name/Level/Rarity/Type/Quantity/Price Each listed.


#P - Riku (Soul Eater) (Foil) - Lvl 2 - Promo - Player/Light - Qty. 1 - $5 each
#P - Simba (Non-Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#P - Sora (Halloweentown) (Foil) - Lvl 3 - Promo - Player/Light - Qty. 15 - $4 each
#P - Sora (Flag) (Non-Foil) - Lvl 2 - Promo - Player/Light - Qty. 33 - $7 each
#P - Sora (Flag) (Foil) - Lvl 2 - Promo - Player/Light - Qty. 12 - $8 each
#P - Tinker Bell (Non-Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Magic/Friend - Qty. 2 - $6 each
#P - Tinker Bell (Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Magic/Friend - Qty. 8 - $4 each
#P - Tigger (Non-Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 16 - $3 each
#P - Tigger (Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 3 - $6 each
#P - Daisy Duck (Foil) - Lvl 0 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 23 - $3 each
#P - Kairi (Non-Foil) - Lvl 0 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 3 - $6 each
#P - Kairi (Foil) - Lvl 0 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 7 - $5 each
#P - Snow White (Non-Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 1 - $6 each
#P - Snow White (Foil) - Lvl 1 - Promo - Friend - Qty. 1 - $6 each
#P - Event 1 (Foil) - Lvl - Promo - Event - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#O - Tip Card #1 - Lvl - Other - Other - Qty. 1 - $0.50 each

Base Set

#12 - Aladdin - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#13 - Ariel - Lvl 1 - R - Friend - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#14 - Ariel - Lvl 2 - R - Friend - Qty. 1 - $1 each
#15 - Ariel - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#17 - Simba - Lvl 3 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $1 each
#18 - Simba - Lvl 4 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 5 - $1 each
#21 - Genie - Lvl 4 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#24 - Bambi - Lvl 4 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $1 each
#27 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 2 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $1 each
#30 - Firaga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#33 - Blizzaga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#36 - Thundaga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#53 - Wight Knight - Lvl 5 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#56 - Wizard - Lvl 7 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#57 - Wyvern - Lvl 8 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#61 - Wonderland - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#62 - Deep Jungle - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#63 - Agrabah - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#64 - Halloween Town - Lvl 1 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#77 - Ariel (Foil) - Lvl 1 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#78 - Ariel (Foil) - Lvl 2 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#84 - Genie (Foil) - Lvl 3 - SR - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#88 - Bambi (Foil) - Lvl 4 - SR - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each

A Darkness Awakened

#1 - Riku - Lvl 3 - R - Player/Light - Qty. 3 - 2 each
#6 - Jack Skellington - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#7 - Sally - Lvl 0 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#12 - Beast - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#15 - Hercules - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 1 - $1 each
#18 - Peter Pan - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#27 - Winnie the Pooh - Lvl 0 - R - Friend - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#31 - Yuffie - Lvl 2 - R - Friend - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#32 - Leon - Lvl 4 - R - Friend - Qty. 2 - $4 each
#33 - Moogle - Lvl 1 - R - Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#36 - Mushu - Lvl 4 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#38 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 3 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#39 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 4 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#44 - Graviga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#47 - Stopga - Lvl 6 - R - Magic - Qty. 1 - $1 each
#53 - Soul Eater - Lvl - R - Attack - Qty. 3 - $4 each
#57 - Pot Spider - Lvl 3 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#62 - Stealth Sneak - Lvl 4 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#63 - Aquatank - Lvl 5 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#67 - Behemoth - Lvl 5 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#74 - Parasite Cage - Lvl 7 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 3 - $3 each
#80 - Ursula - Lvl 8 - R - Dark/Villain - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#81 - Oogie Boogie - Lvl 8 - R - Dark/Villain - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#82 - Captain Hook - Lvl 8 - R - Dark/Villain - Qty. 1 - $2 each
#83 - Maleficent - Lvl 8 - R - Dark/Villain - Qty. 3 - $3 each
#84 - Destiny Islands - Lvl 1 - R - World - Qty. 4 - $2 each
#85 - Disney Castle - Lvl 1 - R - World - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#88 - Olympus Coliseum - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#91 - Halloween Town - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#97 - Riku - Lvl 3 - SR - Player/Light - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#102 - Beast - Lvl 3 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#109 - Winnie the Pooh - Lvl 0 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $5 each
#110 - Yuffie - Lvl 2 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $7 each
#111 - Leon - Lvl 4 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $7 each
#113 - Dumbo - Lvl 4 - SR - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#114 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 3 - SR - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#115 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 4 - SR - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#117 - Behemoth - Lvl 5 - SR - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 1 - $5 each
#119 - Queen of Hearts - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villain - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#120 - Hades - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villain - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#121 - Clayton - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villain - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#123 - Ursula - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villain - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#125 - Captain Hook - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villain - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#3 - Goofy - Lvl 4 - SRU - Friend - Qty. 1 - $25 each
#20 - Chip & Dale - Lvl 0 - SRU - Friend - Qty. 1 - $30 each

Light & Darkness

#3 - Dark Riku - Lvl 3 - R - Player/Dark - Qty. 5 - $2 each
#9 - Aladdin - Lvl 4 - R - Friend - Qty. 5 - $1 each
#15 - Alice - Lvl 0 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#16 - The Cheshire Cat - Lvl 2 - R - Friend - Qty. 5 - $1 each
#19 - Jasmine - Lvl 0 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#21 - Pinocchio - Lvl 1 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#25 - Wendy - Lvl 0 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#26 - Winnie the Pooh - Lvl 1 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#28 - Owl - Lvl 0 - R - Friend - Qty. 2 - $1 each
#37 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 0 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 6 - $1 each
#39 - Aeroga - Lvl 5 - R - Magic - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#47 - Lord Fortune - Lvl - R - Equipment - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#56 - Crescendo - Lvl 5 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 4 - 2 each
#58 - Trickmaster - Lvl 7 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 6 - $2 each
#64 - Agrabah - Lvl 1 - R - World - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#65 - Agrabah - Lvl 3 - R - World - Qty. 3 - $1 each
#67 - Monstro - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 7 - $1 each
#70 - Neverland - Lvl 2 - R - World - Qty. 4 - $1 each
#71 - Fairy Godmother - Lvl 2 - R - Friend - Qty. 5 - $1 each
#73 - Crescendo - Lvl 5 - SR - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#76 - Aladdin - Lvl 4 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#77 - Alice - Lvl 0 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#78 - The Cheshire Cat - Lvl 2 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#79 - Jasmine - Lvl 0 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#81 - Wendy - Lvl 0 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#84 - Tinker Bell - Lvl 0 - SR - Magic/Friend - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#85 - Aeroga - Lvl 5 - SR - Magic - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#86 - Lord Fortune - Lvl - SR - Equipment - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#88 - Agrabah - Lvl 3 - SR - World - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#89 - Monstro - Lvl 2 - SR - World - Qty. 1 - $3 each
#4 - Ansem - Lvl 10 - SRU - Player/Dark - Qty. 2 - $8 each
#14 - Fairy Godmother - Lvl 2 - SRU - Friend - Qty. 1 - $7 each
#32 - Sephiroth - Lvl 4 - SRU - Friend - Qty. 1 - $40 each

Break of Dawn

#2 - Sora - Lvl 2 - R - Player/Light - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#17 - Donald Duck - Lvl 4 - R - Friend - Qty. 4 - $2 each
#20 - Goofy - Lvl 4 - R - Friend - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#28 - Hercules - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 1 - $2 each
#34 - Aladdin - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#38 - Pinocchio - Lvl 1 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#46 - Dr. Finkelstein - Lvl 2 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#49 - Beast - Lvl 3 - R - Friend - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#56 - Simba - Lvl 3 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#65 - Genie - Lvl 4 - R - Magic/Friend - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#70 - Firaga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#73 - Blizzaga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#76 - Thundaga - Lvl 4 - R - Magic - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#81 - Kingdom Key - Lvl - R - Equipment - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#104 - Pot Spider - Lvl 2 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#116 - Search Ghost - Lvl 4 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#125 - Pot Centipede - Lvl 5 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 4 - $2 each
#131 - Crescendo - Lvl 6 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#134 - Wizard - Lvl 7 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 3 - $3 each
#140 - Wyvern - Lvl 8 - R - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#145 - Twilight Town - Lvl 3 - R - World - Qty. 2 - $2 each
#149 - Agrabah - Lvl 1 - R - World - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#157 - Hundred Acre Wood - Lvl 1 - R - World - Qty. 3 - $2 each
#3 - Sora - Lvl 3 - SR - Player/Light - Qty. 3 - $3 each
#4 - Sora (Valor Form) - Lvl 3 - SR - Player/Light/FC - Qty. 1 - $5 each
#5 - Sora (Wisdom Form) - Lvl 3 - SR - Player/Light/FC - Qty. 3 - $4 each
#6 - Ansem - Lvl 10 - SR - Player/Dark - Qty. 3 - $4 each
#9 - Roxas - Lvl 1 - SR - Player/XIII - Qty. 1 - $5 each
#11 - Mickey Mouse - Lvl 1 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#13 - Diz - Lvl 1 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#14 - Captain Pete - Lvl 0 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#25 - Alice - Lvl 0 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#35 - Jasmine - Lvl 1 - SR - Friend - Qty. 3 - $3 each
#43 - Jack Skellington - Lvl 4 - SR - Friend - Qty. 2 - $3 each
#59 - Leon - Lvl 4 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#64 - Auron - Lvl 4 - SR - Friend - Qty. 1 - $6 each
#126 - Phantom - Lvl 5 - SR - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 3 - $4 each
#130 - Behemoth - Lvl 6 - SR - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 2 - $4 each
#132 - Cerberus - Lvl 6 - SR - Dark/Villains - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#136 - Parasite Cage - Lvl 7 - SR - Dark/Heartless - Qty. 1 - $4 each
#141 - Jafar-Genie - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villains - Qty. 3 - $4 each
#142 - Hades - Lvl 8 - SR - Dark/Villains - Qty. 3 - $3 each
#159 - End of the World - Lvl 2 - SR - World - Qty. 2 - $4 each

*Pending Trades (Number of *'s equates to the quantity up for trade)

Successful Trades/Buys

[+4] DarkwingDuck
[+3] EComics21
[+2] WaytoTheDawn
[+2] Fate
[+4] Spirit of Xehanort
[+3] Roxas
[+1] Sungtrs
[+2] Anarchy_in_the_Galaxy
[+4] Thirroxin
[+1] Disturbed Fred
[+2] jacoby915
[+1] highjack
[+1] smilinator
[+1] TheChampIsHere
[+3] RoxaSoraX
[+1] Rainbow Randolph
[+2] FlameChampion267
[+1] newgalhearts
[+1] Lunardirc
[+3] Eroecchi
[+3] Peter Pan Fan
[+1] lunafayt
[+1] Ghugrim
[+1] brayn21
[+1] Eacham

In Progress


None so far (Thankfully!)

If you have any questions just let me know. You can either post here or e-mail me at

i emailed ya aboutb the Soul eater promos

I sent you an email.

And I replied :-) Ihate how your posts have to be so long here. . . .

Minor updates on haves.

Minor updates to successful trades and card availability.

What in the world is happening with my first topic post. It keep chopping things off randomly?!

Minor updates on trade thread

Major updates on availability. . . . .

More minor updates.................................................

You can add me for the Chip and Dale. Thanks.

Awesome! I was wondering if you had a user name on here. I'll add you into the trades and leave you positive feedback in the trustworthy traders forum then as well.

Sent an email about cards from sets 3 & 4.

Awesome, I replied to your e-mail then!

Updates to haves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i sent you an email about some cards i'm interested in.

Received and I replied then as well. Thanks!

Now have an extra Sora Awakening Promo. Let me know what your offers are!

how did you get another one. i may be interested but i have to see first, what are you looking to get for it?

I'm accepting all offers right now really. Just seeing what people will give up for it. As far as how I got another one, I just keep my eye open for certain things. My iPhone has a lot of cool apps to help me keep tabs on stuff as well :-)

amphillips said:

I'm accepting all offers right now really. Just seeing what people will give up for it. As far as how I got another one, I just keep my eye open for certain things. My iPhone has a lot of cool apps to help me keep tabs on stuff as well :-)

iphones give out awakening sora promos? lol jk. well i hope you get something good i just got my package of boxes in the mail today and half way opening my first box i pulled it about the 14th pack in so now i have 225 unopened packs lol.. at least ill have plenty of extras for multiple decks lol..

Lol! That's awesome! Glad you finally got one! There are some things out of that set I may need then. I'll check my inventory and see what all there is I am running low on and let you know if you are up for a trade for some of them?

well it looks like ill have 10 of every uncommon, rare, and super rare so yea i think ill trade some of em lol. just gotta wait for my brother to get home so i can make him open them all lol. i got what i was looking for ill leave the grunge work for him.

i start my offer at $80 for "Awakening Sora"

Ok, I've gotten about 5 e-mails now and just so everyone is on the same page, the current high offer is $90.

I'll be honest in saying I am not really looking for cards to be submitted with offers unless they are either Cloud, Sephiroth, or the King. Other than that I am not interested in cards. I'm also leaving this up to my discretion as far as what I value the trade to be worth. Quite honestly if someone came in at $100 I would probably take that instead of $90 and one of those cards because I don't really want to deal with more cards unless I have to as I am obviously trying to get rid of the majority of my stuff.