Does anyone know, if I were to build new characters from scratch using the Core Rulebook, how much XP it would take to create each of the pre-generated PCs that are found in the Beginner Game?
How much XP does each Beginner Game PC start with?
Does anyone know, if I were to build new characters from scratch using the Core Rulebook, how much XP it would take to create each of the pre-generated PCs that are found in the Beginner Game?
The Beginner Game PCs are built slightly differently from regular PCs, but they don’t get much of any extra bonus above what you would get with normal character generation.
If you’re running a Beginner Game box adventure, but you don’t want to use the pre-gen characters, then I wouldn’t give the starting PCs any additional XP.
Having reverse engineered the Beginner Game characters several times, they are all compliant with the rules. The biggest difference from the BG to the full game is the BG compresses all the Knowledge skills into one, and both Piloting skills into one, so this makes for slightly less skills than a regular PC. I should also point out that they are legal if you include a specialization; figuring out which specialization is tricky, but not difficult, just whichever one provides the correct skills. Where the legality gets hazy is with gear. For the most part, I think the F&D BG characters are fine, with the obvious exception of the three characters with full lightsabers.
Having reverse engineered the Beginner Game characters several times, they are all compliant with the rules.
Even with Obligation maxed out I still had to give one the EotE characters 5XP to make it all line up, but that's pretty minor.
I'm looking for a group to play with. I have Star Wars Force and Destiny RPG TableTop. I'm in California/.
background: I've been trying to get my family to play it. But, my mom who's in her 70s doesn't want to play. I'm still trying to sell it to my relatives. This was after I showed them the Core Rule book. I my niece ask a repeat question: Is this it?. I said like a robot: Yes that's it. Then she said I'm not going to play it. Over 400 pages. It would take to long to understand.
I might try my cousins. I hope they can play. But, I'm still looking for a group to play. I'm new to this game. Please reply to this comment. I know I'm running the risk. I'm trying everything.