So Sell me on this game

By GrandMoffMatt, in Star Wars: Destiny

I am thinking of picking up the starters off a shop on Ebay. Fortunately not gouging prices involved.

What's the general opinion? Other than the stock issue, is it enjoyable? Quick to learn?

If you like Star Wars, this game is great. Covering all aspects of the Star Wars canon, it really feels like the ultimate competitive Star Wars game. The old Decipher and WOTC card games were out back when the canon was just four movies and six movies respectively, so there was tons of material that was not explored. The old WOTC minis game included some Clone Wars and EU material, but ended back in 2011, before recent Disney additions. This game feels like it has the most comprehensive library to draw from to date.

If you like FFG games, this game is great. A lot of the mechanics and concepts in a general sense feel like things you may have seen in other FFG games. The game doesn't feel broken and you can play out your dream battles in an entertaining way. You don't have to have a lot of Legendary cards to have a good time, in the casual format.

If you like trading cards or Star Wars art in general, this game is great. I used to collect the Topps Star Wars trading cards a few years back when they made the modern Galaxy series. Those had really well done art from various artists. Now Topps mostly makes movie cards, that feature stills from the various movies, so there's no true art cards to collect. This game almost takes on that role for me in a secondary capacity - the art is great. Especially if you haven't picked up a FFG Star Wars game before (because they do repeat art in some cases).

If you like Dicemasters, this game is great. Dicemasters is very fast and fun and collecting dice and cards is a unique concept. Here it's the same thing, only with much better dice.

I've bought 36 loose boosters, a booster box, and both starters and im hooked. I'll be in this game for the entirety.

It's easy to pick up and learn as long as you give the RRG a good read with no pre-conceived notions brought over from other games.

It's fast, fun and at the same time enjoyably heavy on strategy and decision-making within the game as well as at the deckbuilding stage. I very much enjoy the IGOUGO one action at a time setup, which makes it very back-and-forth, punch-counterpunch. You very rarely feel completely locked out of the game and unable to respond, which is an unenjoyable part of many other customizable card games.

I am currently more excited about Destiny than I am about the Jabba's Realm releases hitting the shelves, and Imperial Assault is a game I have been playing competitively from day one and never missed a single local event.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

thanks for the responses, and I am going to check that link. I got out of Magic a long time ago, so the CCG part of things isn't too unfamiliar. Boy the prices people want aren't either!

thanks everyone. Next find a Northern Virginia group.

thanks for the responses, and I am going to check that link. I got out of Magic a long time ago, so the CCG part of things isn't too unfamiliar. Boy the prices people want aren't either!

thanks everyone. Next find a Northern Virginia group.

Facebook: NOVA Star Wars: Destiny

Don't pay the reduculous prices out there right now. Most stores just received a huge restock today that should eliminate supply problems.

thanks for the responses, and I am going to check that link. I got out of Magic a long time ago, so the CCG part of things isn't too unfamiliar. Boy the prices people want aren't either!

thanks everyone. Next find a Northern Virginia group.

Facebook: NOVA Star Wars: Destiny


A CCG … With Dice… Balanced and Affordable? Wait What?

How dare FFG release a CCG. They have been doing LCGs for years and LCGs are more fair. There is no luck. No pay to win! This is a scam and a “cash grab”. And dice? That is for babies. Its all luck and 3 year olds can win world championships with enough luck! … are all things said about this game that could NOT be more wrong!

Star Wars Destiny is one of the best designed card games I have had the pleasure of playing and the distribution system while being collectable and leading to chasing rares and trading…is INCREDIBLY fair. If you wish to know more… read on…it is your DESTINY:


Tactics. Tactics are everything. The turn order in Destiny could not be cleaner. Each player has one action and play proceeds back and forth until both players pass. This eliminates complex timing windows that lead to issues for experienced players and alienation of less experienced players. But this does not mean the game is “easy” or “simple” to play well. The real success here is this game can be taught in 15 minutes but will most likely take years to master at the highest levels of play. The goal of the game? Win the duel by defeating your opponent (killing their heroes or milling their deck)

The actions you can take on your turn are very straight forward. You can roll dice (activate a character). This rolls all dice of that character (1 or 2) and all their updates (up to 3). These dice are now in your pool. Your opponent then goes. They can either use cards in their hand to modify your dice or activate one of their own characters. And of course each player can always play upgrades or supports as their action to build up their board and Voltron out their hero. Once dice are in your pool you may resolve them to impact game state. This includes doing damage, discarding cards, discarding money, and activating special abilities. Icons that share a symbol can all be resolved at the same time…icons the don’t share a symbol will take 1 action each to resolve. For example: If you roll 3 dice and 2 show damage of the same type and one shows a special...your next action you can use both damage dice OR use your special…but not all 3.

Of course the depth here is much greater than my simple explanation and will only continue to grow as new cards come out. The important thing to know is… what actions you take and WHEN you take them determine the winner of this game 80% - 90% of the time – not random dice rolls.

The game is fast, furious, with lots of important decisions to make.

Deck Building:

The system is fantastic. Economy can be augmented by dice and upgrades but everyone gets a steady income so you will never experience “mana screw”. You have 4 colors of cards (neutral being one) – and can include cards in your deck only that match the colors of your heroes. This makes tri color possible – along with mono and everything in between. Your only real restriction is keeping your point value under 30 on your heroes. Your deck is also 30 cards (2x max each card) ensuring very consistent decks that you see the vast majority of every game. You also draw a full hand every turn and cards can be discarded both to re-roll dice or on demand at the end of the action phase. You have completely control of the speed in which you go through your deck. Just watch out for that mill loss condition!

Dr. “Cash Grab” – Or How I learned to love CCG’s again:

Let’s get this out of the way. This is not MTG. Half the set is not purposely printed with worthless cards. In the core set almost 95% of the cards have a place in TOP TIER competitive decks. Furthermore, a box comes with 6 legendries 100% of the time. Because of this , with trading , you can essentially play TOP TIER competitive Destiny for a little bit more than what an LCG costs to play. You will not own every card…but you will easily make a top tier world championship level deck.

So what does CCG add? Well …community for one. LCGs are wonderful (and if you have not played the SW LCG you are not living…it is the single best competitive card game ever created). But LCGs lose out on rare chasing, trading, and the excitement of opening that darth vader. Packs also allow for cool prize support beyond just swag and acrylic tokens.

Is the CCG model less kind to players on a budget? Yes. Will FFG make more money off of Destiny as a CCG than if it was an LCG? Yes. (They are a business…it is kind of why they exist). But FFG did not “screw” us. In fact they created a VERY fair (the most fair I have ever seen) and accessible distribution system. You can play this game competitively on a budget…which is more than I can say for MTG.

Now with that said – one thing that MTG does have over this game when it comes to distribution - casual play. Destiny is much closer to an LCG than it is MTG meaning that you need a pool of cards to build decks. You can’t buy 10 boosters and make a limited deck like you can in MTG. This is because each pack comes with one dice and you may not even get a character in those 10 packs. So beware – do not g into this game thinking you can just buy a few packs and build a deck like MTG. Personally I find this fine, starter packs with guaranteed dice alleviate this issue and I would say if you’re getting in buy a booster box…not random packs – then expand from there. Just don’t go in the casual MTG mentality.


If you like tactical gameplay. If you like making important decisions that matter. If you always wanted to see Grievous cut down Kylo Ren and add Kylo Rens Lightsaber to his collection? Check this game out.

The game is clean, tactical, streamlined, deep and most importantly FUN.

If you are a Star Wars fan it is a no brainer.

I'm digging the differences from magic. I have nothing but fond memories of that game, but it is a hell of an investment. Reviewing what people have written has been very positive. Supposedly the store near me is holding two starters for me. I may get a couple packs too.

thanks everyone.

If you are in the Chantilly Area....well I may see some of you at Island Games.

I have never been a fan of cards game, strictly a miniature gamer until this game came out. I thought I may like it and play it casually, turns out I am hooked. I think and spend equal time with this game as I do with mini gaming (which I am seriously into)

It's a great game from a balance perspective and that is my favorite thing about this game, most games are very close. No matter the outcome of the game I'm having a blast playing it. Pick it up, the hype lives up.

Well I have zero tournament interest. So hopefully I can still get some play in that way.

Well I have zero tournament interest. So hopefully I can still get some play in that way.

tournes are fun, you dont have to go to win...its just fun meeting people, playing the game and sometimes getting some cool swag

Well I have zero tournament interest. So hopefully I can still get some play in that way.

tournes are fun, you dont have to go to win...its just fun meeting people, playing the game and sometimes getting some cool swag

My problem is my own competitiveness. I'd rather enjoy, and I know me well enough to know that tourneys trigger a part of me that I hate to see.

thanks for the responses, and I am going to check that link. I got out of Magic a long time ago, so the CCG part of things isn't too unfamiliar. Boy the prices people want aren't either!

thanks everyone. Next find a Northern Virginia group.

It is technically a better game than magic. To be fair, magic is an old game, one of the first in fact, and every game since has learned from magic. This game is no exception.

As for cost, the dice seem to be difficult to manufacture so supply is low, far lower than demand. The latest shipment did little to dent the demand. The average single's price is far higher than the average booster price, if that tells you anything.

Well I have zero tournament interest. So hopefully I can still get some play in that way.

tournes are fun, you dont have to go to win...its just fun meeting people, playing the game and sometimes getting some cool swag

My problem is my own competitiveness. I'd rather enjoy, and I know me well enough to know that tourneys trigger a part of me that I hate to see.

i feel you, i gotta keep my dark side in check too

thanks for the responses, and I am going to check that link. I got out of Magic a long time ago, so the CCG part of things isn't too unfamiliar. Boy the prices people want aren't either!

thanks everyone. Next find a Northern Virginia group.

It is technically a better game than magic. To be fair, magic is an old game, one of the first in fact, and every game since has learned from magic. This game is no exception.

As for cost, the dice seem to be difficult to manufacture so supply is low, far lower than demand. The latest shipment did little to dent the demand. The average single's price is far higher than the average booster price, if that tells you anything.

Yeah. I saw singles on Amazon for like $25 to $50!

Not looking to start a huge debate here, but I'm curious about your statement that Destiny is "technically a better game than Magic." How do you figure?

Not looking to start a huge debate here, but I'm curious about your statement that Destiny is "technically a better game than Magic." How do you figure?

Yeah, I had a huge lolwut moment right there. That and the "95% TOP TIER" business. People who know nothing about Magic commenting on Magic, priceless.

Not looking to start a huge debate here, but I'm curious about your statement that Destiny is "technically a better game than Magic." How do you figure?

Yeah, I had a huge lolwut moment right there. That and the "95% TOP TIER" business. People who know nothing about Magic commenting on Magic, priceless.

Well, I'm waiting to hear his reply before I judge. I had missed the 95% comment, but yeah, I would definitely disagree there as well. The reason a large part of this set's cards are being used is because there's nothing else to use. But even then, it's nowhere near 95%. After a few more sets I think you'll see a lot more "junk cards" per set.

To address the OP, I would say that Destiny is a very fun game so far, but it's really early still. As of this set, unfortunately most decks are very similar. The game basically boils down to "equip something, turn your guy sideways." There aren't a whole lot of options for deck building yet. Yes, there are lots of viable characters, but the strategies are fairly similar no matter who you decide to run with. Compared to Magic, where you can make decks that are so varied and different from each other, I'm finding the creative deck building aspect of Destiny to be fairly lacking. BUT, again, we are one set in and there's a lot to be optimistic about. I am enjoying the game a lot, and recommend it. But don't buy some of the comments here lol.

Edited by Counthermula

Vader is going for 44.50 on CRAZY!

Vader is going for 44.50 on CRAZY!

Actually that is reasonable, he is one of the best characters of the game and cost on average $45 buying him by himself. Some cards are just that valuable.

I would say that the only downside of getting into the game right now is that you will have trouble getting boosters for some time unless you get very lucky. Still you can probably get a reasonable collection without paying too much if you're willing to wait on on or at least limit legendary purchases.

Well I bought both starters. I now have the base to learn from. Packs are going to be......a challenge. I'm not really going for competitive play, but I would like to deckbuild after I learn how to play.

I have played Magic since unlimited and it is a great game, hands down the best of its day. I think where people get frustrated with it, and this is the main reason I quit, is that while you can make umpteen different decks of various tactics and strategies at competitive level you are lucky to break 3 major types. It becomes a race to who can get the broken combo first and that is very off putting to MANY gamers. Casually mtg will always be a masterpiece but at competitve level it very much becomes a have vs have not game. Destiny will fall into this pit too, all collectible games do but I totally understand people saying they don't like magic . It is a fabulous game but far from perfect.

Edited by LordFajubi