"It's A Trap" and symbol "variants"

By Runenstahl, in Star Wars: Destiny

Here is what the card says: "Ambush. Choose a symbol showing on an opponent's die. Then turn any number of your Red dice to sides showing that symbol."

My question is about the symbol variants. For example "Ranged Damage" comes in the flavor of plain damage, pay a recource to use, only add to other ranged damage or even pay a recource to add to other damage. And they are further modified by different number values too. Are all of these considered to be the same symbol (ranged damage) or are they different ?

So if my oponent has a "pay one recource to cause 2 ranged damage" could I use "It's A Trap" to turn two of my dice to "deal 1 ranged damage" and "add +3 ranged damage" ?

Thanks for any answers !


The same way that force misdirection can remove blacks and blues.

Edited by The Penguin UK

There are no symbol variants.

The RRG page 8 clearly breaks down the anatomy of a dice. A side will have a value and a symbol, maybe a cost or modifier ident or be Blank.
