Looking for a healer!

By rakashan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Looking for a healer character/class combination that people feel really work well together! Are there any suggestions? I'm starting a new campaign with my friends and I, and this time I have the role of healer

Do you want to be able to heal lots of damage, or heal everyone a little bit? Do you want to need to stay close to the party, or heal from afar?

I would like to heal lots of damage from a far! Preferably the party but definitely heal lots of damage.

Edited by rakashan

So, Avric is a great healer hero. He needs to be within 3 spaces of people to really shine, but you're not going to do much better for distance effects.

Bard provides consistent healing (and with a 3XP skill it can work from 5 spaces away)

Apothecary lets you give elixirs to heroes that act like mini health potions. You have to be adjacent to give them, but they can be carried anywhere.

Spiritspeaker is not for you, unless you really like the idea of being one of the main combatants, too.

Disciple is a very strong healer class, but you have to be close to work well.

Prophet is kind of like apothecary, but doesn't really shine as a healing class until the 3XP level.

Avric the bard is my personal favourite healer. If you can get the staff of light, 4 xp to get cacophony and understudy will generally give you all the healing and stamina recovery you will ever need, with the potential to 'cure' 6 health and 6 stamina on ever hero each round, without considering that surges can be spent to 'cure' two damage or fatigue, plus the lute. Guy gets crazy. Only real downside is you will rarely be attacking and your leash is quite short (3 spaces). It's fun spending about 10 stamina in a single round though :)

By far my favourite class/char combination in RTL, and still effective in classic descent.

Elder Mok Bard. To much synergy to ignore.

really like Okaluk and Rakash as Prophet...he can do heavy healing as well, has somehow one free action due to his hero ability and with prophet starting book (sages tome) he is hardly aimed by OL-traps !

really like Okaluk and Rakash as Prophet...he can do heavy healing as well, has somehow one free action due to his hero ability and with prophet starting book (sages tome) he is hardly aimed by OL-traps !

Okaluk & Rakash as anything, actually. He might ride through a whole campaign without having to perform a single move action, which is huge. His heroic feat compensates his fragility to some extent. He has a way out of a total party KO (2 campaigns lost this way in the finale!). He can wear heavy armor - even the Stone Armor - easily.

He needs the Ring of Power though.

really like Okaluk and Rakash as Prophet...he can do heavy healing as well, has somehow one free action due to his hero ability and with prophet starting book (sages tome) he is hardly aimed by OL-traps !

Okaluk & Rakash as anything, actually. He might ride through a whole campaign without having to perform a single move action, which is huge. His heroic feat compensates his fragility to some extent. He has a way out of a total party KO (2 campaigns lost this way in the finale!). He can wear heavy armor - even the Stone Armor - easily.

He needs the Ring of Power though.

Every time I play as Okaluk & Rakash I always find the 3 stamina to be super restrictive with any healer class. I'm looking forward to picking up the multi-classes to hopefully find a role for them I'm happy with!

haha, yeh...the prohpet though can be skilled so he doesnt need much stamina anyway :P ....and if you maybe manage to get the staff of light.... :D